I'll Make You Famous…




Petra Nemcova Not Retouched for Ultimo Lingerie of the Day

Petra Nemcova is a Czech model who must be in her late 40s, because I feel like she’s been around forever. She’s been part of every underwear campaign the last 2 decades, from Victoria’s Secret, to La Perla, to Victoria’s secret, to whatever the fuck Ultimo is…and she probably booked the work, because she’s tall…And unlike other Czech Girls, she didn’t have to work in the sex trade because they are hot and more affordable than American porn chicks, because Czech girls are always willing to fuck on camera for money….at least it seems that way if you watch porn…and they are the only hot ones doing it…but she’s still getting half naked for fashion…

I think the most interesting thing about this babe, is not that she’s a babe who doesn’t need to be retouched, you know since that’s the whole fucking point of using models and not fat actors as spokespeople to push the brand, the whole retouching thing makes no fucking sense…but it is that she survived the Tsunami…and that’s a pretty gangster thing to survive…and thank god she survived, so that we can stare.

Posted in:Petra Nemcova




Natasha Galinka is Magical of the Day

Natasha Galinka is a Russian born American model who you may or may not remember from being robbed during one of the seasons of America’s Next Top model, because I guess she wasn’t born in America, and that disqualified her from being America’s Next Top model, especially when up against a latina, who being latina meant raging fans of their own kind on TV, it’s what they cleaned hotel rooms for….because when it comes to these kinds of all-American things, like the presidency or reality shows…you best be born in the USA…not be arab…and if you’re latina…you’ve got a competitive advantage…

Either way, that was years ago, she’s still around, and she’s looking amazing, and I can’t figure out why a body like this isn’t on TV, in Movies, or most importantly…in my bed…she’s magical…and I’m not just saying that because I love Russians for their princess attitude and no soul…I’m saying that because…look at the fucking pics.

Posted in:Natasha Galinka




Full House Cast Reunion Sing the Theme Song of the Day

If you didn’t want to kill yourself already, you know after watching the Miss Universe girls answer stupidities when asked stupid questions, or when Tom Petty got 12.5 percent for the Sam Smith Song that as clearly a rip off of his song, or some Sarah Palin speech that called Obama a boy, like we were back in the south in the 1890s…..

Here’s the cast of Full House making a spectacle of themselves, without the Olsen TWins, because the Olsen Twins are billionaires, in what I assume is a reunion and stunt to try to get some buzz for the Netflix redux with the original cast that you know is about to happen…

They called it Jeff Franklin’s birthday, but we all know Hollywood people only get together when they are paid, meaning get ready for it…so you can kill yourself…it is time.

Posted in:Events




Mara Teigen in Lingerie of the Day

Mara Teigen is an instagram model…and like all instagram models…no one has ever heard of her, no one kmows that she exists, but for some reason, a reason I call getting half naked on the interent, she has 350,000 followers, making you think maybe she’s relevant and you’re out of touch, before realizing that she gets naked or half naked to get followers…and I figure thats newsworthy enough to post…even if it isn’t news at all…because of the thong.

Posted in:Mara Teigen




Lady Gaga Looks Like Fun of the Day

Lady Gaga is a consistent attention seeker and I guess her hugely popular act proves that attention seeking, if done right works….

Based on how abrasive and annoying her act is, I just assumed that she had no childhood friends, but I guess with every weirdo loser no one liked because of her mangled face, there’s another girl who thinks she’s awesome and believes in her, but then again, they did go to catholic school, and she could have the cool one…but is definitely the cool one now…cuz people fucking love celebrities…so even if they weren’t friends, the second she got her record deal, they sure as hell moved in on her to make sure they would be…not that I know anything about Lady Gaga…

That said, she was at one of their bachelorette parties, where they did pole dance like a lot of bachelorette parties, there were strippers, there were blow up dolls…and most excitingly, she did Yoga in a thong the next day..

I am not a fan, but I am not not a fan…figure that one out, while I go take a shit, cry myself to sleep even though it is 10 am, stare at myself in the mirror, all while eating my feelings, because I am an unemployed woman….or man with low testosterone who might as well be a a woman who doesn’t shower….

All this to say, I grabbed her ass before she was famous, and as much as I hated it, it was good.

Posted in:Lady Gaga




High School Streams Blowjob and Other Videos of the Day

Pig Runs into a Restaurant Where they are Eating Pig

Driver Who Causes an Accident

The Man Who Likes to Spin

Worst Pole Dance Ever

1 Idiot – 2 Shotguns

Kid Beats Up Teacher for Taking His Phone

Naked Hooker of the Day

Shaq Disproving Deflate Gate

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

A photo posted by #stepGIRLS (@step_girls) on

So…I didn’t kill myself this weekend. I didn’t die in my sleep. No alcohol poisoning or anything like that….and I guess that’s a good thing….23for me, and not necessarily for you, because I would rather not die, and laugh at all the ridiculousness and not killing myself means more of all that ridiculousness….

I’ll never understand suicidal people, it’s like just throw in the conventional towel and YOLO….

Here are some morning links..

Some Girls Have Big Tits

Angelina Jolie Singing Autographs

Random Babe in a Bikini of the DAy

The Screen Actors Guild Award WInners

Knee High Boots of the Day

How To Use a Public Bathroom

Taylor Swifts Marketing Hook for her Perfume is Jokes

John Oliver Apologizes for his Not My Chistian bit on 50 Shades of Grey

Kim Kardashian’s Covering up her Tits and Is More Useless than When She Flaunts Them

Woman Scared of an EMU

Real Life Pacman

Julia Roberts is Making a Batkid Movie – Based on Last Year’s Batkid

Whitehouse Officials Accidentally Reveal American ISIS Hostage Name…

On Ice Projection Fail

Posted in:stepLINKS




Shay Mitchell in a Bikini of the Day

I think I am in love with Shay Mitchell. Sure I have never met her, but I am being drawn in by her ethnically ambiguous nice tan and skinny legs and hot body, coupled with her Canadian who escaped our socialist regime, slowly on the takeover, so that you Americans have no idea when everyone running your media and TV shows are from Canada, pushing out communist agenda on you, like healthcare….and maple syrup…

And with being in love with Shay Mitchell, I have decided to never sext another girl, never fuck another girl, divorce my wife, even though she pays my rent, and taking my divorce settlement of 50 dollars to hitchhike to Los Angeles…where I will attend the secret Canadians in LA social groups, where they discuss the takeover, only to move in on her, and ask her to be my Valentine.

Seriously…she’s amazing…but I may just be blinded by her vagina being pressed against the back of a girls head…cuz it means she likes head…and so do I…we are so the same…we are one…Jesus Shay Mitchell Martinez.

Posted in:Shay Mitchell




Lady Gaga’s See Through Dress of the Day

Lady Gaga wore a see through dress to some event…because she’s a fame whore, but unless she steps up her “performance art” that has zero authenticity but that is just some candy-coated novelty act, by either fisting herself, or shoving a frozen fish in her cunt on the streets while screaming things like “SAVE THE WHALES”…or whatever…this kind of thing….a see through dress…should go totally unnoticed…but I’ll post it anyway, because nipples.


Posted in:Lady Gaga




Kelly Brook is a Doughy at the Gym of the Day

Glamour model Kelly Brook posted a couple of instagram pics of her at the gym, or going to the gym, to probably just pose at the gym, because if you’ve ever seen Kelly Brook in paparazzi pics, you will know that is not a body of fitness, but one of eating, who understands that big tits get noticed, and if you can hit it from the right angle, sucking in your belly, people will ignore said belly…so doughy, dumpy, mocked by the men who have fucked her, she’s still trying to take her Glamour model fame, to the big screen…and maybe instagram likes is all she’s gonna get…because tits get hits, they don’t always make them, unless all the stars align, like they did for Kate Upton…

Posted in:Kelly Brook