I'll Make You Famous…




Eva Green for Campari Calendar of the Day

These are some pretty big production pics of Eva Green for Compari, and despite not being one of my advertisers, or paying me for this, I feel compelled to post them, because they are big, bright, red and interesting – and I guess being the half retard that I am, that’s enough for me – or maybe I still like Eva Green thanks to having big hot french tits from that Movie Dreamers where she fucked her brother – and incest, even when not real, is the best….

Posted in:Eva Green




Miley Cyrus is Crazy on Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus in her bathrobe pushing out her tits – is one of the highlights of my day – because I guess I’ve been won over and sucked into Miley Cyrus and her weird as fuck creative team’s movement…

They do their weird as fuck instagram pictures that you know don’t come from a talented place, but from a try hard trying hard place, but I guess that’s what art is about these days, being weird for the sake of being weird…and the people, too dumb to really look at it, just eat it up, cuz it is Miley Cyrus..and she’s famous…

The reality is she could have taken any angle – and chose hipster topless chick – instead of prude country girl – and I guess that’s a good thing..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Cara Delevingne for Top Shop Holiday of the Day

Cara Delevingne reminds me of the annoying handicapped girl with social skills, who was awkward as fuck and made you feel uncomfortable whenever she was around, but that put herself out there and the popular kids hung out with her – because she was fun and entertaining, and not overly embarrassing…there is just something off about her – and I am not talking about her heroin addiction, or poor little rich girl winning at life with celebrity stamp of approval, because she’s the it-girl…despite being ugly…or maybe I am…

Here’s a campaign she booked for Top Shop – the video is jokes…


Posted in:Cara Delevingne




Shay Mitchell Demonstrates What She Should be Doing of the Day

I am too lazy to do background research on Shay Mitchell…but figure she’s a stripper or was a stripper prior to booking Pretty Little Liars a show that made her extremely fucking famous, at least to a core audience of tweens, that I am sure she will leverage to make better career choices so that she doesn’t need to go back to this life of poll dance…

All I know is that if she was on stage at my strip club dressed like this, doing this, I wouldn’t put the dollar in my mouth to have her pick up with her vagina…if anything I would think she was mocking sex workers…and maybe she is…

Posted in:Shay Mitchell




Mariah Carey in a Wet Suit Erotica of the Day

Mariah Carey must be a squirter in her old age, retirement, divorce, cuz she’s in a wet suit and there’s no logical explanation for this…I mean this is Mariah Carey, horribly high maintenance, who wears her heels in the shower and demands a diamond encrusted mic, because it suits her branding of being a tacky barbie doll cunt who can sing and does sing thanks to marrying the head of Sony who saw and made dollar signs with her…

Not that I care about Mariah Carey, it’s just when I see anyone in ill-fitting watersport gear, busting out well into her 50s, I get semi confused, at least enough to ask what the fuck is going on, even if Mariah Carey is insignificant in my life…and someone that only crosses my mind during Chrismas songs – and that’s only because they rape my brain…like you want to rape her in her wetsuit…sicko..


Posted in:Mariah Carey




Lady Gaga Picture of the Day

Lady Gaga is all about low hanging fruit for attention seeking. You know do anything people will look at, talk about, notice, until they stop caring because she’s done everything and the allure of her being subversive totally disappears and the obviosuly reality that she’s only trying to be shocking for attention takes away from it being shocking, and if anything is just boring and repetitive no matter how much effort she put into it…

So she could be topless, or flashing a thong ass, or even fisting herself using a dead person’t fist, while eating out a puppy, and the world would just not care…it’s just gaga being gaga and gaga being gaga sucks…even when naked…and not just because of her face and body, but because of all it represents…which is evil..


Posted in:Lady Gaga




Izabel Goulart Does Pilates of the Day

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on

Izabel Goulart fitness makes me laugh, because I know what she’s doing here, and it’s not fitness, it is fetish erotic, it’s like a girl on a cam site picking her nose for the pervert asking to watch her pick her nose, because ever since elementary school he got hard looking at girls pick their noses….he’s weird…

I am sure this isn’t the reason she looks like this, I am sure she’s just doing this because she gets good response and press out of it, and it helps book her for campaigns and gives her an angle, and I am sure I love watching it…but I can’t buy into this being relevant fitness tips, but then again I am 300 pounds and know nothing about fitness, I am more into knowing about fit asses…it’s a skill.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Taylor Swift Car Selfie of the Day

A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Taylor Swift and her team, that I assume involve her money grubbing parents – are pretty excited that she sold 1.5 million records, which I guess is totally unheard of in the music business now, because no one buys records…..but the fact is that her machine and the people she has campaigning for her have mastered the media. They figured out how to launch to the country market, how to penetrate the pop market, and it turns out it was all by her being penetrated by random relationships the world can all relate to….She’s this crossover star that touches all markets…while all kinds of men touch her…and now she’s teaching the kids how to car selfie…and hopefully crash because you’re a fucking Taylor Swift fan and must die…even though I know you know all the words to Shake It Off thanks to brainwashing…

Posted in:Taylor Swift




Cindy Crawford Topless #TBT of the Day

I am so current motherfuckers, I do THROWBACK THURSDAYS or #TBT posts to fit in with the rest of the world going through their photo archives to pull up uninteresting by highlight pics of their youth…to shove down our throats…like we fucking care…and don’t have real issues to deal with…like napping…

Only my Throwbacks aren’t me at DisneyLand being scared by Mickey Mouse…or me being molested by my school teacher at 10….

They are Cindy Crawford when she was nude in the 80s, early in her career, because models need to get naked to be taken seriously…and she was taken seriously, and still is, well into her 50s….so why not take a second to stare at her 1980s tits, it’s not like we have anything better to do…

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




Alyssa Arce Big Tits in Some Photoshoot of the Day

Alyssa Arce is a busty Playboy chick who isn’t all that hot, but who is hot enough to pose in Playboy because of her huge natural tits, that take away from her face, and that allow us to focus on her body…that is pretty fucking great…

She was a bit of a crossover Playboy chick a few years ago, where she did some Terry Richardson shit, and spoke to the hipsters via her tits, helping Playboy rebrand from being the place for blonde bimbos from the 90s with fake tits…and now I guess she’s not doing topless pics, because that’s how arrogance works…you do the topless thing to get noticed, then feel like you don’t need to be topless to stay noticed…and I hate it…because nipples are meant to be seen..

Posted in:Alyssa Arce