I'll Make You Famous…




Iggy Azalea Gets Racier in the Bath of the Day

So Iggy Azalea, who was once a female rapper I’d consider pretty much a pop star…because she had hits, the media liked her, the tabloids wrote about her, the paparazzi followed her, she got paid heavy money, people would go to her concerts, people would laugh at her silly fake ass, you know…she was a legitimate Hollywood creation from Australia…

Well, she’s now on a new cash grab hustle, onlyfans, where she’s progressively getting sluttier and sluttier, as they tend to do…they get the taste of the money, then they try to keep it fucking going as long as they can, to get as much money as they can and if they are the right kind of whore it goes from see through panties in the bath to full fucking.

We’re not there yet, but thinks are happening, headed in that direction and I like her a lot better now that she’s embraced whoredom instead of pretending she’s a legit “artist”…or “talent”….when we know it was all about the dick suckin…

UPDATE – NOW WITH TITS….hype dies fast, gotta do the most you can with it…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Allison Brie Gets Naked on the Internet of the Day

I guess Allison Brie got a fucking soft-on when pics of her tits from a movie went about as viral as tits from a movie go these days of no one giving a fuck about celebs or their tits…

because she’s producing more nude content for social media, censored sure, but in another era when the collective consciousness believed in modesty, or when the collective consciousness looked down on exhibitionist sluts, where only the core sluts were rebellious enough to give the system the finger and run with it….back when celebs were exclusive and not common prostitutes, more not so common prostitutes exclusive to rich people behind the doors and outside of the media.

It’s been a weird evolution of exhibitionist slut….and it still remains weird because I’ll post this up and be seen as a porn site to google, NEVER GOT RICH, but it’s fine for ZUCK and BRIE because they are special treatment elite motherfuckers….

All this to say, keep bringing the whore content, let us see the true whore colors and the truth is, her tits are hot.

Posted in:Allison Brie




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I think everyone should be a body builder, you know an obnoxious 90s looking body builder, because that look is fucking hilarious, especially on chicks, but it’s far more aesthetic to look at than all the sloppy motherfuckers out there….SCULPT motherfuckers and walk around in hightops, crazy pants and tank tops motherfucker.

The point is fat is gross, fit is hotter than fat, even when it’s gross, because it’s fit and not fat and requires work and effort and not sitting on fat ass eating like a slob….

So here are some fitness bitches that may make you want to go to the gym, or at least change your gender so that you can go in the women’s lockerroom to watch them shower.

Transgenderism is NOT all bad…when it allows you to get your boner on.


Posted in:Workout




Selena Gomez’s Big Sloppy Tit of the Day

I saw these pictures of Selena Gomez a few days ago and I found them disturbing, no so much because of the fat girl tits she’s showing off, I figure she’s either bought the foundation and allowed her fatness from her anti-depressants and bad habits give them some swoll..I’ll never hate on tits being used to market beauty products you know she makes million of dollars from thanks to the whole direct to consumer, SCAM YOUR FANS hustle…

Anyway, she’s using the TikTok hustle of selling more product, using the tits to get hits, but that FACE before the GLOW UP looks like it’s run through a death filter, which makes sense thanks to her whole dying of LUPUS, but not dead yet, chronic illness….

Fat girl tits though…

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Weed Wednesday of the Day

You gotta wonder if the legalization of weed is designed to keep people drugged up and addicted to snacks and video games, so that they can go off and make crazy laws like 15-minute cities, to keep you locked in your pod happy….but I guess they had anti-depressants to do that….which are far more toxic than something that you can grow in your fucking basement like a weed….

Who fucking cares about whether it’s legal or not, it’s hardly an aggressive high, it makes people lives better, it makes cunts more tolerable, and it cures cancer, so maybe the problem is that not enough people are smoking weed…at least not on video while naked, but there is a group of people doing just that and I’m all for supporting their weird content strategies because I like tits, stoned or not, they’re tits.


Posted in:Weed




Cindy Crawford Slutty for Valentine’s Day of the Day

As it turns out, Cindy Crawford is not just whoring out her skinny daughter who is rich enough to be anything, but they’ve decided she should follow her mothers footsteps into the vile and disgusting cocaine filled fashion world with a bunch of try hard losers who think they are more important and fancier than normies because they work in fashion….

She’s also whoring herself out….still…at 100 fucking years old because she doesn’t want to lose her edge, her identity as a top MODEL…or whatever fucking scam they pulled with her in the 90s that really worked out in her favor….

I never bought into Cindy Crawford hype but when an old broad’s identity is being jacked off to and she continues trying to be jacked off to, especially when stupid rich and not needing to do ANY of this…even though I prefer the crackheads who have no choice but to do it…. I appreciate the effort…

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I don’t care if fat girls are out there sexualizing themselves like hot girls, I figure the more the collective consciousness pushes perversions, exhibitionism and all that good stuff, the better we are as a people…I mean by better I mean depraved and like we’re on a slipper slope of the collapse of society but at least I get to see tits.

I just care that they play being a fat chick who gets naked or who fucks off as something normal and not a weird fetish, or sign of desperation…

You see there have always been nasty fat chicks to fuck, some who fuck with great authority and suck a dick like they’re putting all those years of overeating to fucking use, GOBBLE FUCKING GOBBLE…but those fat chicks, even the proud ones, knew there place.

When you normalize lazy, overeating, call it genetics or some other victims shit, you’re encouraging grossness and confusing the people who once knew they were a weird fetish, into think they’re normal….making it impossible to treat them like a fat girl, because they don’t think there’s a fucking difference between a fat girl and a girl with self respect who takes care of herself….

You normalize it, the balance of normalcy skews fat and the whole fucking world flips the fuck over because it can’t handle the weight.

I guess the good news is they die prematurely, replaced with new fat chicks who at a certain point will catch onto the fact that fat’s not really fierce, it’s lazy….and gross.

If you’re into fat chicks as a fetish, or because it’s all you know now that everyone is fat, here’s some fatties….we call you chubby chasers…

If you’re into normalizing fat and acting like it’s just the way people are built now, for inclusivity, you’re part of the fucking problem!


Posted in:Fatty




Lily James is in the Maldives Before It Disappears of the Day

I didn’t know Lily James before she played a hotter Pam Anderson thanks to a bunch of prosthetics in the Disney show about Pam Anderson that Pam Anderson didn’t approve of because it was the end of her career, the most traumatic experience of her life, revenge porn in an early internet era…..

That said, Lily James, along with pouring salt on Pam Anderson’s trauma, looked hotter than the actual Pam Anderson did at the time….if you go back in the archives she really wasn’t anything great, we just had limited options. She was viral and white girls everywhere got blonde hair and bold ons, but she really wasn’t all that great, and Lily James was better.

If you watch Pam Anderson’s documentary, which is horrible, you’ll see she’s not being as hot as you remember, but she’s also fucking terrifying right now, in part due to her current state of botched, mangled, assaulted tits and a face to fucking match, likely so filled with styrofoam that she’s potentially no longer considered human…..

Lily James, hotter than Pam Anderson while being a trigger warning to Pam Anderson, not giving a shit about the HURT and PAIN revisiting her ASSAULT on her SEX would do, which is pretty funny…..recreating the Pam Anderson story for Disney, bringing up all Pam Anderson’s trauma from a tape that made her no money….and that she still feels violated from….and not giving a shit…

Meaning, Lily James is a Pam Anderson mean girl bully….#MeToo….and she’s taking her abusive ass to tropical places like the Maldives, doing her best instagram whore content before the oceans rise and Maldives disappears…but we know she could do better, assuming she got to keep her prosthetic titties!

Posted in:Lily James




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

You know me, all about the cameltoe, the more aggressive the toe, the better it is for me, the spectator….I want to see a toe so big, eating so much pant fabric, that it’s like an obese chick at the all you can eat buffet’s dessert cart….you know SCARF IT FUCKING DOWN…I’ve got a feeder fetish, just a different kind of feeder fetish.

I don’t know when my love for the pussy wedgie happened, it’s been a progressive thing, because back in the 80s and 90s, I was faced with cameltoes, as we all have been, and they’d repulse me because they were on fat old ladies in jeans they couldn’t quite fit into because it was before the fat sizes….

But hot chick pussy in shorts, in tight pants, in bathing suits that shit won me over and it’s been a love affair ever since…

It started off slow, the occassional lucky cameltoe moments, but that’s shit is a trend now, a style now, if you don’t walk around with a 3D print of your cunt attached to your pants, which is your actual cunt just eating your pants, you’re not on trend, or part of the scene man…

So perverts like me get to see ALL kinds of cunt and it’s GLORIOUS….

Let’s collectively hold hands in this prayer circle and pull our pants up into our crotches for some PUSSY WEDGIE WORSHIP, you know when you have a godless society you gotta worship something and the thing they want you to worship, the Gov’t, is far less hot than PUSSY WEDGIES!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Big Stretch and Other Youtbe Shorties

Hip Mobility is Key

Goth Girlfriends Take the Wednesday Addams Dance Way too Serious

Girl Does her Outfit Check

Trashy Dancers

Dirt Bike Babe

Leg Day!

Fitness Tips

Weird Dance on the Street

Posted in:Videos