I'll Make You Famous…




Kelly Brook Upskirt of the Day

I don’t know if an upskirt flash counts when it is from a lady who is pushing 40 and who has been a topless or nude model since she was 18…meaning I’ve seen her labia at lease once or twice over the last decade…all in efforts to be rich and famous…using any means possible…those means just happened to be her massive tits…and it worked…

But it is still an up skirt and it’s her fat ass cheek not her tits so it’s something new to her fans…and I guess all that matters…is that I encourage this behavior…


Posted in:Kelly Brook




Stephanie Seymour Does Incest for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Years ago, when Stephanie Seymour was doing some kind of comeback tour after having disappeared for years, pictures of her with hard nipples in a bikini, with her son rocking’ a boner….They went viral, people laughed about how his mom gave him boners…the pics are probably somewhere on this site, but that I will let you scavenger hunt because it will give your loser ass something to do, you know give that deadbeat degenerate loser in you some sense of purpose…

Her sons ended up coming out of the closet gay, which doesn’t mean she didn’t molest them, ask any lesbian if she’s a lesbian thanks to penis being abusive to her at some point in her life and I am sure a solid 25% will say yes…

Anyway, she’s in Harper’s Bazaar looking great, but her gay sons are undressing her in what is pretty awkward behavior for a child and mother, you know like brushing her hair out, and finger banging her…

The whole thing reminds me of a guy I knew growing up, with a narcissist mother who loved him more than she should of, because to her he was the male version of her, and with that,, she thought him fucking her was masturbation…twisted…and probably pretty relevant for Stephanie Seymour…the lunatic model from the 90s…

What it comes down to is that I love incest, probably because I’ve never had a family. I just hate that incest porn is so outrageous and unbelievable.

Posted in:Stephanie Seymour




Lookin’ Down J.Lo’s Shirt of the Day

Apparently, J.Lo and her staff of 100, decided that this was a beautiful picture of J.Lo to post on her social media, because I guess it wasn’t showcasing her old as fuck face…while focusing on cleavage that she’s never really had, but that a slow metabolism and aging has graced her with…I mean that or implants…and the whole thing is a pretty weird way to connect with her fans and let them into her everyday life…I mean..maybe she should focus on pro pics of her ass…even if she’s too old for that behavior at least it makes more sense than this….

Posted in:J.Lo




The Crazy Horny Woman on the Plane Prank of the Day

Someone sent me this story of a drunk woman who made sexual advances at the guy sitting next to her, who refused, which made her very angry, as most girls hate being rejected for sex, especially when they know there is always at least one dude willing to fuck them…leading to her going nuts and screaming that she would fucking kill him…leading to an emergency landing…leading to her getting arrested…leading to ruining the schedules of everyone on the plane…

I think that was some pretty selfish behavior fron the dude…jump on the grenade, take one for the team, be a fucking hero…just fuck the girl, if she is even a girl, even if she wants to fuck you, for all those people trying to get back home but more importantly, for all those people who can’t get laid…

Sure she’s disgusting, but how often does a girl want to fuck in the plane…and a stranger…this is what romance novels are based on…

Here she is getting arrested…all from being turned down for sex..and not being able to contain herself…pretty fucking genius..

Posted in:Videos




Alyssa Miller is in Lingerie for Intimissimi of the Day

I find it hard to take Alyssa Miller seriously…because I know her back story. I know she dated Walter Ioos’ son and I know Walter Ioos is the key bikini photographer at SI Swim…who I am sure his son asks to shoot his model girlfriends because his son knows that’s part of the package when they date him…girls are hookers…even if he’s the best guy ever, girls, especially aspiring models, love connected dudes…especially this kind of connected dude…especially when they are aspiring models…

So to me all her Swimsuit shoots were pretty much paid for. They weren’t authentic, sure they were a girl in a bikini, but it’s not like she met her boyfriend’s dad on set after being cast, it was kind of the other way around…

Not to mention, after dude made her famous from Sports Illustrated…you know seeing her to the world in a massive magazine…because he could…she fucked off with a Jake Gyllenhaal, who is the enemy of the site, thus making her the enemy of the site by association, even if they broke up.

It’s just everything I’ve seen about her I hate. She’s the fucking worst and now she’s in lingerie catalog pics…which in and of themselves are shit whether Alyssa Miller is in them or not…but I’ll post them anyway…because I am going to assume Gylennhaal is gay and didn’t ruin her…even if she’s a horrible woman.

Posted in:Alyssa Miller




Shitty Olympic Flash of the Day

I find it pretty amazing that this is getting any media attention whatsoever…she’s a Russian Speedskater who just got Russia’s first gold metal…and she unzipped her shirt and like all people in spandex suits designed to make them go faster…she wasn’t wearing underwear…I mean the nerve of some athletes to not be in their Victoria’s Secret push up bra when they are competing…fucking idiots..

I mean she is a speed skater, hardly a woman, has not tits and isn’t flashing her nipples. Leave her the fuck alone.

Posted in:Videos




Cora Keegan Getting Famous With Nudity of the Day

Her name is Cora Keegan, she’s the worst…and by worst I mean not very famous yet, but will be, she is a working model who has done campaigns for Victoria’s Secret and other bullshit…so I guess she matters or at least enough to date guys in bands and low level actors…you know one of those girls who rinks she’s out of your league..and I am a fan.

I like her face, I like her tits, I like her bush when she has one but more importantly, I like that I’ve seen all these things, without having to ask her…I like that she understands that posing naked isn’t porn, even if your dad and his friends masturbate to all the pics…I like that she’s taking the route of her homie Emily Ratajkowsi and is bringing it…because why the fuck wouldn’t you if you had the opportunity to….

It’s one of those only live once, reach as hard as you can, to have the easiest fucking life ever, and if showing your awesome perky tits is the way to do it..then fucking do it.

I still like to call her a hooker…but that’s just me conditioning her to be my bride..or at least my valentine…she just doesn’t know it yet…it’ll come as a surprise…when the van pulls up outside her apartment and we smuggle her to Canada…Bitches love surprises…

Posted in:Cora Keegan




Jessica Lowndes Bikini Pic of the Day

Jessica Lowndes is some Canadian I never met even though we all know each other…because instead of joining for a snow shoe and polar bear hunt like we Canadians do to get to know each other…she ran off to be famous and too good for me thanks some very very important TV show called 90210…a show that amazes me even exists because it already happened and reliving it like it was Degrassi just made no fucking sense…but what does make sense is that she’s showing off her bikini body on instagram trying to compete with the girls who matter on instagram…who only post pics of their bikinis…because that’s what Instagram is all about…

Posted in:Jessica Lowndes




Australian Balloon Masturbator of the Day

I may dislike VICE for being the fucking worst third world loving bullshit to ever be financed by FOX…

I may dislike VICE for leveraging this site early on by buying traffic from me an never paying.

I may dislike VICE for being pussies about their original content, that was edgy and interesting, but at the same time, succumbing to advertisers to make the billions almost makes sense…it’s just very gangster.

That said, I do appreciate this video, where they sent their people to interview a girl who masturbates using balloons, which is pretty funny in and of itself, and that I assume she does on webcam for money, or that she’s just pretending she does as a joke…because I like all obscure fetishes as the world may have always had them…but the world is more vocal about it.

You see, I would never waste my time with this girl, she’s not hot enough, not to mention she wears a mask and doesn’t take ownership on her weirdness…I don’t care if some fat chick, or dumpy chick or lesbian can only get off if she’s eating gravy while newborn kittens suck her pussy, I just care that it happened and I’m glad Vice wastes their time and money tracking it, because it’s funny…but not that funny…but I’ll still post it….because I encourage this behavior.

Posted in:Videos




Cop Shoots Dog at a 9 Year Old’s Birthday For No Reason of the Day

I hate these videos, but this motherfucker must fucking die.

A trigger happy cop that shot a family dog, that is apparently a service dog, dead…for barking at him…because he’s a fucking cop and deserves to be barked at.

The dog is dead and this upsets me….here’s the story.

Rick Clubb said Monday that his son’s 9th birthday party was wrapping up
about 5:30 p.m. when Officer Tarek Hassani came to his home on Jacklyne
Circle on complaints of dogs running at-large.He shot the 7-year-old black labrador, “Hooch,” Clubb said, though it showed no aggressive behavior.

Clubb said he suffers Parkinson’s disease, and Hooch was his trained service animal.

“He didn’t have to pull out his .45 and shoot my dog,” Clubb said. “It was right outside my son’s bedroom. What if it had ricocheted through the window?”A recording of the shooting from the cruiser’s dashboard-mounted camera acquired Monday by the Times-News shows Hassani yelling “get back” and kicking at the snarling and barking dogs as he made his way to Clubb’s front door.A chihuahua and two large dogs were running unleashed around the neighborhood when Hassani arrived, said Filer Police Chief Tom Reeves.“He had to kick one to keep him away,” the chief said.

Hassani had no choice but to put the lab down after it kept taking an aggressive posture behind him, Reeves said.

Clubb was ticketed for allowing animals to run at large.

Clubb said he will fight the ticket leveled against him after a heated argument with Hassani.

“Well, my dog is dead,” Clubb said. “I don’t think that’s fair.”

Even this video of Cops Actually Working, if jumping innocent black dudes for being black and on a bike is considered working…it’s still better than taking coffee and donut breaks…

All this to say, there are good cops…but so many evil ones…I hope the dog killer cop gets fucking killed…

Posted in:Videos