The thing we can all learn from Irina Shayk is that she’s a whore who has done the whore thing right because rather than ending up in a ditch somewhere covered in cum and blood after a john murdered her, she took her whoring corporate….she was like “I’ll be the beard to some sports star, no problem, just get me in SI, so I can stop escorting”…and look at her now…topless in sports magazines…
This is a whoring success story is hard to take seriously when you look like Irina Shayk, your whoring, because she’s fucking amazing looking and when you look like that whoring can take you to glorious places…
You see, when you look like the whores I fuck with…your whoring may make you 5 dollars for your next baggy of monkey bones the drug dealer is pretending is meth and get you a night in the mental institution for observation…if you’re lucky…cuz that way you can get cleaned up for another week of whoring…
Posted in:Irina Shayk