I'll Make You Famous…




Miss USA 2012 Swimsuit Ready Abs for National Donut DAy of the Day

It is National DOnut Day…..

The last thing you fat american trash neeed is a National Donut Day….you need a “National Jog 5 Miles 3 times a week and eat vegetables and fruit instead of fast food 6-12 months”…until your fat, disgusting, fast food eating, trans fat sucking, high fructose corn syrup, sodium addicted, cellulite ridden size XXL ass turns into a fucking athlete.

It is a marketing hook for the billion dollar corporations killing you and your kids….and you all get sucked in like crack addicts…

You’re better off smoking bath salts and eating each other…

Either way, Miss Connecticut USA, Miss Iowa USA, Miss New York USA and Miss Washington USA demonstrate their favorite ab workouts to show how they get in shape for the Swimsuit Competition.

Now here is Preliminary Swimsuit Competition….representing your nation….one state at a time….not obese like the rest of you…and in bikinis…..

Alabama – Maine

Maryland – New Hampshire

New Jersey – Rhode Island

South Carolina – Wyoming

Posted in:Miss USA 2012|Videos




Kate Moss Topless Outtake for Terry Richardson of the Day

Kate Moss has been getting naked for fashion….and even for fun….when on vacation on yachts…or when having unprotected sex with needle sharing rockstars…for a long fucking time…and I’ve been admiring from cuz I am a creep and because I find her hot….

I like her so much that I even did a 38th Birthday Nipple Retrospective …..

Making this Terry Richardson topless outtake barely interesting considering what she’s done in the past…but still topless enough for me to stare at for a couple hours when I have nothing else going on….

Posted in:Kate Moss




Kim Kardashian Fat Titty Outtakes from Esquire of the Day

The only interesting thing about these outtake pics of Kim Kardashian for some magazine….is seeing just how photoshopped she is….you know pretty decent looking, curvy with big titties and a decent enough face on the final version of the pic…the one they put to press….

While actually looking like she’s fucking Snooki, a fat, hairy, troll of a woman, who should be digging tunnels under trees in her magical forest, instead of being in magazines….and I guess I find the lie kinda funny….Sloppy and disgusting…looking glittery and erotic…all cuz of technology….the same technology that should make a crazed fan off her in video like he was that gay pornstar….you know cuz someone needs to put an end to her…

Here’s another pic she posted to instagram…..photoshopped to shit…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Katherine Jenkins Bare Ass Upskirt on GMA

On May 23, 2012:

Katherine Jenkins flashed her ass on Good Morning America…..because she decided to wear either no underwear…or some really skimpy underwear…even though she was there to show off her lame Dancing With the Stars dance movies…

On June 1, 2012:

I discovered there was a bitch named Katherine Jenkins flashing her ass on Good Morning America…and apparently dancing with the stars….who I never heard of before…but who didn’t impress me enough to bother googling her to see why the fuck she’s a star on Dancing WIth the Star….even with their requirements to be a star being pretty fucking lax….


Posted in:Katherine Jenkins




AnnaLynne McCord’s Bikini Ass on the Beach of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord was seen on the beach doing her best Donkey Impression…all teeth forward like this was a casting call for Shrek where she played the ass….

Luckily….to compensate for all that is barnyard about her…she wore a bikini and showed off her ass…which is the better “ass” component to her phsyical looks….

Either look at her Donkey Face Ass impression….or her hot, round, fit bikini clad ass….she comes with Ass options…like she was a thesaurus…..


Posted in:Annalynne McCord




stepNEWS of the Day

I don’t know what is more amazing…the fact that some of the people who make up the stepNEWS exist…or the fact that one person bitched at me about slacking on the stepNEWS….because I am so used to getting hate…even though I love it….and like an abused wife….I was believing it was worthless and that I was crazy….but we’re back with the freaks motherfuckers…

Woman Breaks Into Homes To Clean Them
“The Cleaning Fairy” was busted for breaking into homes to clean the houses and leaving bills for her services.

Black Bear Disrupts Elementary School Graduation
A roaming black bear ran through the campus of a Bakersfield, California elementary school, disrupting the school’s graduation ceremony.

Caught On Tape: Truck Crashes Into Bar
A truck barreled through a wall, pinning customers to the bar in a Little Canada, Minnesota restaurant.

Wisconsin Man Arrested for DUI on Lawnmower
Charles Gray was arrested in Jackson, Wisconsin for driving a lawnmower on the street while intoxicated.

Maryland Libraries Refuse To Carry 50 Shades of Grey
Libraries in Harford County, Maryland are defending their decision to not buy EL James’ Fifty Shades Trilogy,

Maryland Man Claims To Have Eaten Heart Of Roommate
Authorities say a Maryland man has been charged with first-degree murder after parts of a human body were found in his home. The Harford County Sheriff`s Office says 21-year-old Alexander Kinyua was arrested Wednesday, days after a man whom he lived with went missing. Police say they found the body parts while searching the townhome in Joppatowne. Police also found body parts in a nearby trash container.

Pregnant Houston Mother Found Passed Out Drunk At Tattoo Parlor
A pregnant mother faces charges of driving while intoxicated and child endangerment when she was found passed out behind the wheel of her car after being tuned away from tattoo shop.

Family Claims To See Jesus In Bathroom Mold
A Southeast Texas family believes that they have holy mold.

DETROIT: Two Bystanders Shot After Argument Over Kool-Aid

Posted in:stepNEWS




Rihanna’s See Through Pic on Set of the Day

I don’t know about these Rihanna See-Thur Pics….the don’t look nearly see through enough for me…and unless I see her black nipples poking through the mesh top, I’m not too eager to endorse this shit….even though I am always inclined to endorse Rihanna cuz she is good for the world and is tainting the youth of tomorrow who are her fans with her sexy sexed up sex behavior…you know the teen prosititute shit that made her barely talented ass a something huge…she’s also kinda hot…and I’d be more than happy to smoke bath salts with her, get naked, and eat each other’s faces off and by faces I mean genitals….seriosuly….


Posted in:Rihanna




Georgia Salpa’s Big Tits in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t really care to know who Georiga Salpa is….because you see I know who my wife is…almost at a cellular level…and that hasn’t done much good for me…if anything it has contributed to all that is wrong in my life….but then again my wife doesn’t look like this…..and if she did…I’d probably be more tolerant for her disgusting….including today’s attempt to get donut poisoning on National Donut day…something I encourgage like I was the national fast food chains who are making food that kill for their bottom like sales….because her death, is my gain…..from freedom, to some insurance policy….to never having to fuck a pile of shit woman again….inspiring me to buy 3 dozen today….with a smile….

Here’s Salpa’s hot tits, hot body in a bikini, even though she’s a nobody.


Posted in:Georgia Salpa




Melanie Sykes Underwear Twitter Pic of the Day

Here is vampire Melanie Sykes who claims to be 41, but based on the fact she has no reflection in the mirror, I’m gonna assume she’s 400 and/or dead.

I have no idea who she is, where she is from, what her deal is, or why people even notice that she’s posting half naked pics of her ripped body….clearly as a cry for attention so that people know who she is…and idiots like me pick up the story to share with idiots like you in step it up and stomp the tard kinda way….whatever that means…

I’d google her, but it is Friday and I’d rather stare at the hot ass trying on clothes in front of me/in the apartment across the street that I have my creep on for…but don’t worry it is not as creepy as the gay porn star from down the street who kills people on the internet….but creepy to the girl if she ever caught me and realized I’ve been doing it for years!

Posted in:Melanie Sykes




Candice Swanepoel Twitter Bathing Suit Top of the Day

Candice Swanepoel posted this bathing suit picture that I assume is of herself to twitter…revolutionizing the whole self-shot duck face in front of a mirror for your myspace profile picture…into something even more fucking self involved cuz it involves photographers, lavish scenery, and a production crew to make it perfect…..taking it to a whole new level of vanity that is a little obnoxious, but still hot, cuz it is her life…but I think it’s be a little more fun to see a little more personality…cuz we all know the bitch is hot…she can afford to make stupid faces, show off her food baby after a big meal, or do other things mocking her hotness….it would make me like her more….even though I like her just fine…..thanks to being superficial as fuck….and not too interested in personality….

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel