I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Nicole Richie and Sophie Monk at the Airport of the Day


These pics are probably not that interesting to you and I understand why. They aren’t interesting to me either but It’s 4:30 and I figured I needed something to post and couldn’t really find anything naked, bikini so I went with this, probably a bad choice but it happens. It looks like Richie is trying to work her way into the Charlotte family by getting tight with her boyfriends gay brother’s hot fiance. I am not a psychiatrist but I am going to say she’s doing this cuz her mother abandoned her when she was a kid and since then she’s been looking for the ideal family unit. Unfortunately, she fucked up like most ex-addicts do and ended up with a couple of Poser shitty band motherfuckers…but she’ll keep holding onto the dream like she is holding onto this Monk chicks hand…trying to never lose what she’s always wanted….

Enough of that, it as pretty fucking lame, even if it’s true…I guess the point of this is to say that I figured out how to spot an adopted black chick from a crowd of people, it’s pretty fucking simple, first she’ll be sitting at a table in an Irish Pub, singing along to Sweet Caroline and eating some Bangers and Mash with 6 which chicks who look like they had no friends in highschool, just like you..You know the kind of girl you wouldn’t admit to fucking when all the pretty girls were dating dudes in college…

Either way here are some boring Nicole pics of her boring life from a boring site to a boring you…cuddles…

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


Some losers are dissing me in my comments because they saw the Paris Hilton pics first thing in the morning on some gay celebrity site. I don’t read gay celebrity sites so I guess that’s why I wasn’t quicker. I would say something like that I have a life or better things to do, but I guess I really don’t…because sitting on my couch with my computer on my lap probably doesn’t count as having a life to most people, I am probably the type of person suburban people would call losers cuz we can’t hold a job, sleep with hookers and drink every night, lucky for me people realized that the loser way is the more entertaining way. That said the new breed of loser is the kind of guy who tells me exactly what time the pics hit the internet, and that kind of person is a serious loser, the kind of guy who would have killed himself a few years ago, but unfortunately he’s found purpose on the internet….I still have no purpose and I don’t even know if this post makes sense, I wrote it in 2 sittings but here are my steplinks…

Crazy Asian Dude Loves Obstacle Courses

Vintage Danish Sex Group

Cheryl Tweedy Is A Disaster with a Thong On….

Marilyn Chambers is a Pornstar who sings…

Britney Spears is not Pregnant

Lookin Good Sweetheard

P. Diddy Checking Out some Biel Boob

Wild Eva and Friends…Naked

Kristin Cavallari Outtakes

This is Called The Library Prank and I have no idea if it is Funny

3 Cam Girls Dancing Around Naked

Bastardly Minute with Emily Scott

Vegas at an Afterhours with Cunt Shots

These guys party with celebrities, I have no idea what celebrities look like, so there may be some in this gallery

Rachel Bilson for Maxim Video

Too Many Rave Drugs for this Hippie

Some Girl Faking an Orgasm Badly

Another bad fake orgasm…

Bai Link is Bi-Sexual – Who Cares…

This chick is double jointed

Some dude steals from a hospital patient

Halle Berry Panty Upskirt

Miri Henai Bikini Video

Team Canada Were Local Stars Now They Are Hitting the International Scene. Support.

Tricia Helfer in Playboy

You will get off to this

DV Social Experiment – The Pick Up Line

Katie Holmes and Posh Spice Kinda Look The Same

Some Demi Moore Nude Pics Should Be Hitting the Internet Soon, I hope She’s Spread-Eagled in them

Naked Flickr Girl’s Nipple

Some GIrl With A Vibrator

Worst Dad Ever, At Least He’s Not Giving His Son a Little Diddle.

Some Weird American Idol Audition

Cam Show For You Cuz I’m Bringing Softcore Back…

She’s a Tiger…

Looking Good Sweetheart..Probably One Of You Better Day

This is some free ex-girlfriend porn videos

Jewel Writes Slutty Poetry Because I Used to Love Her Tits, But Not The Fact that She Didn’t Shave her Tree-Hugging Twat

Hot Polaroids of Bitches…and by Bitches I mean Ladies

Some New Website I’ve Never Heard Of…

This Celebrity Stalker is way fucking Better than I am….

Aussie Slag in Water

A little Roid Rage –

Eva Green in Dreamers – A Throw Back to Hollywood Sex Scenes

This will get you laid if you like sex you’ll like this…

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I am – Paris Caught With Her Pants Down of the Day


I was just watching Porky’s, I haven’t seen this movie in a long fucking time and there’s all kinds of pussy in it. Hairy Pussy. The kind of pussy I like. The gym teacher who grabs the dudes cock in the shower looks a lot like my wife did when we first met, since then she’s let herself go. If she still had that tight(er) body I probably wouldn’t have psychologically blocked erections…I know to the average person that bitch is disgusting, but I have never really had any standards….

I know that there’s some asshole posting in my comments pretending to be my young hot wife standing at 5 ft 9 and weighing 118 praising me for owning her box and offering me non-stop blowjobs. I would like to ask that person to step forward, because despite the fact that you aren’t really my wife, it doesn’t mean you never will be….

Here’s someone I don’t want to have as a wife caught with her pants down on the site of some shitty movie called Hottie and Nottie. Obviously this is not the first time, because let’s face it she’s a slut. If this was the Golden Globes she’d win best cunt we’ve all seen get fucked….

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I am – You Want to Date a Stripper… Entry #1 of the Day


I have received a few submissions for the you want to date a stripper contest and this is Entry #1. I don’t know if the date is still on, the stripper read the comments on the post and freaked out on me. I may have to pay the stripper to date one of you, but I still have hope and the contest is still on. The goal is to document the date and make a stepTV episode out of it, I just haven’t decided when the contest ends or how it’s going to happen, but none of that matters right now because this is only entry one. We’ve got plenty of time for this to fizzle out and die like all my other great ideas…

Dear Jesus,

I need some fame so I can afford Valtrex and kung foo lessons. I hear you make people famous. Maybe we can make a deal.

I’ve written you on myspace before and you ended up wanting some naked pictures of my girlfriend. I was tempted, just because I’m an asshole, but then my computer was stolen when I was drunk at some hipster party with my face between some chicks unshaven legs. I hope they enjoy the Fisting Teddy Ruxpin fetish portfolio I started…god, I was so close to making it big. That shit would have sold like hot cakes.

I’m a devoted drunkenstepfather.com reader (even joined that shitty Trendster thing which I think I’ve been on once cause I still think it sucks worse than sticking your twig and berries in a dirty vacuum attachment). I guess this would be the second time I’ve written you, and you can blame “Date a Stripper� for this shit.

I looked at that stripper chicks pictures and I can say that yep…kinda’ attracted, at least to her ass, but still not sure. I think she has a few ugly trees in the forest…it might be the transformer face syndrome. You know the disease, the one where the face changes shapes and weights whenever the light hits it at a different angle, and to tell the truth, I’m not too sure about her tits either, they might be filled with applesauce. Don’t get me wrong; ever since I was three years old I’ve loved apple sauce, I’d usually eat it after Saturday morning Cartoons, which would also apply towards your stripper friend. Bonus?? Not sure.

My proposal: I showed the Date a Stripper post to my girlfriend and she thought the chick was hot. And that’s where we need to help each other out.
I want you to document the making of a threesome. I’ll attach some preliminary pics…I can guarantee that if this chick heads down this direction, or if we head up there you will get naked pictures of her and that stripper friend of yours together, with toys, shaved gerbils, Chuck Norris, and a whiffle ball bat (and yes I will try and stay out of all the photos, cause I’m probably as ugly as you). How bout them apples? A live blog documentary! THE MAKING OF A THREESOME! I will even use my United Mileage points for airline fare to Denver Colorado for the action and adventure…Is she Canadian? Fuck I hope she has a passport.

Write back if you’re not too drunk, or if your wife isn’t forcing you to break out your cunnalingus skills on her poonternanty.

-Mr. Chris

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I am – Kate Moss Agent Provocateur Pics of the Day


I was watching American Idol because I don’t have cable and when you don’t have cable you are forced to do things that you probably wouldn’t normally watch. American Idol is not one of those shows. I fucking love it. What I don’t love is that I am convinced that all these fuckers are faking it. I am talking the freakshows like the 6 ft 7 black chick, or the dude who thought he was Taylor Hicks and security kicked out for trying to style Simon’s hair….but the highlight of the show was the Fat dude in the Hawaiian shirt, but that’s just because people who wear Hawaiian shirts like the let loose and have a good time and his buddy the tree monkey. I don’t mean to re-live the show because it isn’t worth my energy, but it is all a fucking scam and I want my money back but then I realized that Paula Abdul jacked up on meds, growling and acting a fool may make me feel a little uncomfortable, but is worth my time, because watching rich people act as crazy as homeless people while making millions is a total fucking joke in and of itself….

That said here are some pics of Kate Moss for Agent Provocateur….I love her even though her ass fucking sucks…


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I am – Rihanna Bikini Pics of the Day


I just found out that 2 celebrity bloggers are fucking each other…up the ass…not because celebrity blogging turned them into faggots but because they were faggots before they started celebrity blogging and the internet connected them…in each other’s asses. I guess it’s one of those celebrity things where celebs only date other celebs because they understand each other’s lifestyles, only in this case they aren’t celebrities at all, just 2 homos with shitty websites, acting like 15 year old girls all day, but now doing it side by side on each other’s couches….Together they break stories about Lohan in Rehab or Aniston Adopting Babies, and fight to be the first to drop the story…They are both making more money than me, are more respected than me, have more traffic than me even though they are 2 dudes fucking each other…This post didn’t come across as funny as the whole situation is, but I am usually pretty bad at making people laugh…even when the story I am telling is funny…maybe that’s why I only have you reading this and not half of the internet population.

Speaking of bad here are some pics of….Rihanna in another Animal Print Bathing Suit, if you missed the first one go HERE . This is where the old me would make a joke about getting back in touch with the jungle/safari/something tribal, but I am just going to keep it to myself because that’s cheap humor, and even though I got no money, I am not cheap. But I may have posted these already – so many bikinis it’s hard to keep track. It’s nice to see her working hard as she drinks in the ocean and you all sit at your cubicles at your shitty jobs….

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I am – Lohan’s Coinslot Moisturizer Commercial of the Day

When I refer to a coinslot, I mean a specific type of vagina. One that isn’t meaty. I am not referring to ass crack, that’s something gay bloggers came up with and it’s made it’s way into the mainstream…but trust me when I say when they are talking about coinslot, they are pretending to talk about asscrack, but they are really talking about her slit….

Either way it’s still nice to watch Lohan talking about slot and dancing around with her raspy just enterted re-hab for being a crystal meth addicted cocksucker voice….

Lohan, if you’re out there, I’ll moisturize your coinslot, we are connected at the soul and that is why I stalk you….

Sometimes you gotta do things for your loved ones you would normally do. In this case, I’d do it even if we weren’t connected at the soul. Fuck, my writing gets pretty fucking lame sometimes..

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I am – Lohan's Coinslot Moisturizer Commercial of the Day

When I refer to a coinslot, I mean a specific type of vagina. One that isn’t meaty. I am not referring to ass crack, that’s something gay bloggers came up with and it’s made it’s way into the mainstream…but trust me when I say when they are talking about coinslot, they are pretending to talk about asscrack, but they are really talking about her slit….

Either way it’s still nice to watch Lohan talking about slot and dancing around with her raspy just enterted re-hab for being a crystal meth addicted cocksucker voice….

Lohan, if you’re out there, I’ll moisturize your coinslot, we are connected at the soul and that is why I stalk you….

Sometimes you gotta do things for your loved ones you would normally do. In this case, I’d do it even if we weren’t connected at the soul. Fuck, my writing gets pretty fucking lame sometimes..

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to get a girl to send me a picture of her bikini wax but I have no game. I don’t know how to massage the situation and actually make a girl feel sexy. I know that if I had that skill, I wouldn’t be married to the beast I am married to and my internet career would involve a lot more naked pics….I just ask girls straight up if they have nude pics, they always say no, then I ask them to take some, they always say no, then I ask them for pics of their cunt’s and they block and delete me…

I guess I’ll just stick to surfing porn, but there’s something exciting about getting girls you’re talking to to hook you up with pussy pics. The point of all this is to say that if you are a virgin and scared of girls in real life, once you have them on your IM, make them feel sexy, say all the lame shit that you see in movies cuz that’s what they want to hear….

That said, here are my links of the day…I feel like this is a long one….

A Young Woman’s Guide to Masturbation

Ellen Dancing….Part 1

Some Pics of Poverty

Bulletproof Glass Saves Lives

Lookin Good Sweetheart….

Keeley Hazell Baywatch The Movie Pics…

A whole lot of office pranks to you fuckers with a job who can afford to go on vacation, pay your rent and have cable…maybe these will bring joy to your depressing office life

Here’s a Little Potty Training Product

Here’s Some Videos of Girls Getting Off to Toys (NSFW)

Show your friends that you’re a cunt with some Rocky T-shirts

Katharine Heigl Is Hiding Her Tits….Even Though We All Know They Are There….

Music Video of the Day

Ellen Dancing….Part 2

UK Celebrity Big Brother Sex….

YourDirtyMind Galleries From the Past…

Sexy Sports Fans, don’t worry it’s half naked chicks and not your cousin bob with his shirt off….

Ellen Dancing… Part 3

Nelly Furtado Rockin a Panty-Upskirt

Ellen Dancing… Part 5

Scott Storch with Lohan in his 1.7 Million Bugatti

Jaime Bergman Wet T-Shirt Competition

stepREADER’s Music

Some Chick Named Misty Cove Naked

Paris Hilton in Maxim Magazine Video

Salma Hayek’s Tits that Everyone is Calling The Best Golden Globes Because They Got Lame Jokes…

Kate Winslet Nude Sex Scene….

A pretty bad fall but an even worse ski suit, gayer than bicycle shorts…

2 Girls Doing The Lady Lumps, I am Bored of this shit but I don’t think other people are….

Some Video Footage from the Reef Bikini Contest

Ellen Dancing… Part 6

Jennifer Aniston’s B-Cups to C-Cups

Ellen Dancing…Part 7

Jenna Haze at the AVN’s Entertainment Expo

Ellen Dancing… Part ….Fuck it just watch it…

I fucking hate Tom Hanks….This is Why

Paula Abdul and Jewel Hate Each Other

Party Girls Video

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I am – Maria Sharapova Tennis Panties of the Day


I am not writing anything to go along with this picture, I am just posting her tennis panties because it reminds me of a time I used to do landscaping a the local country club and I would stare at all the rich sluts’ asses in their tennis panties when they would bend over to pick up tennis balls…you all want to grand slam this chick but I save it for the courts. Here’s to run on sentences, fuck her and fuck you too if you don’t like how I be typing at 5 am motherfucker.

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