I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Little Princesses's Early Morning Reflections of the Day


About 2 weeks ago, I got an email from some slut who claimed to be a fan of the site. I made her famous a while ago by posting her myspace profile and ripping into her for not having a dad or some shit and she’s been reading ever since. She used to write for a pretty major website and they fired her and/or shut down the site she was working for. So she emailed me telling me how her writing will be a perfect addition to Stepfather and that my readers will love her probably because people in her everyday life are scared of her. So I did what any opportunist of a blogger would do and told her if she sends me nudes I would post her stupid article.

This is how I make all my great editorial decisions, blindly and in exchange for pics. So here is her article, leave your comments to see if I keep her around and if you make it to the bottom, there’s a suprise in it for you. That was bribery in case it went over your head.

This fucking show. Goddammit. I HATE THIS SHIT. Every fucking morning I wake up at like 7 am for a few hours and The Today Show is fucking on. At least that blowhole who’s mouth is worth nothing more than to stuff a huge black cock in, Katie Couric, is not on it anymore. I once read in a tabloid that she was really cheap, even though she’s like super rich, and it made me want to kill her. She just seems like a huge phony bitch. Unlike other bitches like Martha Stewart, who seems like a tough no nonsense cunt that could take it up the ass by 8 men and have them all hurting in the end. I bet she was the main bitch in prison and kept all the whores, crack addicts, black widows, post partum depression nuts who drove their kids into the lake, and serial killers in line. But I bet she was nice about it.

Anyway, back to this crap. The fucking Today Show. I have the unfortunate sleeping schedule to wake up to it almost every day. I swear to god, I do not think I can recall EVER IN MY LIFE witnessing or hearing stupider things than I see on this fucking show daily. Right now, I am not kidding, they are running a story about how your house can make you fat. Ok and I’m not talking about like the contents in your referigerator, they are saing if a tv or a chair is in the wrong place, you’ll get fat. It’s fucking ridiculous. They just did a segment about 20 minutes ago about medication making you fat. Oh yea and they’re not talking about fung suei or whatever the fuck its called. They have some stupid skinny white bitch talking about how you should move your tv two inches to the left because it will make you eat less. It’s fucking dumb. I will not go into this country’s stupid fascination with not being fat because there’s way too much to write, but the fact that your house can make you fat…. come on!!! I have an idea, how about getting off of your bloated asses while shoving eggs and pancackes in your mouth and go running, and get run over by a car while you’re at it.

Oh and they WILL NEVER have an overweight woman hosting the show. Of course they have that fat darkee Al Roker who got his big bloated stomach stapled shut so his repulsive sweaty negro body could stop growing larger and larger. They always have him on there sweating his fat ass off cooking food with idiot chefs who run trendy New York restaurants. My favorite is when his fat (i keep referring to him as a black man and I think I may be more of a stereotypical black person than he, so from now on I will refer to him as a lilly white cracker) cracker ass does the voice overs for the geriatric dying pieces of shit who send their photos in to the today show (or probably their families do because I’m sure these old fucks have no fucking idea that they even still exist in this world) and Al Roker says “Oh, and this is Betty Johnson, she is 103 years old today, she enjoys playing bingo and weekly all you can eat buffets at Red Lobster. This is Julie Davis, she enjoys sitting on the porch and feeding pigeons. This is Esther Smith, she enjoys watching her cunt rot off and shitting in her depends while waiting to die. Her family sent this picture in because they are currently emptying out her bank account and she is too busy watching her limbs rot off to notice, and they felt a little bad so they figured if her cataract filled eyes might be able to make out her dying image on the television she might forget for a second that she should have died about 50 years ago”. The latter I have of course never heard his fat cracker ass say, but isn’t that really what’s happening here?

Now if I am lucky enough, and my insomnia lets me stay up to 9 am, the hour when most cunts are stuffing their fat asses into their cubicles for the day, or flattening their fat asses onto the couch just like me, I get the opportunity to witness something that is about as much as a pop cultural nightmare phenomenon as the Today Show, and that is Oprah. I like Oprah. I like watching that cocksucking monstrosity balloon up and down with her weight, and listening to her talk about her faggot husband because she is so obviously a huge fucking dyke, but unlike that other repulsive monster, Rosie O’Donnell, she does not admit to it and adopt like 25 kids to witness her life spirlaling downward. I wait and wait for Oprah to have a show about tragedy (and I usually don’t have to wait long, because they’re almost always about some unfortunate retard). I don’t like the shows where she has stupid celebrities on there and sucks their assholes, those shows are boring; although I did obsess about Tom Cruise jumping on that fat bitches couch for about two weeks because he’s such a fucking psycho, and I enjoyed him talking about how much he dominates his robot wife, Katie Holmes. And sometimes I will catch a show where she gives out something really dumb like a vacuum cleaner to everyone in the audience and I enjoy watching all the fags and vaginas in her audience cum all over themselves for twenty minutes. But mostly I enjoy the tragedy.

I especially LOVE when she has rape victims on there, or victims of sexual assault. These people may have been sexually assaulted once, and I don’t know if they’re just stupid, or they really want to be on television, or they want a free trip to this shithole town Chicago, but they are raped a second and third time when they VOLUNTAIRLY sit on the same couch that Tom Cruise jumped up and down on with their ripped up cunts and assholes and answer Oprah’s perverse questions about how many times they fucked their dad, where it happened, when it happened, for how long, how many holes he stuck it in, did he call you princess, did you tell anyone, why did you keep it a secret, and how low their self esteem must be and what a fucked up person they must have turned out to be and Oprah sits there and Boo hoo hoo’s about them for about 20 minutes as she is secretly creaming her underpants. After the 20 minutes is off, they are shooed off the stage, and put in a taxi and its back to their shitty life. Congradulations! Now 6 million people know your deepest, darkest secret!!! WASN’T THAT FUCKING THERAPEUTIC???

I really don’t know what is going on in these people’s heads. Do they have popcorn parties for when their show airs on tv and have all their friends and family over to listen them get interviewed by some bloated black bitch about how their father reamed their asshole and ran a child porn ring for 16 years? I mean what do these people do after the show? I can understand how it can be therapeutic to tell SOMEONE, perhaps a liscenced therapist,(even though most of them are fucking nuts anyway, hell I’m considered a social worker, scary huh?) about the trauma that they went through as a child, but sharing it with a self obsesssed celebrity who has no background in the medical field or dealing with mental health besides all of the fucking nuts that sit in her audience and on her chairs, and then subsequently sharing this deep dark secret with an unsympathetic 200 person studio audience who are all pissed off because they are not on the show where they win the car, and then after that sharing this secret with 6 million more people, including sick lunatics like me who write terrible things about them, or perverts at home who are jacking off to them with one finger up their ass, thinking about fucking children and how warm and moist the woman’s vagina was when she was 6, while writing tips down about how to start their own child porn business taking tips from the Opera guest seems a bit queer to me. What the hell is going on here? GOOD MORNING USA!!!!

That Looks WAY too long to read. If you did read it, you deserve a reward, and your reward is some exclusive pics of this whore covered in blood fucking a bottle. So, CLICK THIS LINK and remember that these pics creeped me the fuck out and are very NSFW. Cuddles.

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I am – Victoria Silvstedt Lingerie Pics of the Day


I see it as only fitting to make this announcement to some new Victoria Silvstedt Lingerie pictures. If you are wondering what Victoria Silvstedt has to do with my cancer results, it’s pretty simple. This bitch had her legal team from France and NYC try to bring me down back in the beginning of the summer, thus making her a cancer to this site, like the cancer in my nose, which I am happy to say is not cancer. The biopsy sample did not have enough tissue to have a conclusive result, which surprised me, because when I had the biopsy it felt like the motherfuckers ripped a fucking baseball out of my throat through my fucking nose. The doctors decided to not go ahead with another biopsy now, meaning they don’t think it’s cancer and that’s good enough for me because Cancer, like Victoria Silvstedt is a fucking cunt.

I have received a lot of great supportive emails and myspace messages from 2 of my 5 readers, you know who you are. I am happy that you 2 people really dig what I am doing, so in response I decided to send you both a recycled myspace message since you were so supportive. I know you would rather it be a more personalized message but admit you had no idea that this was a recycled message and remember that without anyone to send the recycled myspace message to, there wouldn’t be a recycled myspace message to laugh at. So I do declare that it is too funny to give up on now. Just think of yourselves as part of something big.

Dear ___________,

If I had known you were so hot – I would have masturbated to your pictures while the real jesus watched me sin all over my belly.

Too bad I am impotent, not important. It could have been fun.

I appreciate your love and support and I hope one day we can cuddle

With Love,

Jesus Martinez

Now, just because I don’t have cancer, doesn’t mean I am going to be a fun-loving, everything is roses and puppies, Real Jesus loving soft-on, because I save the soft-ons for my useless genitals. I leave you with this DrunkenStepfather message: I am glad to be alive, I still hate myself, but not as much as I hate you. Go fuck yourself, now. Cuddles.


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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


As I sit here in my underwear, I think about tomorrow. I am not trying to be poetic, the reason I’m thinking about tomorrow is because I get my cancer results. The rational side of me believes that I don’t have cancer because I am invincible even though I feel like shit 95% of the time, but the cynical side of me is a fucking pussy that expects the worst all the time. It’s kinda why I have this website. I haven’t really been able to leave my house the last 5 months since all this started, because I let it take over my life. It did make me change my life a little, losing 35 lbs, cutting down on drinking, feeling worse than I ever have , but I did however drink 2 bottles of wine on Friday, I think that’s called falling off the wagon, and I got drunk and a obnoxious and it felt good to forget only proving my life philosophy that booze is the best medicine, it pretty much cures everything. All this is to say, that I find out at 9 am Tuesday and if this is my last post on the site and you are reading this passed Tuesday, then you can only assume what the results are.

These are the links that were sent in to me today, if you have better links send them my way, if you have already sent them to me and I never posted them, send them to me again, I am pretty fucking useless and lose things often.

PS – I know my posts today SUCKED and were not up to my standards, but I was busy worrying.

Tara Reid’s Tits Flopping All Over the Motherfuckin’ Place GO

All the Teen Choice Award Pics You’d Ever Want or Need GO

Devon Aoki’s Nipple GO
ThighsWideShut Reviews Chris Issak’s Concert GO

DrunkenStepfather Approved T-Shirt of the Day – Cuz Dragons are Rock and Roll GO

I was planning on releasing stepPANTIES that Looked Like This but Realized That I am Poor, I Guess I am Not as Original as I Thought GO

Gayest Video of the Day – Gay Pornstar Johnny Hazzard Dancing to Gay Song Fully Clothed and Fully Homo GO

Kevin Federline’s Teen Choice Performance, I am sure you’ve all seen it already, but it was too fucking good for me to ignore GO

Dog Shit Art is Not For Hangin’ Over the Mantle but Still Fuckin’ Classy GO

Britney Backstage at the Teen Choice Awards Posing With Her Lactating Tits GO

This is some Nude Blonde Chick Named Iveta and She’s in a Conference Room GO

Some Mexican Non-Nude Model Named Bailey Who I Have Never Heard of But Probably Should Have GO

This YouTube Video has 810,000 Views, Proving That All Things Popular Fucking Suck GO

Muscular Bitch Looking Sexy on the Beach GO

Hipsters Dancing in their Underwear Video of the Day GO

I don’t know the details because I am lazy, but I do know you get a free mag and dvd GO

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I am – Victoria Silvstedt Bikini Pics of the Day

In typical stepfather style, I have no idea when these pictures were taken, because they all look the fucking same. I have been posting Victoria Silvstedt pics long enough to get a cease and desist from her lawyer for defaming her character for calling her a whore, but I have no idea if I have seen these pics before. I guess it’s a combination of not paying attention to what I do, not caring about what I do, and not actually being a fan of what I do…Either way, here’s some pics of slut scratching her dirty little whore ass and this is where the post ends because I have nothing more to say. Cuddles.

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I am – Sophia Bush Goes to the Bathroom of the Day


I don’t think this bitch warrants the attention that we are giving her, mainly because I didn’t know who she was before I watched the Teen Choice Awards last night. If you are wondering why I watched the teen choice awards, it’s pretty simple, I get 4 channels on my TV giving me limited options, but more importantly, because I love knowing what teens are thinking/voting on, to keep my finger on the pulse of pop culture. It also helps me pick up 14 year old hot girls at the local arcade/movie theatre. Girls are smarter these days and totally see through the whole “I run a model agency, here’s my card”. Bringing up Dane Cook and Jessica Simpson usually gets them excited enough to go out for ice cream with you. Anyway, Sophia Bush is barely famous enough to be noticed walking down the main street of your home town that has a population of 500 people, all your cousins. Meaning no one really gives a fuck about her. I am only posting these pictures because I find bathroom breaks funny enough as is, throw in a c-list celeb and a romantic hand holding walk from the car to the bathroom and I’ve got a post for the day. Not a very good one, but a post nevertheless…


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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


Today was a day that didn’t involve many celebrities in bikinis or nip slips because I am trying to get rid of my useless readers who only come here for nipple. Your emails telling me how much I suck because I put up a pic of Castro and his gay lover are getting a little fucking annoying..I suggest you just read the shit I write, look at the pics I post and comment on the site using the comments. Emailing me your opinion that I don’t care about will get you no where. But you can email me links because surfing the net to find this shit also gets annoying sometimes….Like today. You will notice that all of today’s links are shit and that it’s all your fucking fault.

Christina Ricci Has Nude Pics Floating Around – Someone Find Them and Send Them To Me – Read Article Before Sending Anything In Please GO

This is Perez Hilton Looking for Bareback, Meth Sex with pics of him Exposing Himself on Manhunt.com, Pretty Fucking Funny. GO

Lohan is a Cunt and this is her Cunt in a Green Bikini GO

Her name is Julia and She’s Drunk in the Bathroom on Video Talking About Tampons and Fish GO

Check Out Booble’s Topless Girl Contest’s Winner Gallery GO

Here are Some Naked Amateurs – I fucking Love Amateur Porn GO

Kate Bosworth’s Tit is Falling Out All Over the Place, at Least it Would be if it was Bigger GO

If I wasn’t Impotent I would Rub One Out To FemJoy’s Corinna, Bitch is Fucking PERFECT GO

This Is Casey The Tease Talking About How Fat She Is Video, Meaning She’s Not Really a Tease GO

Layla is the new WWE Diva and She’s as Classy as You’d Imagine GO

Another Foot Fetish Video For You To Love GO

Drink Absinthe If You Want to Have Fun and If You Want to Help Me GO

Hipsters Eating Cupcakes in their Underwear at Last Night’s Party GO

Pherlure is the Top Pheromone Spray So Buy Some Ang Get Laid Already GO

Topless Man Lookin’ Woman at Some Gay Pride Lookin’ Event GO

This is some Emo Bitch Showing Us How to Insert a Tampon GO

Micro Bikinis Are the Future… Here Are the Newest WickedWeasel Contributors GO

This is Jessica Simpson Running To Her Car While Covering Her Horse Face GO

This is YouTube for Porn GO

How To Take Celebrity X-Ray Photos GO

Comment of the Day is Brought to Us By Aneurysm GO

Myspace hasn’t even hit 2500 – We’ll Never Make it to 1,000,000 GO

Dream Mag is Giving Out a Free Magazine and 4 DVDs Meaning Free GO

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I am – Heather Mills Has One Leg of the Day


So Heather Mills steps on a land mine, blows off her leg and now she’s driving around Beverly Hills in a convertible PT Cruiser, possibly the ugliest fucking car on the market, like she’s got a full set of working legs. Stepping on the land mine was probably the best business decision this bitch could have made without even realizing it. She was a nothing model before the accident. After the accident she had a reason to be in the public eye, she had a cause, she was no longer the slag in the sex-ed photoshoot, now she was a survivor and a hero trying to change the fucking world. Lucky for her Sir Paul was an amputee festishist, married the bitch despite what his family wanted and now she’s entitled to 1/2 his 500,000,000 dollars after being married to him for 5 years. I don’t even think this cunt was around when the Beatles first hit the scene, but is going to be living off their success for the rest of her one-legged life. That’s how fucked up the world we live in is….

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I am – Fetish Video of the Day

Leave it up to a crazy European dude in 2-tone pants to post a video of himself sniffing some bitch’s pantyhose covered feet. I don’t understand what the fuck is going on in this clip, but I do know that it wouldn’t give me a boner if I wasn’t this impotent piece of shit that I am. I don’t need to go into weird fetishes people have, we all know they’re out there, I just wonder where they all start. Did this 2-tone pants Euro-dude go through his grandmother’s dirty laundry as a kid and jerk off while sniffing her pantyhose? I am not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to rip off a bitch’s pantyhose and slam her, I can see that being hot, but sniffin’ her feet while she is fully clothed just confuses the fuck out of me. This post isn’t funny, but the video is.

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I am – Mario Vasquez Pretending He’s Straight of the Day


I haven’t heard this dude’s single, I just know that he’s an ex-American Idol finalist who dropped out of the show in March 2005 because the contract was too restrictive. If you are wondering why I know this, it is because ofgoogle. I came across these pictures of this cha-chi motherfucker dancing around with bitches bending over, showing their panties obviously a strategy to help fuel the lie that he’s not homo, so I had to do some further research. The facts are pretty basic. Dude sings pop music and dresses a fool, all grabbin his dick ans shit, giving girls false hope that desirable, singing, “stylish” men exist…..that’s when the sluts buy the albums and go to the shows making Vasquez all the money he needs to take is pool boy to the Greek Isles for an anal sex fest in the motherland. I know dude’s Peurto Rican and his real motherland isn’t Greece, but the Greeks invented olive oil lubed anal sex back with Plato and Aristotle….it’s a fact. These is exactly the message I want to convey to teenage girls. It’s really appropriate, like the time I rented “CumSluts 17” for my 14 year old stepdaughter’s slumber party.


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I am – Mario Vasquez Pretending He's Straight of the Day


I haven’t heard this dude’s single, I just know that he’s an ex-American Idol finalist who dropped out of the show in March 2005 because the contract was too restrictive. If you are wondering why I know this, it is because ofgoogle. I came across these pictures of this cha-chi motherfucker dancing around with bitches bending over, showing their panties obviously a strategy to help fuel the lie that he’s not homo, so I had to do some further research. The facts are pretty basic. Dude sings pop music and dresses a fool, all grabbin his dick ans shit, giving girls false hope that desirable, singing, “stylish” men exist…..that’s when the sluts buy the albums and go to the shows making Vasquez all the money he needs to take is pool boy to the Greek Isles for an anal sex fest in the motherland. I know dude’s Peurto Rican and his real motherland isn’t Greece, but the Greeks invented olive oil lubed anal sex back with Plato and Aristotle….it’s a fact. These is exactly the message I want to convey to teenage girls. It’s really appropriate, like the time I rented “CumSluts 17” for my 14 year old stepdaughter’s slumber party.


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