I'll Make You Famous…




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Fishnets are so oppressive, just a pantyhose with so much micro-agression in their name alone….at what point will the people rebrand these things to be accessible and EQUITABLE for all…

I mean why isn’t there a TRIGGER WARNING with these pantyhose…FISHNETS…what are these women, FISH being CAUGHT from FISHERMEN….DISGUSTING….are they implying that pussy is like fish….SO WRONG….

But I guess because they can feel hot, produce content around them being hot, Fishnets become the ultimate prop and that’s why they ignore their activism when it comes to this….cuz people are shells, they aren’t real activists, they just go along with whatever is popular…because that’s how group think works…you SHILLS.


Posted in:Fishnets




Iskra Lawrence Bodysuit of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is the fat model who wasn’t always fat but who figured out that being fat would make her more marketable in this disgusting fat world…

I mean, all the COVID deaths of young people who are unvaccinated are all fat fucks, because fat isn’t healthy…but the media wants to normalize it and think it’s ok.

So they need models like this, to speak to the fatties, and it worked out alright for her since she’s made stupid money doing it.

If you go out to Walmart and check the average Walmart shopper it is fucking shocking, especially now that the pandemic is over, the level of FATNESS I see every time I leave the house, is next level…I thought people were fat before, but HOLY shit these lockdown loving bakers and fast food ordering…It is a lockdown….let’s slumber party everyday with our government money is KILLING these fucks…

I blame fat fucks like this, worried about personal gain, disrespecting the masses, ignoring the damage they do….ALL to kill off the sick and medicated population prematurely…



Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

There is a rumor out there that Britney Spears’ dad dropped her conservatorship, which may be possible, but the idea that the freakshow father who has been monetizing off his kid her entire fucking life, basically getting her under a psych hold, in order to monetize off her into her 40s, giving up that power and money is a fucking joke….he may not have LEGAL hold on her, but the damage is done, BRITNEY’S been destroyed…

So when I see this HOTEL ROOM thong topless erotica, I am forced to think it is part of their plan of rebranding her as an independent, self regulating, machine…

I just don’t think that Britney has access to her phone….but I am not surprised that the next version of Britney is one half naked and sexualizing herself…because she’s been so broken down, even a free Britney is a shell of Britney….

I don’t mind looking at her 40 year old social media smut, I just don’t buy that she’s free, will ever be free, or that she’s even doing and posting this content herself…but I’ll still watch it, cuz she’s still hot.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are a reminder that the evil Corporations who are heavily into making money…understand marketing, which you could argue is psychological warfare, but I guess when you got to college for Marketing, they don’t think calling it psychological warfare is really as nice of a name for that major, but they know that all the elements of marketing is psychological warfare…

So the panty vendors fear mongered that girls in full back panties, with panty lines to feel shame for their panty choices….when dudes, the end consumer of panties, at least in my case, cuz I’ll boil those shits making my own kind of panty soup…DO NOT CARE.

Men don’t care about the panty style, if there are panties, what the panties look like, we’re just happy to be there…

So all the women out there who shamed the fullback panties…calling them granny panties have decided to RECLAIM their feminism by wearing the panties THEY THEMSELVES shamed…

Fucking nuts.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Ashley Benson Got The Tits Out of the Day

Ashley Benson is one of those useless celebrities who became a huge social media star, without any real effort, because she was on a hit show at the right time….she hasn’t done much since, at least not as an actor or a social media star, but she’s famous and has big tits and that is what matters.

What she has done in the last few years is buy into the whole Bi-Sexual, FUCK EVERYONE agenda that is being pushed on the kids by the WOKE, without thinking that maybe things are TOO woke, where it is damagingly woke….

It’s the reason why China is getting fags out of their movies, while putting fags in your movie, because they like the 1950s good family values America…and YOU SHOULD TOO…

But I guess porn has fucked everyone’s minds up, the internet has made them all horny all the time, and fucking each other like a bunch of pigs knee deep in decadence, on some Roman Empire shit is where we are at.

So…Benson was fuckign Cara Delevingne or maybe it was Kristen Stewart, not because lesbianism is real, but because it’s edgy, woke, and masturbating with friends is hot….

The good news is…she’s got tits, here are the tits.



Posted in:Ashely Benson




Anya Taylor Joy Horsing Around of the Day

I remember there was a play called Equus that I think Harry Potter was involved in and was based on fucking horses, because people are weird….but I just googled it and I guess I was totally wrong about it, Mandela Effect I guess.

What I do know is that there are girls on reddit who use a “Knot” dildos…and for those of you who don’t know, a knot dildo is an animal’s phallus based dildo and that’s fuckign disturbing to me.

So these WOKE lesbians who are empowered sex workers trying to get paid to fuck themselves online, are out here using HORSE cock dildos…that’s just fucked up…

Maybe they don’t want to use penis shaped dildo, because they’ve been trained to HATE cock so bad, that horse dick is less aggressive to them…

It’s fucking crazy…

I’ve known about PONY PLAY in the past, where these BDSM freaks dress in horse masks with horse tail butt plugs…but fucking horse shaped dicks…NEXT LEVEL..and they do it out in the open…

That doesn’t mean Anna Taylor Joy, the actress who is getting more and more famous, fucks Horses…but it sure looks like she does.


Posted in:anya taylor joy




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

The Frog Butt is the booty pose that involves girls kneeling with the arched back to make the booty pop….

It’s just a lesson in girls, at least a specific kind of girl, who gets naked on the internet girl….or sexualizes herself girl…which at this point is ALL girls…society wants these girls working as online sex content producers instead of working real jobs…the only good part of the Great Reset….so the majority of girls are already indoctrinated, cashing in and in on it…

So the life lesson is that people are all the fucking same, playing follow the leader, even when it comes to butt shots…which is a symptom of the current system…


Posted in:Frog Butt




What is Wrong with People and Other Videos of the Day

Pug Chasing Chickens

Girl Gets Karen Haircut

Cow Goes for a Swim

Woman Caught Stealing

Homeless Man Needs Change….

Girl Breaks Friend’s Arm Whole Sleeping

Drinking Girl Gets Tooth Knocked Out

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Kourtney Kardashian’s Back Door Doesn’t Have a Code of the Day

In totally uninteresting news, Kourtney Kardashian, the one that was marketed as the hot one when Kendall was still a kid, but who was never the hot one, because you can’t have a hot one, when they are all piles of dog shit, it’s like saying one cancer is way sexier than the other, it’s still fucking cancer….

But yeah, in taking a break from being fingered, or being super sexual in her 40s with Travis Barker, who looks like a scrawny monster with AIDS, trying to be hot with her old lady body that she has tons of plastic surgery on because she’s of the TROLL variety….she accidentally went live…

In the video, she says her back gate code is not set and that the 0 doesn’t work…so use that however you will…

Dog shit humans…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t know how people turned social media from being a game, that no one took seriously, into the number one tool to communicate, be informed, make friends, socialize, and get laid….

If you let a tool designed to jerk off to vacation pics dominate your life…the people who run it will dominate you.

They know EVERYTHING about you….so whether that is Zuck or someone who runs Zuck or not doesn’t fucking matter…because none of these people or organizations care about you, they use you as their pawn to get more power and push their own narrative…

I NEVER understood why the main social medias became the default social meia…because from big tech, to big corporations, to government and pharma…you’re a piece of the money making equation and you allow yourself to be…

So you all deserve what you are getting, as you pretend you can fight this medical tyranny with the laws they created to break…

I love seeing people freaking out thinking they are going to be able to fight this….

Not realize this is STAGE ONE….maybe STAGE TWO of a TEN STAGE plan….

We’re fucking doomed but keep thinking it is just about COVID and MANDATED vaccines…you fools…they are lying to you, have been lying to you, will continue to lie to you….and maybe you like that DICK in your ass.

Here are some stepLINKS

Oiled Paige VanZant Oiled Up

Carmella Rose Lingerie Selfie!

Bella Hadid’s Marilyn Monroe Skirt

Katy Perry Gets on the “Lane Train”

Demi Lovato is Alien Hunting

American Flag Bikini Girl

Slutty Fit Bitch!

White Lady and her Ostrich

The New Matrix Trailer

Failing in the Mud

Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts!

Posted in:stepLINKS