I'll Make You Famous…




Elsa Hosk Pussy Print of the Day

Swedish Basketball star Elsa Hosk who somehow along the way became a Victoria’s Secret model is out in a one piece bathing suit showing off her hot post mom body, which I guess isn’t really accurate cuz her pussy tells a different story, one that stars with “ONCE A MOM”….and ends with “ALWAYS A MOM”….you can take restorative measures, like when your dad tried to rebuilt that vintage muscle car he got for cheap from a FLOOD…it looks the part but it’s still been through a flood…you like that car talk, pretty masculine of me…right…

Anyway, this is just proof that you don’t need to be a Victoria’s Secret model to bounce back from a pregnancy, anyone can do it, most don’t because they aren’t vain or millionaires because of their bodies…and those who do…don’t look this good…she looks good…


Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Ireland Baldwin Lap Dance of the Day

I like Ireland Baldwin because she was basically shat out of the industry….or shat into the industry and was ignored despite having super star parents…who at times also ignored her…then she did the instagram thing and it didn’t amount to her marrying a fag like Bieber, like her Cousin who pretends to be into Jesus despite being best friends with the spawns of satan….that Kardashians…the soulless fucks pushing soulless agendas on you people who would otherwise still have a soul if you didn’t sell it for the lamest entertainment from these garbage people…

Point being, Ireland was basically outcast, sent to the retardly big girl table, where these snobby piles of shit, despite being her cousin, turned their back on her…so I like to think she has some sense of how bullshit this whole influencer model instagram famous person thing is…so I’ll watch her shake her sweatpant pussy in her friends face like she’s on her period and trying to dry off…but I’d do that regardless of whether she was broken or not…

Ireland Baldwin
Ireland Baldwin


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Camila Cabello Bikini of the Day

Camila Cabello Bikini

It is interesting to see this body positivity shit give fat girls the confidence to put themselves out there in the dumpy weird bodied way…I mean, not that interesting, but you’d think a popstar who was packaged as the hot one in “One Direction” or whatever the fuck her shitty manufactured girl pop band was called…has been living in Miami from the paparazzi pics I see and don’t give a fuck about….clearly eating her way through the pandemic but people are all so fucking basic that the fact she’s in a bikini is enough for them, even though her vagina has been eaten by her thighs….the white bikini is supposed to be the bikini that lets me see cunt when wet…and bitches is hair is wet so SOMETHING is wrong here…maybe that’s why she’s trying to suck in her pussy lips…I just assumed it was in attempts to look thinner…

Point being…she is in a bikini, fat empowered, because why bother trying anymore everyone just gives you positive feedback cuz they scared to say “FAT FUCK UP IN HERE”…body shaming is amazing…try it…..not to mention girls have been body shaming my dick size since I realized I had a dick and it wasn’t just my change purse..


Posted in:Camila Cabello




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are the most magical pant…unless you’re a fat fuck and the motherfuckers are squeezing you so fucking hard your hemorrhoid implodes and you no longer…and just like that…a pain in the ass to last a lifetime…but when I look at these tight pants I don’t think of myself in tight pants, since all pants I wear are tight, I like to size down because it makes my genital print more offensive to the onlookers…when I think of tight pants I think of hot chicks in tight pants…even though I know ugly chicks wear them too…it’s the inclusivity thing…ugly people don’t think they are ugly anymore….too bad right…more reason to wake up and go back to bullying people, we all hate each other based on big catch all broad stroke reasons…let’s go back to hating each other on an individual basis…like cuz you got an ugly face…when and why did we give ugly people the right to join the good looking club….it makes no sense…the good looking people would never allow that…clearly the ugly people just overthrew them and they couldn’t fight them off cuz there are so many uglies….

YOU GET WHAT I AM SAYING…not all tight pants are created equally, but I would cum on them all equally…I mean what else would the point of having a penis be…RIGHT? RIGHT…I know…


Posted in:Tight Pants




Charlotte Lawrence Topless of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence

Do you think Charlotte Lawrence is a Vegan….

Or do you think “Who the fuck is Charlotte Lawrence”….

Cuz I know who Charlotte Lawrence is, but I still think “Who the fuck is Charlotte Lawrence and what fucking bullshit is she trying to acclimatize as she tries to build out a meaningful art career despite being born into the industry like a fucking zero edgy pussy”…..what’s she going to sing about…how will she inspire you….is she going to bring you uplifting thoughts…enlightenment…will she expand your mind…or will she just continue being a vapid rich kid who makes the most basic things and get way too much praise for it cuz they are a different species than us…the rich and the elite and what they say…is meaningless to us….so maybe STOP LISTENING….and keep staring cuz she looks good…and that’s all that matters in this era…..so maybe the real answer is stare at the 20 year old instead of expecting her to have the merits to justify the praise or the accomplishments, albeit barely accomplishments, but still more than the 0 accomplishments she’d have if her dad wasn’t some big producer and her mom the actor who sucked his dick….right…


Posted in:charlotte lawrence




Emilia Clarke Nude of the Day

I guess this is old from Game of Thrones, since I don’t know anything else that Emilia Clarke is in, but I am looking at her tits and tits are always one of the favorite body parts bitches pull out for empowerment, which in Emilia Clarke’s case was for money, which I guess by definition makes her a sex worker…since there’s no difference working a stripclub pole or onlyfans than acting in a topless part…at least not according OnlyFans girls who like to play their prostitution up as art…when really we should just have a general consensus that a whore is a whore is a whore and not all women are whores…just a lot of them….


Posted in:Emilia Clarke




Evangeline Lily Showing Thong of the Day

Evangeline Lilly is the girl I typically think another girl is. Meaning, I do posts on this other girl who I call the bitch from Lost, but this one is in fact the bitch from Lost….she’s a Canadian pile of trash in her 40s reminding you that it’s never too late in life, even when it is too late in life, but narcissistic people love themselves too much to ever admit it is too late in life, to pull your shirt up and your pants down on the internet to matter….dude…I’ve bee3n on the internet for fucking years and I’ve seen some of the oldest and fattest bitches get dudes praising them on their slutty pics…even before there was digital fucking cameras…SCAN THAT SHIT and DOWNLOAD THAT SHIT on a chatroom motherfuckers only for every nerd to autofelate themselves, or auto asphyxiate themselves, while begging the gross bitch for more….when you’ve been on LOST…it probably results in even more losers hyped on your loser attention seeking slut pose….empowering right…


Posted in:Evangeline Lilly




Anne Winters Being Slutty of the Day

Anne Winters is showing the bottom half of her tit on her hot body and I am a fan….I think she should be far more famous than she is, but I also think that the rash on my dick is not the Weinstein Gangrene…when clearly it is…

She was on 13 reasons Why, she’s on some other nerd show, she tried to be Madonna in the Madonna Biopic, but instead they went with a drag queen in her 70s….yes Madonna is playing herself using the Madonna Face Filters on Snapchat…

Anyway, she has this social strategy of hot hot pics constant hot pics and it’s a win for me cuz she’s basically perfection…or at the very least…good enough…


Posted in:Anne Winters




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Trust Science motherfuckers…even though science is a pile of fucking bullshit where the results are from the person paying for them, or Fauci…LOLZ right….I am in Canada they won’t send me to a FEMA camp for saying that, at least not yet…

But yes, science, despite being SUBJECTIVE and easy to manipulate, despite being marketed to us as “Hard Fact”….says the right waist to hip ratio is the key to beauty…or sex appeal.

It’s not height, weight, tit size, vagina tightness, anus color, level of HIV in her blood stream…it’s the waist to hip…so naturally, girls who naturally or unnaturally have a smaller waist or ass, will naturally or unnaturally show it off like these girls….

Well, years ago, when I went to bars, I asked a girl what her ratio was, after googling what the perfect ratio was…and she was one of those artsy lesbian types, you know…a feminist before it was IG trendy…and she got MAD..she called me a pig, a misogynist…which by the way is a word I didn’t know under year 4 of doing the site when I was called one on Jezebel or some shit…but that now every child in the third grade knows it which is always exciting for men of the world into pussy!


Posted in:The Ratio




Homeless Man Wiping his Ass in a Burger King! and Other Videos of the Day

If you’re wondering where I’ve been the last two days and you haven’t. I’ve been getting fucked with hard for the past week…but remember when you’re a COCKROACH…you survive and I am a cockroach…and if you’re wondering how I know…the proof is in the fecal matter I smear on myself…are cockraoch’s into shit? I don’t know if they’re a German species or not….

Girl Gets Her Hair Burned Off!

Titty Catching Bird with Bare Hands

Weirdo Gets Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos