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Bella Hadid Bikini of the Day

Bella Hadid is out here in a thong bikini because she likes to show off her tits and ass, you know since she’s scammed the world into thinking some troll rich kid from Malibu or wherever the fuck she was making smoothies before her trashy manly sister got all this hype thanks to their dad […]




Bella Hadid Tits of the Day

We’ve established that Bella Hadid is a fucking scam….a rich kid from LA with a reality show mother who fucked around with Rich Guys in Hollywood, marrying at least two of them because that’s what whores do… It only made sense that her daughters would have the same low hanging fruit whore behavior, because that’s […]




Bella Hadid’s Bikini Shoot for the Paparazzi of the Day

First off, that doesn’t look like Social Distancing. Second, isn’t there a travel ban going on? How’d these motherfuckers end up in Europe on their private jets. Third, this is a lot of fucking hype around a bitch who is actually fucking ugly. Like you’d think these 5 or 6 people on top of each […]




Bella Hadid Bikini Tits of the Day

In unfortunate memoria day news, Bella Hadid has not been kicked in the face by one of her horses on her rich person farm she pretends to be down to earth and productive in agriculture and animal care on, she’s bullshit. She just looks like she has. I find Bella Hadid’s existence offensive, because her […]




Bella Hadid Nudes of the Day

Bella Hadid posted up these pictures, that may be branded as a collab with VOGUE, but that are really just her doing barely elaborate nude selfies, posing in front of a dozen dead roses, high concept….so edgy. The COVID crisis has turned all on the fence whores into full on sex workers, I think more […]




Bella Hadid’s Slutty Big Headed Titty TikTok of the Day

I find nothing more lame, more desperate, more pathetic, more basic than these celebs, models, and influencers, who are grown ass people, dancing around on some app for attention, because they know it is trending and they can’t miss out. It’s like they care about audience and views so fucking bad that they embarrass the […]




Bella Hadid Smoking of the Day

Let’s all come together now, maybe virutally hold hands in a circle, like we are in some kind of sex cult, assuming you are all women, even though you aren’t, we gotta make due in these dark times….and pray…not because I am a religious man, but because I figure if we put the positive vibes […]




Bella Hadid Probably Has Corona Virus of the Day

If only…. Bella Hadid is still pretending to be a model, thanks to having been raised by a stage parent mother who claims to have been a model, and who was clearly not willing to accept that her kid was an ugly duckling, so she did all she could to polarize the look into being […]




Bella Hadid Nude of the Day

Bella Hadid and her clown looking cartoon face created by face injections in an attempt to turn an ugly bitch hot, which pulled one over on all the marketing people at brands or at least in fashion, to use the bitch in their campaigns and let her walk their runway because she has instagram hype […]




Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner Nipples for Fashion of the Day

I don’t find any of these girls interesting. I don’t find their foray into fashion all that special or fascinating. Fashion used to be some exclusive thing for rich people, now it is just trash. Strippers save up their lap dance money to buy bootleg version of the shit. If anything I just find it […]