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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I decided that I am tired of being impotent and shit’s a mind over matter situation. I realize that my wife is fucking disgusting and I can’t stomach the thought of slammin’ her, but I am convinced that young hot girls will be able to fix my problem. I tell myself it’s the booze and […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been sitting in a Starbucks for the last 6 hours because my wife is having one of those days where she smells really bad and I can’t deal with it despite that fact that I married it. I was hoping I’d see something interesting happen but then I realized that interesting people don’t do […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

The older I get, the more confused I get when drinking. I try to keep up with the college kids and finish a 26 ouncer on my own but it always ends up messy. I just got an email from some girl saying how we made out multiple times in the night and that I […]




I am – Sarah Harding at some Lingerie Store Opening of the Day

Here are some pictures of Sarah Harding doing the Paris Hilton at some store opening, because I guess when you’re some washed up popstar from the UK, Paris Hilton seems like some kind of success story that’s making all the right moves, so bitch goes out and does her hair like her, and shows up […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know where I found this picture, but I know why I saved it and the reason is simple. Cheesy dudes ruin hot chicks and makes them care about shit that is so irrelevant in life because they are cheesy dudes and they care about irrelevant shit like the rims on a car, so […]




I am – Jordan is the Ultimate Woman of the Year

I think the Ultimate joke of the day is that Jordan won some Cosmopolitan Best Woman award. I am guessing their criteria is to be a total party slut with no self respect and big fake titties that married dudes want to fuck because their wives are fat and disgusting and she’s some kind of […]




I am – UFO Sighting in Canada of the Day

This was just sent into me and I decided to post it, since the last alien I wrote about was Hayden Panettiere and figure it’d be nice to switch it up. So this exciting video is of a UFO sighting in Canada and all I can do is laugh at the dude’s funny accent. I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Today was just one of those days where nothing worked out. Most days don’t work out for me and today I couldn’t get onto the internet and when I did the shitty computer I was using kept crashing and it’s been a fucking struggle. I am hungover and it is midnight, I haven’t eaten today […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I realized I had a drinking problem according to the average person a long time ago, when I start drinking, I just don’t stop believing that I can keep drinking. I always just ignored the voice in my head that would tell me I am going a little too far because I don’t believe in […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So today’s been a big day, the fake Lohan showed up on AIM today. It was leaked that it was really her handle and this is what her away message said: [AWAY] its late ive been drinking…i want to see some girls who are 18+ naked doing naughty things (real nasty) on webcam vids and […]