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I am – Cleavage at the Break-Up Movie of the Day

Consider this live Blogging. The fat idol is singing her new single. Who the hell wrote this shit. Probably a commitee, sitting a room saying “yeah love rhymes with dove, let’s wrap this up”. I know I am a pretty incredible wordsmith, that’s why all 3 of you come back week after week, but I […]




I am – Lohan Stalker Post of the Day

Here I am, back at the stalking shit. I think it’s really funny and I know that no one else does, because the people I email don’t respond to me and because you readers don’t comment on these, but I am still going to do it. To me, it makes for the best celebrity posts […]




I am – Ivanka Trump’s Nipples of the Day

Ivanka Trump’s nipple is definitely worth more than you are. The reason is simple, her dad is Donald Trump and he has probably given her a solid salary and a slammin’ trust fund. Like all rich kids, I can only assume Ivanka is completely fucked up but she keeps it out of the public eye. […]




I am – Ivanka Trump's Nipples of the Day

Ivanka Trump’s nipple is definitely worth more than you are. The reason is simple, her dad is Donald Trump and he has probably given her a solid salary and a slammin’ trust fund. Like all rich kids, I can only assume Ivanka is completely fucked up but she keeps it out of the public eye. […]




I am – Email’s Been Hacked

The password on my GMAIL has been changed by someone who isn’t me. The backup email, has been changed. No one really has access to this email, but seems like they tricked the GMAIL system. If anyone is trying to get in touch with me and you’re getting either no response, or an annoying response. […]




I am – Email's Been Hacked

The password on my GMAIL has been changed by someone who isn’t me. The backup email, has been changed. No one really has access to this email, but seems like they tricked the GMAIL system. If anyone is trying to get in touch with me and you’re getting either no response, or an annoying response. […]




More LastNightsParty at Sundance

I was talking to someone local who has had his picture taken by Merlin Bronques when he was first starting out in Montreal. Now he’s rockin’ sundance, magazine spreads and ad campaigns, but he’ll always be a bald black “Lady” in the night to me. I have only been in this city for less than […]




Colin Farrell Sex Tape

The good thing about being a useless website that no one reads is that when I post a link to a celebrity sex tape that was submitted to me, and that I couldn’t actually watch because I don’t know shit about codecs, but assume it’s legit so download it and let me know how retarded […]




I am – Paris Loves Cock

There are girls out there who always need a boyfriend. The bitches hate themselves so fucking much that the need to constant affection that only comes from another man. Whenever they are single, their lives go to shit, they turn to partying and one night stands, that are usually unprotected because condoms are for pussies, […]




I am – Lollipop Sharing

Remember that whole sex tape scandal, where we were all invited into Paris Hilton’s hotel room to watch her get fucked like a corpse and suck dick like a school girl. Well it looks like Paris is passin’ the torch/lollipop onto some other bitch, but not for too long. like all spoiled cunts, they don’t […]