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I am – Lohan as Monroe

Lohan, still has a few pounds to go before she hits her ideal weight, at least that’s what her doctors told me. I actually never met her doctors, but judging by her tits, she’s still packin’ heat. Her cocaine habit has done her some good, so let this be a lesson to all you girls […]




I am – MySpace Message of the Day

Everyone is allowed to get confused every once in a while. I can’t blame someone for not realizing that my myspace profile picture is of Paris Hilton, but seriously dude, it’s fucking Paris Hilton. I know she may not be the most recognizable person to the average idiot, but the way I see it is […]




I am – Elizabeth Jagger Sex Tape

With that Dante chick, Fred Durst, Tonya Harding, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Elle McPherson’s Sister, the girl from Survivor, the former Miss America, Gena Lee Nolin, we realized that we love celebrity sex scandals. There is something really amazing seeing amateurs fuck, it’s even better when those amateurs are more famous than me. I remember […]




I am – The Best of The Stepfather Weekly Roundup

Some of the favorite posts of the week. Just in Case you missed them. If you liked another post link to it in the comments. Paris Hilton Notebook Hack Hunter Thompson Eulogy Break Up Girl: Rebound Sex A Loser’s guide to scoring “Sexy Anorexic” Webmaster speaks out Muslims Gone Jihad – Revisted




I am – Fred Durst Sex Tape

The problem with being poor, is not the ugly clothes you wear, or the shitty car you drive, or the addiction, broken homes and mold and mildew problems in the trailer…it is the lack of having a server to host files like this insanity. The insanity I am talking about is Fred Durst sex tape […]




I am – Link Dump

Here are some fun links to keep you happy. If would like to send me a link, email me at:brad 9 Swinging Links Boy has second head removed Pictures from my trip to Florida (Nudity) Sideburns on EBAY This would make a nice $4.8 Million present Rabbi says Swallow Paris Hilton’s new movie Trailer (not […]




I am – Lohan Doll Preview

We are the inefficient home of Lohan, we haven’t covered her granny speaking out about her dad’s arrest, we haven’t bothered mentioning her dad’s death threat to the family, we haven’t bothered with the whole Paris Hilton phone calls, the Fisher Family or posted her answering machine message. (scroll down), we haven’t discussed her breasts […]




I am – Paris Sidekick Phone Hacked

This is out of control, this whole Paris Hilton hack is completely out of control. I came across this site where the guys from GFY.com record the calls made to the Hilton contacts. Goodtimes. I remember when I was rich and could afford a phone…now I just have this computer….and free internet – thank you […]




I am – Video Clips of the Day

Videos are made for lovers and lovers make videos. It is Valentine’s Day weekend, what are you doing? Sitting home alone, playing video games, surfing the internet and jerking off to porn? Sounds fantastic you lonely bastard. Hopefully these clips help you get through the scientifically proven most depressing day of the year. I don’t […]




I am – Video Clips of the Day

Dude…we like video clips and we like to give you a list of our favorites of the day. There is no haiku today, just a lot of links that will make you smile and that’s what Jesus Martinez likes to do…see you smile…you look great today, did you get a haircut? No seriously, something looks […]