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I am – Nicole Richie is a 12 year old Tranny

This no writing thing is a lazy man’s game, and in keeping it up, since people find my site has too much writing, and don’t understand the jokes. I decided to quote Perez Hilton, everyone’s favorite useless celebrity blogger who we all know sat with the fat girls in the school cafeteria growing up. Because […]




I am – DrunkenStepLinks of the day

These are the links I chose. These are the links you re going to hate and complain about. I am glad we experienced this together. It’s like we are finally a family. That’s the story I heard…..I think I went way too far with the Lohan Stalker post. I will lose my 10 readers. Bye […]




I am – DrunkenLink Dump of the Day

I love how all you fuckers dis me for the links I choose. You call me a spammer and all kinds of fucking names. Keep it up – I will just post more fucking links everyday. Eventually – this garbage site will just be outbound links to crap….and then maybe you’ll stop comin’ by. Motherfucker. […]




I am – Saturday Night Link Dump of the Day

I hate when people criticize someone and that person rationalizes it by saying it stems from jealousy. “Oh they are just jealous…” Mother’s say that to their fat useless kids who get teased on the playground. Unfortunately carry that bullshit mother sympathy on with them into adult life. I would argue that I don’t get […]




I am – Cindy Crawford on the Beach

There’s something really disturbing about the Social Distortion song being used in the trailer for the Break Up movie. I am not hard for Mike Ness like most girls with tattoos were 10 years ago, but I did have a couple of their albums and I just find it weird hearing music from years ago […]




I am – The Official Link Dump of the Day

Smoking is officially banned in the city I live in. No more smoking in bars. End of an era or some shit. I quit smoking 6 months ago. I am just one step ahead I guess. Speaking of smoking, I saw some crackhead with BBQ Tongs, a ziplock bag and a disgusting rash on his […]




DrunkenStepfather Update of the Day 05/26

 Dear Faithful Followers, As I sit here writing this email, I am saddened, filled with anguish and affliction; for this will be my final email. It is with great regret that I make-known my departure from the city of Montreal, thus leaving behind the persona that is Drunken Step Steve. I am a firm […]




I am – Spice Girl on Cell Phone of the Day

I tell you what I want, what I really really want….there’s no better way to start a post than to drop a lyric from the bitch you are posting on’s first album….actually I lied. There are a lot better ways to start a post, but I am not crafty enough to find those ways. If […]




I am – Megan Fox’s Boyfriend’s Boner of the Day

And her Boyfriend is Brian Austin Green of Beverly Hills 90210. I just couldn’t write “I am – Brian Austin Green’s Boner” because this is not a gay site, like Perez Hilton and Trent. Point of the story is that I think I found the next bitch I want to stalk and that is Megan […]




I am – Megan Fox's Boyfriend's Boner of the Day

And her Boyfriend is Brian Austin Green of Beverly Hills 90210. I just couldn’t write “I am – Brian Austin Green’s Boner” because this is not a gay site, like Perez Hilton and Trent. Point of the story is that I think I found the next bitch I want to stalk and that is Megan […]