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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I suck today. I don’t know what the fuck happened but it was one annoying thing after another that only let me post twice. I guess no one really cares because you don’t read this shit but I am going to get drunk. I know all these sites are a lot hungrier than I am […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So I was telling some girl that I was a virgin on the computer the other day and she didn’t believe me. I told her if she ever saw me, then she’d have an easier time believing, this shit is not a magic trick or anything. But I also know that virginity is a myth […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

That party like a rockstar song is pretty big right now, but partying like a rockstar is a waste of fucking money. All these kids with their parent’s credit cards are going nuts buying their bottles of Grey Goose like shit makes other people think they are rockstars in their designer clothes, when everyone knows […]




I am – Ivanka Trumps Rich Breasts of the Day

I think I may be in love with Ivanka Trump. Not because she is hot but because I fall in love every time I leave my house, which isn’t as often as it probably should be meaning I am forced into falling in love with girls on the computer who I don’t know and will […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Last night ended with me being the last person in the bar talking to some dude who was with some busted girl and every time she turned away he’d reassure me that he doesn’t normally have sex with such ugly girls but it was 3:30 in the morning and he figured why the fuck not […]




I am – Helena Christensen’s Got Legs of the Day

Sure Helena Christensen’s a washed up hag now, but bitch still has fucking amazing legs and amazing legs always get my attention and as long as I stare at them, I can pretend that she doesn’t have the face of last month’s leftovers that are still in my fridge because my wife doesn’t like vegetables. […]




I am – Helena Christensen's Got Legs of the Day

Sure Helena Christensen’s a washed up hag now, but bitch still has fucking amazing legs and amazing legs always get my attention and as long as I stare at them, I can pretend that she doesn’t have the face of last month’s leftovers that are still in my fridge because my wife doesn’t like vegetables. […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So some dude emailed me telling me that I am a Charles Bukowski rip off and that I am doing a bad fucking job of ripping him off because I fucking suck. I didn’t know who Charles Bukowski was before I started this site. About a year and a half in, someone told me I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

It was Canadian Thanksgiving, and like every Thanksgiving I take the family to the homeless shelter for a free meal that tasted like fucking shit but was free which made shit taste like fuckin’ heaven until the after effects hit us. It was nice to spend my night with my extended homeless and crazy family […]




I am – Michelle Ray Smith Is Cleavage of the Day

I don’t care about hockey, I hate people who are hooked on it here and it’s not just a stereotype, Canadians live and breath this shit and anytime there’s a game in town they all get loud and annoying and break shit and I have yet to see a hot chick in a hockey jersey […]