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I am – Kate Middleton Upskirt of the Day

Kate Middleton was linked to one of Diana’s Princes, which is a pretty good relationship to be in had she kept dude happy enough to keep him around. The paparazzi killed his mom and they are just as hooked on him and she’d have an have to deal with being followed everywhere she went, but […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So I was at a party locally and some dude came up to me telling me that he wants the chick he’s with flashing her tits on the site. I asked her and she seemed to be cool with it, so he pulled out her tits, I took the picture which is surprising that I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Someone emailed me the weirdest email from South Africa telling me how much my links suck because there are so many of them. I realize that people in South Africa are at the cutting edge of pretty much nothing but I do post a lot of links, but I figure what the fucks the difference […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Tonight’s been a busy night. It’s the one night of the week the family goes out to dinner together because KFC’s got a 2 dollar special and my wife managed to eat 20 boxes of the shit. That story was a lie, but it’s nice to pretend, reality is that I don’t step foot in […]




I am – Kate Moss Getting Out of Cars With Boys of the Day

I shoulda married a model. When I look at my wife I always feel like I sold myself short. Then I look at myself in the mirror and realize that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, but if I was to live this life differently, I’d be that dude who bangs models […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So I finally fell off my high horse about the whole Paris Hilton situation when I realized that no one gave a fuck about my story, even though I thought it was awesome. I had to deal with a wicked hangover all day, but since shit made me feel so awesome last night, it was […]




I am – Paris Does Montreal of the Day

I found out that Paris was going to be hitting up some ChaChi bar in Montreal about a week ago. I thought it would be funny to get myself into the event even though it’s not that funny. So I tried contacting the club involved. They wanted nothing to do with me or the website […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I missed the links yesterday because I was too busy having good times while rockin’ the flu. Nothing really happened but it was hot outside and I didn’t feel like being in the house. My wife was being annoying and despite wanting to divorce her I realize I have no where else to really go, […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

So today was a really eventful day for me. I think I have a flu and I am feeling delirious and the computer is fucking with my eyes. I guess I get what I deserve for spending 10 hours a day in front of it. I borrowed a friends car today to go and pick […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t even know what happened to me today. I got this killer migraine that made it impossible to look at my screen and I spent most of the night throwing up what looked like blood, but was probably my ketchup soup that I made because I am on a budget here. I had tickets […]