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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I almost had an ad deal closed today, but then the dude emailed me back telling me that he wasn’t going to go through with it. This has been the story of the site, people are scared to advertise because I post to tits, I say stupid shit, and they don’t want to get their […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I think working on the site from 4 am – 8 am while wasted was a bad idea. I couldn’t fall back to sleep and now I feel like I am dying. Today, some chick who reads the site added me to IM and she spent the whole afternoon interrogating me about who I am, […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was watching a show on streetwhores at a friends house an the slag had the nerve to ask for 100 dollars for everything….I am guessing she means for 100 dollars she will fuck. I thought that was a little expensive, she was a street whore and street whores should be suckin’ dick for $5, […]




I am – Meth Addict Before and After of the Day

Someone sent this picture into me and Perez Hilton was CCed on the email. So I decided to post it, even though I have no idea who this girl is. It said “Meth Does A Body Good” which is true for a fat chick like this. I think she looks a lot better now, she […]




I am – Sienna Miller’s Sex Video of the Day

I posted the Sienna Miller Sex Scenes from Factory Girl a long time ago. The Weinstein Company emailed me threatening a lawsuit if I didn’t take them down. I don’t have any money to fight the Weinstein company and even if I did no one would pay attention to the site because I was getting […]




I am – Sienna Miller's Sex Video of the Day

I posted the Sienna Miller Sex Scenes from Factory Girl a long time ago. The Weinstein Company emailed me threatening a lawsuit if I didn’t take them down. I don’t have any money to fight the Weinstein company and even if I did no one would pay attention to the site because I was getting […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

In running a blog with 15 readers, I end up having a major influence on the world. One of those influences is my “Gayer Than Bicycle Shorts” Expression that has made it’s way onto Wikipedia DJ AM Publicly Denies that He Is Gayer Than Bicycle Shorts on Wikipedia under “appearances” GO And motivated readers to […]




I am – More Paris Exposed Shit of the Day

This is a 20 minute video of Paris Hilton in Ibiza from the Paris Exposed Scandal and below you will find a truck load of pictures….This is the list: 70 images leaked from Paris Hilton with shocking pictures, letters and more! Paris & Her pipes, weed, coke & shrooms Paris loading up the pipe Paris […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I hate that I think my site is the best site on the internet but it is. I have nothing more to say about that. I went to a car show today and say Jewish dudes complain about wanting to see cars he can buy in the custom car area while dirty french people were […]




I am – stepLINKS of the day

I am still in shock from this Paris Hilton scandal, not because I care, but because I am excited to watch the videos. I know they probably suck and that this is Billionaire Joe Francis’ brainchild but I don’t get out very much and watching celebs doing kilo’s of coke is amazing, even if it’s […]