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stepLINKS of the Day

How many hate jerk off to Miss Information Jen Psaki…whether you’re a democrat or republican…she’s got that cunty hall monitor condescending bitch attitude that her level of hotness doesn’t justify…but that she pretends to own and it is almost convincing…we’ve all known a Jen Psaki in our lives and trying to figure out if they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just saw some 22 year old teacher did some sexual assault at a high school locally…and I feel like all the sexual assault cases that happen in High Schools seem to be creepy lady teachers fucking the male students…and they are young and hot perverts trying to get a thrill as the de-virginizer teacher […]




Kourtney Kardashian’s Gross Ass of the DAy

As you may or may not know, we live in a totalitarian regime that control the media and basically everything about our lives, there is nothing you can do about it and more importantly it is nothing new, so just sit back and relax and watch it all unfold…it’s the only real option and people […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be offline the next few days because I’ll be really busy with my cohorts in BIG TECH at that “BILLIONAIRE SUMMER CAMP” in Sun Valley Idaho….you know me and Zuck just talking FUTURE shit like the important contribution to the internet I’ve been…oh wait…I wasn’t invited….IF ONLY I was a psy-op….I’d have traffic […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….It’s a crazy world. Knowing you have no control is probably the best place to be. We aren’t free and it’s obvious so do what you are told it’s probably for the best…you’re not a hero, you’re a peasant fuck and that’s how peasants live….I know… Unfortunately, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know the world is twisted because I have been presented as the villain of the internet…at least over the years…to the people who have been written about on the site… This means that big tech like Google and Facebook and even Tom at Myspace didn’t like what I was doing, discounted me as porn, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tried by the media. If the media, that is owned by corporations, decides to destroy a person and their career, they can. Without any evidence or legal hearings, an innocent person, can be cancelled, even treated differently in court, all because they push a storyline that makes the simple minds hate them. You are guilty […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In great news I saw the internet is finally turning on that trash that is Chrissy Teigen, trying to get her cancelled for bullying other women, like the goddess that is Courtney Stodden, and there’s a hashtag going around #survivingchrissyteigen and it’s amazing because I’ve always thought of her as an evil and vile pile […]




Kate Beckinsale Hiding that Old Lady Turkey Neck of the Day

A man who used to try to make me call him daddy, back when I was growing up in the foster system, taught me a few valuable lessons, like how adaptable our ANUSES are to their immediate surroundings, but more importantly that women who bodybuild have clits the size of a grown man’s pinky….but even […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Where to begin…. Do we discuss whether it’s transphobic to say to a tranny that “you look like a dude” even if they look like a dude…or point at her and say “look, that chick looks like a dude”…because just because your “TRUE SELF” which is an insane concept is one that cuts off its […]