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stepLINKS of the Day

I was at a bar last night…and some girl approached me. She was 19…and decided to cuddle up to me, a stranger, and tell me how she’s a sex addict…and when I tried to pawn her chubby ass on my friend, he told her that he would fuck her, but only with a condom because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Trying to convince a girl to eat out her friend is always complicated especially when they are both Cashiers serving you at Wendys Drive Thru…you’d figured of all people, they’d be eager to do anything that doesn’t involve taking orders please…. Trying to convince a girl to eat out her friend when dealing with drunk […]




Jessica Hart for Harper’s Bazaar

Jessica Hart is dating, or was dating, and assume still dating, billionaire heir Stavros, who has pretty much dated every girl who was relevant in the early 2000s, because girls, all girls, like young billionaires, especially when they don’t look like hobbits, but still would fuck with them if they did, thanks to their money…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My favorite thing about Labor Day is the after birth….. Even if the afterbirth is herpes from college girls…who are out of control on their first go at life on their own in a new city….in this tinder porn filled world….herpes…that are inevitable.. Here are some stepLINKS…which is my daily after birth…you click on…cuz you’re […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I tried convincing a girl that if she got her clit pierced all the lesbians would love her, because all girls are lesbians now, I mean I even saw to high school 16 year old girl lesbians holding hands…and all lesbians love shiny blinged out clits..they identify each other that way, like buoys in the […]




Cameron Diaz Creepy in Love with a Clown of the Day

It is debatable whether Cameron Diaz is one of the hottest actresses, or whether she was one of the hottest actresses….. It is debatable whether Caameron Diaz is a talented actress, but in her defence, acting requires 90 percent ego/confidence and 10 percent ability to not think you’re an asshole playing make-belief. But one thing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We partnered up with STATE BICYCLE COMPANY…. We are giving away a free bike / $500 gift certificate for a new bike… We are running the contest all months….so enter the contest: Bikes make for a lovely first date, a great getaway vehicle when you don’t have a license due to a DUI, and a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was when “Stella Maxwell (This is My Real Account)”…something anyone with their real account would write next to their profile….so trolls realize it’s actually them…was a “people I may know”…according to my facebook…. So I decided to message her…only to be blocked 10 seconds after she answered me… Was it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I get some hate from feminists, who think I am counter productive, despite being a self diagnosed feminist, who just uses misogyny like “look at her ass”, “look at her tits”…as a comedic hook…to showcase how ridiculous our world is. When really, I never slut shame, I love sluts, and I never judge a girl […]




Lori Loughlin from Full House Showing Her Bra of the Day

Lori Loughlin was the hot aunt on Full House, a show we were forced to watch in the early 90s, thanks to not having access to as many channels as we have now, making this poorly written pile of shit show a success, that people are all emotionally attached to now, due to Nostalgia…even though […]