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stepLINKS of the Day

76 % of my readers are models googling themselves… The other 14% is weirdos like you…jerking off…to my words…you don’t actually read becaue you don’t know how to read…so why am I writing this…pictures..just look at the pictures you white trash inbred fuck… Follow me on Instagram: @Drunkenstepfatherdotcom @Drunkenstepfatherdotcom @Drunkenstepfatherdotcom Here are some stepLINKS>… Guy […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM…because INSTAGRAM is the only thing that matters….other than me spending hours texting girls, trying to convince them to film themselves having sex for me, which is the new holy grail of the sext… A photo posted by www.drunkenstepfather.com (@drunkenstepfatherdotcom) on Jun 28, 2015 at 8:38pm PDT HEre are […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am always amazed how delusional and/or confident some people are. You know, they actually take nude pics of themselves and think they look good…and send them with conviction. No, I’m not talking to the 2 dick pics I got yesterday, one with the caption “do I look small”… I’m talking to the 65 year […]




Chelsea Handler’s Bath Time of the Day

Chelsea Handler is an attention seeking comedian, who’s best joke is her mocking attention seeking fame whores, by being one… It’s the kind of Parody that people like Perez Hilton did, yes I just referenced Perez Hilton, he’s on Chelsea Handler’s level of importance, a celebrity blogger who was so obsessed with being a celebrity […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The interesting thing about the whole Sugar Baby thing going mainstream, something the same people who would hate on someone like Anna Nicole Smith, now digging for her own billionaire to take her on a private jet, or in some cases, to dinner for 350 dollars, because money is fun in this money obsessed era…is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

On my facebook, twitter and instagram…I’ve been seeing girls posting articles and statuses on dick pics… Basically complaining like “hey guys we don’t need the dick pics”…. or “OMG, I GET SO MANY DICK PICS AND I HATE IT”… or “WHAT ARE THESE GUYS THINKING WITH THEIR DICK PICS”…. It’s partially due to snapchat, partially […]




Paulina Gretzky Post Pregnancy Bikini Body of the Day

For those of you who remember Paulina Gretzky, and I am assuming you don’t….she posted a pic of her bikini body, because she’s a mom now…I think to a golfer named Dustin Johnson and I guess that happened while she was forgotten. So at one point in time, she was the aspiring rich kid model….and […]




Lauren Wasser is the Inspiration of the Day

Here name is LAUREN WASSER ….her instagram is @theimpossiblemuse….and she’s fascinating… I saw her pictures a week ago because I follow Paris Hilton’s actual BFF, not that twat from her reality show FOTOFETISH …. I was obviously compelled by the fact she was misssing a leg, figuring that this was just another progressive move by […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls who tell me they have butthole pics..but don’t send me butthole pics because I have a website…are the fucking worst….because I don’t like being discriminated or left out of the butthole pics…because I have website… Here are some stepLINKS>.. So Many Asses for Wednesday Day….. CLICK HERE Half Eaten Dolphin of the Day CLICK […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The free the nipple movement, that isn’t really a movement, because girls have been showing their nipples with confidence in public for as long as I can remember…is still great…until you go and sit next to a hot mom breast feeding in the part and stare at her tit….long enough for it to get awkward […]