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stepLINKS of the Day

The free the nipple movement, that isn’t really a movement, because girls have been showing their nipples with confidence in public for as long as I can remember…is still great…until you go and sit next to a hot mom breast feeding in the part and stare at her tit….long enough for it to get awkward […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes it just takes some Jesus freak to sit down with you at dinner uninvited, helping himself to your food and drink…to remind you that if there was a GOD…that he is preaching, where was he when this dude moved in, because the last time I checked…my religious experiences don’t involve dudes annoying me… That […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

The bikini game in Canada is pretty fucking weak…at least in this part of white trash Canada where you’d expect at least one meth addicted stripper to be getting a tan…..but all I see is a sea of gunts hanging over bikini bottoms one size too small… I guess Canada’s memorial day from Queen Victoria […]




SuperGirl Super Pic of the Day

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Remember there was something called the Fappening…that no one really gave a fuck about…because people generally don’t give a fuck these days about anything but maybe people in their immediate circle naked…it’s like “Oh Jennifer Lawrence nude selfie, cool, who cares”….kind of generation…when I’m from a generation of “OMG Paris Hilton Flashed her Thong”…and people […]




stepLINKS of the Day

For an anti social person who generally hates most things and most people I have a lot of followers on social media…you know an antisocial social media whore…. However, for the single longest running internet failure…I really don’t have nearly enough followers on social media and it is a constant reminder that after 11 years […]




Fergie on the Beach of the Day

The highlight of my internet career is when I snuck into some Canadian Award show, probably 6 years ago, when Fergie still mattered and Lady Gaga was coming up, where I grabbed onto Fergie’s hand and looked her in the eyes…and told her…that we were soul mates…only for her security to pull me off of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know if I attract exhibitionists on tinder, or slutty girls looking to be slutty, but for some reason when I ask for vagina pics they all say no…and when I ask why they say no and whether it is because they have a disgusting vagina….they all send the vagina pis…is reverse psychology that […]




Gigi and Kendall Jenner Celebrate a Tranny Dad’s and Birthdays of the Day

Kendall Jenner posted this Gigi Hadid picture because they are BFF eveyrone…they are up on some new generation Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian bullshit…with their psycho hollywood stage parents…trying to maximize exposure…while possibly hating each other for each other’s success…shit talking each other as these girls do…or just getting together in their local Calabasas hang […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best place to hang out when you are like me and have nothing better to do with your time…is the health food store next to the yoga studio…in the early afternoon…because you will see some mom ass like you’ve never seen mom ass before…the only problem is that it is mom ass and mom […]




stepLINKS of the Day

From the RatedXLife Snapchat…this bush in weed pants wearing a weed nuug as a bush hat is up on some Miley Cyrus shit..high concetp art.. As someone who doesn’t smoke weed, all you 420 idiots must die, but as someone who loves bush…I mean the kind of guy who makes girls I fuck grown out […]