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Elsa Pataky Bikini of the Day

Elsa Pataky brought her busty tits, on her fit for a 42 year old mom, midget body…cuz se looks short…to the beach in a bathing suit that thankfully doesn’t draw too much attention to her ravaged stomach from all their kids…. She’s got a great ass, but we have to remind ourselves that she’s 42 […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Starbucks for President…because they haven’t ruined the planet… The interesting thing about the Presidency, is that the people running for Presidency aren’t at the top of their career, but usually retiring from their career, and jumping into the political world as a hobby to keep their billionaire minds busy…. It is never anyone at the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best thing about the success of Facebook is that it gives all the socially awkward weirdos hope…because Facebook was built by a socially awkward dude, probably / definitely a virgin, who wasn’t getting the sexts from the hot chicks, so instead created a platform with messaging capabilities so that he could read the sexts […]




stepLINKS of the

Who decided bullying was a bad thing that we shouldn’t do, and why did it become a general rule of the world, and when you bully you are seen as an asshole, even though the non-bully’s are thinking it… I know girls and I know how they talk about other girls….when they aren’t writing “you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just got cat-called and by cat called I mean some lady called me a fat fuck…. This happened yesterday when I was perving in the mall…but apparently…it happens everywhere….if you are gross enough. It wasn’t the kind of cat call girls are used to like when dudes drive by and scream “Show me you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It may be the Christmas Season. The time of joy and happiness, goodwill towards man…even hope for a better tomorrow….a time for you to connect with Jesus you Christians…and spend time with family and friends…reconnecting with each other…spoiling each other…eating together….but as an outsider who only interacts with society on social media…It’s so hard to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Nothing says Christmas miracle like finger banging a crack whore over her pants on public transit whilst sitting across from an old rich woman who likely had Alzheimer’s, making eye contact with her, appalling her and making her wish she was still legally allowed to drive or that she called a taxi, only to get […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Everyone is so sensitive…it’s at the point of ridiculous, and what makes it all worse is that the powers that be pander to the whiners, rather than allow people to have an opinion of their own that they express through their platform… Award shows are a dated concept to begin with, but the fact that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not just a voyeur…you know the kind of guy who wants to watch people fuck but I am also a voyeur of pop culture from a distance that I am very detached from it and out of touch – but know enough to know the millennials while being the laziest motherfuckers…don’t have the […]




Sarah Hyland Bikini of the Day

Sarah Hyland, Miley Cyrus, Rita Ora, Hailey Baldwin all had birthday’s this week, I know because I have instagram and for some reason people who have no association to these people, other than following them on social media, seemed compelled to post up birthday tributes, which is weird in and of itself, like why the […]