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stepLINKS of the Day

I wouldn’t know, I use the lady’s bathroom because I identify as a woman…but only whilst at the gym…because I needn’t further explain my front hole is that of what I consider a woman’s for the sake of watching bitches shower after their workout…a lifelong fetish of mine, one that has been hard to realize […]




Golden Globes Roundup of the Day

The Golden Globes happened yesterday, which is hilarious to me, only because I had no idea that the Golden Globes happened or were on. I try to avoid the internet on weekends, and pretty much all the time, and despite having a celebrity titty site, I don’t give a fuck about the celebrities, Hollywood, or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So the first day of 2019 is done….and we’ve all accomplished zero. We’ve all broken our New Year Resolutions that even if you don’t subscribe to that bullshit you still tell yourself with that self aware voice in your head that you have things you want to do…whether it’s just having more fun, taking things […]




stepLINKS of The Day

I’m sure you’ve all seen that thick neck meme….that people are openly posting and laughing at…making jokes about…which confuses me because if he was a fat white girl….the internet would be MAD at the shaming….the people involved arrested for cyber bullying….or if someone called him a RETARD..holy fuck….only the Kardashians can get away with that […]




Old Models Getting Naked of the Day

The mall brand is doing their infomercial tonight so they are aggressive on the publicity kick…and still releasing their self published book shot by one of their photographers…because why not hit us from every angle with their “angels”… So here are a couple of their nudes, to go with all the paparazzi following the other […]




Slutty Halloween Roundup of the Day

It was Halloween…and everyone in the world, not just celebs were so excited to wear a dozen fucking costumes in a three day period…. I have already done THIS POST and THIS POST about the topic…because I am such a great investigative journalist who covers all the important things in the world….like what sluts dressed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a world where fat girls publicly discuss their sex and no one throws up on them, or throws cake or burgers to shut them the fuck up..because they know that the food will distract them from talking about their sex…These people are actually and encouraged to share their slutty fat girl experiences […]




Top 10 Tits from the American Music Awards of the Day

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My wife told me the AMAs were on, because otherwise I would have no idea. They are the most insignificant of award shows, especially now that Dick Clark is living in his host body and no longer there to be the Robot host…. So, I did what any self respecting blogger would do and I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know why, but every time I walk by an Inuit prostitute, and she offers me sex for money, and I say no thanks, not because I’m racist, but because I’m not into that look, they tell me I have a tiny dick but that I should try to fuck myself with it anyway….just […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There was an intersection crackwhore panhandling the innocent people stuck at the intersection in traffic after working their actual job, because they aren’t degenerates who make their crack money panhandling commuters… She was wearing oversized pants, that she was either holding up at her pussy, and her beat the fuck up weathered face looked like […]