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Archive for the Kate Upton Category




Kate Upton is Back of the Day

Sports Illustrated dropped 2024 issue and Kate Upton is back….

I was probably pretty mean to Kate Upton and her hot sloppy tits when she first hit the scene of Bikini Model…because that’s just the kind of guy I am…a hater…

With age comes wisdom, not that I wasn’t old then, but I am older now and in being older now, I am just happy to see a set of sloppy tits that come across as more premium than all the self producing content creators showing off their tits.

Back when she happened, social media wasn’t as big as it is now and the world still relied on girls being cast for these sorts of things, so we could collectively hate on the casting team for making these models happen….

Since social media has become as big as it is, we’ve now got all these nasty bitches who think they are Kate Upton and that just elevates all that Kate Upton represented….

So with lower standards and a hatred for the self starting creator and an appreciation for the nostalgia of a model that came to us through castings…and a set of big tits on a wide weird frame that people loved….it’s nice to see the come back…

The sloppy tits, now mom tits are fun tits…Ozempic, who cares!


Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton’s Deflated Tits of the Day

I forgot Kate Upton existed. I wasn’t a fan of her big sloppies when she was being pushed onto us like the next great thing in bikini modeling, her body was boxy and dumpy and the big tits were big tits, which clearly is enough to win over America, but they weren’t great tits….so by the time she was 19 or 20 I was like “her body is middled aged, get the fuck out of here”…..

She ended up marrying a rich as fuck athlete, she quit the model life because why bother, it got her a rich as fuck athlete, not that she wasn’t rich as fuck before the model thing, her grand dad invented Whirlpool or some shit….

She had a kid or multiple kids, is now 31 and for whatever reason this set of pics of her popped up from June 17th and despite look as old as she’s always looked, her tits have DEFLATED…..

So all the Kate Upton bros still jerking off to her SI moment because the tits were ALL she had going for her, now have to deal with an older and flatter version of her and that’s hilarious…..WHEN THE TITS ARE ALL YOU HAVE and the TITS LEAVE YOU….where do you stand in the world….

She must be going through some dark times as a flat chested bitch…emotionally, not financially….all tits to no tits….DARK TIMES.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton’s in a Bikini of the Day

You know, I used to shit on Kate Upton, not officially, since she was a rich kid who wasn’t in the model game for the money, she was in it for something to do, or for the celebrity and attention, as rich models do…..not that I could have afforded to pay any model to let me shit on her, or would I pay any model to shit on her, but I shit on her with WORDS…the other anus.

Anyway, I’d call her boxy, sloppy, square, but the tits were enough to carry her, and this was like a decade ago…so 10 years older, a mom of kids, not really in a better position to justify that mom look…but at the time it was confusing….

She’s doing what she made a name for herself doing…BIKINI shit…now with a body that makes sense since it’s not 19….and a body that looks exactly like it did to me when she was 19….

So yeah, Kate Upton in a bikini with her Husband who just won a World Series and landed a 200 million dollar 3 year contract…so they’re chillin’.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Got Them Tits On of the Day

Kate Upton Yacht Bikini

Kate Upton, who is now a mom, brought out her tits in a bikini. She did it with her arms pressing into the tits to give them some perk. Some old slutty tactics to give tits pop. “Oh let me just hold this drink in a way that squeezes my massive fat tits together for the photo”. Tactics she has to take because otherwise people could lose sight of the focal point and instead notice that she’s not hot.

I’ve been a Kate Upton hater since the day she happened. I wasn’t against the big tits, just the hype that was around her. People everywhere praised her for being this hot young thing, and I was like “do they not realize she’s a fat chick, boxy, with a shitty midsection, shitty legs, a shitty ass, and this is her at her best…she’s just going to get more and more disgusting as time goes on”….and I was right…she was plus sized they squeezed under the radar like Upton squeezed into size large bikinis, and every dude…blinded by tits…praised her…called me a faggot for calling her fat…it was a dark time for me….

I realize, what Upton realizes and that is that you can buy a career when you are rich from your Grandad inventing Whirlpool, but also that tits get hits and America loves tits, so if you can be the set of big tits America loves…you’re good to go.

I’m not saying that Upton is the UGLIEST OUT THERE. I am not saying her tits are bad or that the bikini pics aren’t welcomed for old times, I’m just saying that even at her best…she wasn’t that great…you’re just a bunch of bros who are like “oh yeah…tits”.


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton Tight Leggings of the Day

Kate Upton Tight Leggings 2

Kate Upton is out here reaffirming what I’ve always said about her and her career that was bought by her family because they are rich. Her grandfather invented Whirlpool (the appliance company)….

The entire time she was getting all that hype all those years ago, when she was around 18 years old, I knew she would grow into the tits…and not in a good way…in a girl is going to end up DUMPY as shit…and even in her tight pants…she looks dumpy as shit….sure she’s older now, but there are 45 year olds you want to fuck that look better than this…so we can assume that she was just a product of marketing and you all bought into it…cuz of the tits.

Tits…the most powerful of drugs.


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton Bikini of the Day

Kate Upton Bikini

Kate Upton and her mom tits on a boat….in a bikini…showing off her mom tits that have been mom tits since she was 16 and started to model…despite the rest of her being very fucking weird looking and weird shaped….only no one noticed cuz they were too swept away and excited by her mom tits….in an era of celebrating tits and being obsessed with tits…because our moms didn’t breast feed up enough, or our moms breast fed us too much, or draw to big sloppy tits is a constant..or was a constant before everyone turned queer or trans and forget the simplicity of a huge tit…a huge set of tits is the key to Kate Upton’s existence.


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton Bikini of the Day

Kate Upton Bikini

Kate Upton is out here in a bikini or bathing suit…showing off her mom body that for all intents and purposes has looked like a mom body since she first did Sports Illustrated at 18, thanks to her grandfather being the founder of WHIRLPOOL…yes THAT Whirlpool…and her having huge saggy mom tits that looked like the fed a tribe in Africa for a decade before going viral in the USA as the reminder that we still like tits..

I do not find her exciting, not pre baby, not post baby, equally dumpy only now her vagina is banged the fuck out, never quite the same….she’s overrated sure, but here’s some bikini tits out attempt to be hot, cuz not being hot worked for her before…and I’m sure will work for her again…

Kate Upton Bikini


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton Pregnant Nipples of the Day

Hey Perverts who thought Kate Upton was always pregnant – based on her fat, obese tits, and weird shaped big tit body…well she’s actually pregnant now, and she’s still got the big fat tits, some may say they are even fatter when she was just a fat model, and she’s brought them to the Texas baseball game her Husband and Baby Daddy is the star pitcher for…because that’s how you keep a faggy baseball player closeted, you distract him with tits so big he reverts to his baby self and gets hypnotized in, all while being this fake ideal hot chick, who I don’t think was ever hot to begin with, but just busty marketing hype, for the basic normal dudes to think is hot…

Look at those fat pale legs and that banged out Belly Button. Disgusting…

It’s the weekend now. Fuck off…or stare at fat pregnant tits in a sick fucking dress..inappropriate attention seeking rich kid is what this is…almost perverted of her to wear it out to a game…there are people around…save your pregnant sex for your damn mansion…we don’t need it in the stadium…fucking sick fucks….

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton See Through Big Tits and Big Gut of the Day

Kate Upton Hard Nipples Big TIts See through tight black dress

Fat Kate Upton brought her fat belly out for the people in what could be a see through dress, but we’ll never know because when tits get stretched out so hard, from sheer size and volume, the nipple do too…and often times that means there is no differentiation between nipple and tit itself…

Not that that matters, what matters is how much America loves fat Kate Upton, now at her fattest. They love her big sloppy tits, her broad back, her gunt…that is now infested with a fetus eating off her, so that she can bring it to the world, and live that normal white life, with the help of all their nannies because they are rich…her husband a star athlete, her grandfather the inventor of Whirlpool, something she’ll like need to bathe in, if she gets more pregnant, because she’s a fucking elephant…

Pregnancy scares me on many levels, why would you want kids, why would you have kids in this world, and why is there a dick growing inside you, leaching off you, it’s parasitic and sci/fi and I don’t like it….and I don’t like what it does to a pussy after it rips it open….

Kate Upton, never interested me, she was always too plus sized for me, but monster tits are monster tits, and you should look at the monster tits, all pregnant and shit..because you are into that kind of thing.


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Pregnant Kate Upton for the Perverts of the Day

You fucking perverts….

This is pregnant Kate Upton….

You fucking perverts….

With her fat tits that your pervert minds made famous, I mean coupled with her family fortune, but that you’re responsible for regardless…

All pregnant with parasite growing within her, before it squeezes out of her cunt, in what you hope will be a birthing video on Youtube, but will likely just be a mangled cunt.

You fucking perverts…


Posted in:Kate Upton