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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk’s Topless and her Underwear is Pulled Down for Fashion of the Day

Can you believe that I slept on these Irina Shayk topless, in underwear, showing off half her ass crack like a fat fuck bending over to pick something up in public….

I can’t believe it because I have been an Irina Shayk endorser all these years, I thought she was the hottest Russia had to offer, the Nuclear Bomb of pussy, the species ending model experience….even when she got with that loser Brad Cooper I was sold.

I guess she’s been getting older, the face has been hitting the wall, the decline has happened and I’m over hear with planning my social media tour of Russian attractions…because where there’s one hot spy aged out, there are MANY MORE….

In the meantime, a tribute to Irina that was, with the Irina that is..

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Racy Photoshoot of the Day

Irina Shayk is looking old and hard. My friend Stefan calls her the face of communism, what you’d expect to see on a propaganda poster when they were pushing the Soviet Union into communism, just hard.

She’s older now, her tits more deflated, her abs visible and as far as I’m concerned, she’s still hot and for the record, I typically don’t go for tranny looking menopausal chicks with too much testosterone, but when it comes to Irina Shayk, I like it.

I figure she’s done the KGB training program in being an agent provocateur, seducing important men like Bradley Cooper to get access to information he has access to, like his bank accounts or his looking in the mirror telling himself how great he is like male actors tend to do since they’re queer.

The highlight of this outfit is the zipper panties, because it provides you or someone you know, providing you or someone you know are important people, the access they need to the honeytrap we call her cunt.

She’s fun at least when bending over and smiling at us through her legs…bracing her ankles….like a pro would do.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Brings her Tits and Ass to Instagram of the Day

I’ve endorsed the double agent that is Irina Shayk, who people are hating because the media is telling them to hate Russians, who Tom Brady is hating because she’s a desperate looking model trying to find her next high profile dick to climb on, not realizing she’s 38 years old, a mom , and in the process of a rotting harder than she probably ever thought she would, but probably thought she would because she had kids with Brad Cooper for the insurance policy / financial benefits of using that pussy to wallet fuck for 18 years of child support, assuming she’s not a born man and all this has been an elaborate troll because one of these pics looks like she’s got a dick, a dick you’d like to suck since it comes with the rest of her, even if it comes down your throat…..

The point of the story is the rot is happening, the desperation increasing at an equal pace to the rot in efforts to offset the rot and there’s titties on INSTAGRAM so that’s really what it’s all about isn’t it…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk is she a Spy or Hooker or Both or Neither of the Day

Here’s a question I am putting out to the universe, since the universe are DrunkenStepfather.com subscribers, obviously, that’s why I’m so rich and famous and writing this from my super yacht I bought from Robert Maxwell…..

Is Irina Shayk a Russian Spy, since she is Russian and apparently from a town where they train the agent provocateurs to use their hotness to seduce men of power and to capture dirt on them to use against them in a blackmail setting…..which is arguably also being a whore, but a different kind of whore since it’s for the benefit of Mother Russia….MYSTERIOUS if true…..

Or is Irina Shayk a hooker, just a high end hooker who only deals with A-Listers and who has a team of powerful people divert her hooking by making it more about being a model, which by definition is also hooking, since they are paid by the hour to be hot, but it’s not seen in the same light as actual hooking……but you get what I am saying….

Basically many international sugar babies and hookers and escorts who come to America on a work visa are doing it through escort agencies that pretend to be model agencies and are doing it as models not whores….SO….it’s not like it would be that scandalous if she was a straight up whore….

BUT there’s some stories going around in the media about her that involve her being buds with Epstein, because apparently someone got his calendars and you’d have to wonder what she’d be doing with him, if not providing salacious information on important people….because the alternative reason would be too dark for the bright light that is Irina Shayk….

Regardless of the rumors, people are just hating on near perfection and even as she ages like a loaf of bread, the way women age, I’m going to say you’re all just a bunch of haters mad that she’s so good….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Sheer Outfit for Cannes of the Day

I realize that Irina Shayk’s older, she’s not the Irina Shayk working as a beard for Ronaldo before being released in America like some sort of Russian spy designed to infiltrate the fashion and entertainment industry…..so she’s not necessarily as hot as she was for you old fat perverts who are only into hot young models…

She’s the kind of Russian spy I’d want parked outside my house, randomly walking her dog and striking up conversation, maybe even working the local coffee shop to get close to me, assuming I was important enough for Russia to send the goods my way and to lure me into compromising positions with the goods, because you’d have to be gay if you turned her down for even some gay sexual requests because her being there makes it the opposite of gay….

Anyway, she’s looking pretty good to me, sloppy mom tit and all, walking around in her underwear because it is designer, they probably pay her and she can….sheer dress like a stripper getting ready for a slow song….only in real life amongst luxury….it’s like her body hasn’t been ravaged by childbirth, like she’s made a pretty good comeback and I support her walking the blade….like this….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Nipple Show of the Day

I am pretty behind the curve on this series of pics posted by the hottest of the models, even in her old age, living life as a single mother, who potentially wallet fucked some A-Lister until it made her a baby, for that guaranteed good life, or it was just a needed tool in her espionage training to get that access to all the right decision makers who are excited and won over by both A-Listers and hot models….

But Irina Shayk, the soulless, cold, pragmatic Russian who gets shit done, from BEARDING for RONALDO to making it into SI SWIM for the world to realize that Russia has some hot chicks, which is probably why people should stop bitching about them over this war that no one really seems to care about no matter how hard they push it on us like it was COVID….nothing a NUCLEAR ATTACK won’t fix as we scramble into our bunkers…OH WAIT…we don’t have BUNKERS…but we have all these nice things we’ve bought on CREDIT…check out my designer BAGS Kim Kardashian told me to go into debt to buy….DUMB FUCKS….not prepared for anything….

But yeah….IRINA SHAYK, hot model, mom model, Brad Coopers cum dumpster that generated new life, posted her nips in a wife-beater like she’s at 1996 VANS WARPED TOUR in the middle of summer, when that was the trend, and I’m into any nip pics I can get of Irina Shayk and really of ANYONE….

These were posted MAY 3rd, I was probably TOO JAZZED about May the Fourth, you know since I’m really into Star Wars so hard I haven’t seen it since it came out in the 70s…or maybe I am just bad at blogging, which my bank account that was de-banked is telling me…

The other pics are from MIAMI F1, also weeks ago…..BUT IT IS NEW TO ME…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Bikini Models of the Day

Irina Shayk’s in this bikini photoshoot that I am going to assume is recent because why the fuck wouldn’t it be. In an era of constant stream of smut there’s no going back in time to reflect on smut that once was. This is not a Dickens novel on SMUT where the GHOST of SMUT past comes to haunt us and show us what our life was, to ground us….

That’s for old pics of nudes from various women who have sent us nudes over the decades, or if we’re lucky, that we’ve taken during the years we had sex, because it’s nostalgia we can relive, it was OUR life experience..

Not for the people of the internet who we don’t know, who we never fucked and who make lucrative livings being hot and half naked, at least not while they are still marketable as hot chicks, for the now old, rotten or dead, you can jerk off to the archive…

Irina’s still go it and is categorized as one of the ones who need to keep the steady stream coming like a diabetic who drank a big gulp and forgot his meds…and this is it that she’s got..

It’s good enough for rich guy’s to knock-up, because it’s top tier, so it’s good enough for us to stare at for a minute or two, you know for Mother’s Day and a reminder that NOT all mother’s rot, especially when they are Russian spies who rely on their looks for intel….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Ass of the Day

Apparently this is Irina Shayk’s ass.

That’s all you need to know…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk See Through Dress of the Day

I think Irina Shayk is one of the hottest models around…even though she crawled back to her pay pig Brad Cooper like some kind of owned and operated sex worker from Russia…

Maybe she believes in true love, even though Russian women are incapable of love, but rather serve their duty as wife to their man and children….

Maybe Brad Cooper realized that Russian pussy, especially hot model Russian pussy that he bred are good to keep around and even after taking a break from him for a few years, where she landed on Kanye West’s dick a few times…you gotta I wonder if he made her wear a Hitler moustache for the anal…..unless that storyline is being blown out of proportion to distract from all the other corruption….I’m sure Irina enjoys being in on the fun.

Anyway, possibly pregnant with her kid’s sibling, why else would she go back to Cooper when he’s paying her anyway, if love doesn’t exist in her world?

Anyway, Irina, was at an event in a sheer, but not sheer enough dress, are those nipples, is this an optical illusion, I just don’t know….

But even though Irina Shayk is looking older, like a zombie, destroyed from her younger self, she’s still a babe.


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk is Hot as Shit in a Bikini of the Day

Irina Shayk is on some luxurious rich person vacation, because the Russian Nationalist has been living an amazingly rich as shit life since she was first released from whatever work camp they built her in by giving her to Ronaldo and putting her on the fucking map as the best beard around…..she went viral as the hottest wag and quickly became a bikini model…all because she was hot, or maybe it was because she’s actually a spy being used to gather intel, but that seems unlikely since she was knocked up by Brad Cooper with a kid who we’ll assume isn’t on this vacation, because she’s out there whoring in heels and a bikini like some kind of sex worker, you could argue she is, because all models are, especially those from some cold water flat in some communist village.

Like all Russians, she is probably smart, strategic, cold and focused, clever and manipulative, but even in her 30s, post pregnancy she’s good, but I guess that’s part of the Russian hustle as all Russian moms manage to bounce back…because all the fancy designer shit they want depends on it.

The point is, I still think Irina Shayk is the hottest model around and that’s the fucking point.

To see pics of Irina Shayk in this Yellow Bikini in papaprazzi style pics to CLICK HERE

Posted in:Irina Shayk