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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk for Blanco’s Summer 2012 Campaign of the Day

Irina Shayk done gone modeling shit..you know because that’s her fucking job…other than fucking…or pretending to fuck a famous soccer player who his homophobic fans wouldn’t appreciate his homosexuality because it would make them gay for getting boners over him and his soccer game…like they do now…so long as he has a hot pussy and they have a wife…those boners are justified with a love for the sport….and not anything faggy….

Because we all know without his endorsing her, she’d just be another Russian babe looking to gold dig any billionaire she can find so that she doesn’t have to work in the sex trade….you know like all Russian babes….

Whore cares here’s the shoot..

Here’s the video…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Posing With Bras of the Day

I am more of a fan of a bitch posing in lingerie, especially when the bitch is Irina Shayk, than seeing a bitch pose next to lingerie, unless I know she’s going to be wearing that lingerie, you know it is pretty much the foreplay part of an old fetish I used to have where I’d sit in lingerie boutiques pretending I was waiting for my wife to try on her lingerie, only to watch other women try on lingerie, before being banned from pretty much all the lingerie shops in a 100 mile radius….one even pressed charges I think….so this brings back some memories…even though Irina Shayk looks better naked…


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk I Can See Your Thong of the Day

I think you have to Magic Eye Poster this shit and look at it cross eyed to really make out the thong that is apparently visible in this dress and I figure that’s a great exercise for you to undertake, cuz lets face it staring at this bitches ass, cross eyed, straight on, or with a glass eye, is always amazing….Her Russian ass is an Iron Curtain I’d like to chip my fucking tooth on….Seriously. She’s hot and she whores her way to the top….qualities important in a woman.

To See The Rest of the Pics

I approve of this message:


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Anne V and Irina Shayk Hot Asses in Bikini of the Day

Anne V is that bitch who is fucking that little man from Maroon 5….a band that is essentially the male version of Katy Perry, with ridiculous radio play despite the horrible songs….you know the shit you playout in your head and wonder why the fuck you know this Prince and Michael Jackson hack impersonation act….and realize it is cuz the media controls you….

Irina Shayk is that bitch who is pretending to fuck Ronaldo, the soccer player, who all those homophobe euros from Spain and Portugal and other fish bearing societies love, but can’t accept as a homosexual, cuz it would make their jerking off to him gay, cuz dainty Eurotrash make sense like that in their macho latin roots.

Together they are those bitches with big, hot, asses I wouldn’t mide chipping a tooth on, even if Anne V isn’t all that, she can watch, or masturabte in the corner or some shit, her modeling contract is like a VIP card, that allows her in my sex fantasies, even if she’s not top candiate, especially not when next to this tanned, Russian, Gold digger/hustler with a ridiculous ass…..

To See More Pics of Irina Shake in Her Thong Bikini

Posted in:Anne V|Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk for FHM South Africa of the Day

The scandalous quote in all this is that she said “She doesn’t even like soccer”

Big surprise because here I was thinking there’s no way she was some Russian whore in a club who saw a guy balling out in the VIP she was working only to be told he was a big soccer star, leading to her seeing money, fame, fortune and a good way to launch her international model career….

That there’s no way he wasn’t in it to cover his homosexuality so he retains his fans and thus his endorsement deals…cuz who’s gonna question a Russian’s intentions….or reasons for getting with a dude….

That there’s no way this opportunist cunt didn’t get involved with a big sports star in order to cover SI Swimsuit last year thanks to his connections and agents that have SI by the balls…. especially since it was a World Cup year….and since soccer is the most popular sport in the world….leading to magazine sales…

I just alway believed her true unconditional love for Soccer brought them together….and her looks just got her gigs by people sucking up to her boyfriend….

Here I was thinking that there was no other motives like taking her out of a one room apartment she shared with her family….to mansions and private jets….other than love….

This just can’t be possible…

Here are her pics for FHM South Africa….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Topless for Replay of the Day

I hate giving big brands that don’t give me money free publicity because they get some russian whore who fucked her way into the mainstream using gay soccer players when she shoulda just been some mail order bride for some lonely fat 60 year old American with a lot of money…..topless for their shoot…It’s the best scam brands have going these days…cuz us perverts will consistently look at moderately hot pics of any bitch who is moderately hot….when really we should give none of these idiots attention forcing them to have no self esteem and a career stripping the local stripclub or rockin’ a webcam site to pay the rent…making them more accessible than the Diva cunts you know they are…or that they’ve become all thanks to the fall of communism….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




The Rest of Irina Shayk’s Esquire Pics

I’m so advanced at this internet shit….that way back on January 4th, 2012, I POSTED THE IRINA SHAYK ESQUIRE PICS …It’s like I’m a fucking profit or some shit that people need to start following for redemption when the end of the world comes this december…Motherfuckers, I got my finger on the pulse of this shit and I don’t even give a shit about this shit….there’s tons of real life hot pussy I’d rather be focusing on, making fun of, endorsing….cuz real life hot pussy puts out…while Irina Shayk only fucks those who help her russian whore ass get ahead….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Titties for Guess of the Day

Soccer girlfriend Irina Shayk is in some ad campaign for some company that isn’t paying me to post her cleavage…..but is likely paying her because she’s a big model now and not the mail order bride she was destined to be provided their was no fall to the iron curtain…seriously, she’s got sex trade written all over her, but maybe that’s just because I know she’s used her pussy to get ahead regardless of communism….and that was with some soccer player who is likely gay but can’t let the world know he’s gay cuz the world…especially soccer fans…despite what logic tells us…are the biggest homophobes and that could end bad for him as riots start when the men who jerk off to his skill realize that’s his favorite part of his job and that he likes it…making it all very gay….even though it was gay to begin with…but sometimes pretending it isn’t makes living with yourself easier…especially if you are catholic…..and here are the tits he likely doens’t get much use out of…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Goes Topless in Esquire of the Day

Irina Shayk teaches the youth of today a very valuable lesson they don’t teach in school…and that lesson is to fuck someone famous, rich or successful in business, sport or hollywood and good things will happen to your modeling career….So don’t focus on books and studying…focus on being pretty and not getting fat…cuz no famous, rich or successful person like fat chicks…except maybe Pierce Brosnan ….

Hot body, hot photoshoot, who cares how she got there, just be happy she’s doing this while she’s there….cuz we all get to stare.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Lingerie of the Day

Here’s some Irina Shayk in lingerie for Christmas…..All glittery like some kind of Christmas decoration you want to fuck…but probably way less humiliating to fuck than the time your mom caught you with the candy canes up your ass while jerking off to Christmas movies….not that you’d ever fuck her, she’s a supermodel thanks to her high society fucking and you’re not high society….but at least you can jerk off to her pics…tis the fucking season fucker.

Posted in:Irina Shayk