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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Pubic Bone of the Day

I am not convinced that this version of Britney Spears is even a real person, but I guess that’s from being on the computer too long and convinced that everything is pretty fucking fake, or at least planted….I mean everything around celebrity, politics and the news….the thirsty girls of instagram trying to be famous as they play their best infomercial influencer while doing yoga in the thong bikini so that you can see their full asshole is definitely a real thing….all these self involved idiots who think they are interesting and important while just emulating other people because no one has an opinion of their own…maybe it’s the medication, maybe the social media / internet platforms are medication….sending MESSAGES in our minds….I guess we’d have to ask Britney since she’s had enough therapy for her mental problems to be considered a psychiatrist by default, assuming she’s not catatonic and lobotomized rocking back and forth in the corner of all those sessions and they try to power her up for her next performance they exploit her with…

The point is, whether this is really Britney nor not is irrelevant, she’s a puppet or maybe a slave to the system, no thanks to her parents because you need shitty parents to sell you off to the industry for money to make their dreams come true, you know dollar signs not well-being of their kids…cuz well being of the kids doesn’t pay the RENT..right..

Anyway, we know someone else handles her social media, her dances on social media are insane by design, but it’s also the way we like to see Britney….slutty dancing with her tits hanging out of her top…her pants pulled down so you see her bald pubic bone so we can question whether it’s waxed or lasered…

As someone who remembers the fall of Britney, when she wasn’t washing, when she was shaving her head, when her family was mobilizing her to be a prisoner of theirs in plain site, I highly doubt she’s shaving her own cunt, they don’t let her near sharp things…

ANYWAY…I’ll look at Britney’s pubic bone anytime, at any age, with hair or without, as she tastes freedom or remains their puppet and this is more to shame her and push the case of keeping her entrapped….because I’m a pervert.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears See Through of the Day

I’ll assume that this is actually Britney Spears and not a Robot Clone of her, even though I think everyone on TV or any screen is fake because none of them having any soul, they are all just dead fucking eyes, probaly the filters they use, but that shit doesn’t break through my aspergers or whatever ailment I have that causes my facial recognition blindness….but I will say…whether it’s new a freer Britney or not, its got tits…I got so confused on the apostrophe on that last IT…motherfucker writing is hard…and so should your dick from staring at these massive rich mom tits..that are medicated, easy to manipulate and the perfect person to K-Fed…since it’d be a fool me once, fool me twice situation and nothing hotter than a life of luxury all for cumming in a legendary popstar…


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Topless of the Day

I saw some story that Britney Spears beat up one of her staff members, which is convenient…a friend of mine said “she’s not that innocent”….to which I say…her loneliness is probably killing her….or maybe it’s all a fucking bullshit story because they need to prove she’s crazy to do whatever they can to get power over her so it doesn’t disrupt their earnings. Pretty disgusting example of how the system doesn’t work for everyone….even rich people…because humans are pieces of shit..

The good news is part of their campaign to make her look crazy, they’ve got her out here doing amazing hand bras…

I do not really give a shit about 40 year old tits, but it’s BRITNEY BITCH….and I love this fucking meltdown…assuming it is even Britney…and not some Britney Filter on a stripper while she’s in the fucking cell..RELATABLE….


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikini Show of the Day

Britney Spears is a fucking legend and since her plea to the judge about her bullshit conservatorship that makes zero fucking sense, but that is clearly some very twisted fucking greedy money making scheme that uses mind control and unfortunately the law to make her a fucking slave….

I have been saying that she’s in prison for the last 13 years because I have a soul and thought it was fucking crazy to see what happened to her…and hearing her testimony that could have been by design, since nothing is real, but that I felt was exposing all these evil people, which in her case is her dad and whoever that hick fuck is working for to exploit his daughter, in typical “I traded my teen daughter for this truck”…but on a higher level since their dealing in hundreds of millions of dollars and not beat up trucks….

Luckily, all the idiots who were too distracted by her dances and just assumed she was awesome cuz she’s Britney and awesome by default caught on, or bit the bait and are trying to get her a life back…even though the judge denied her last week…there is probably still hope….

When her bikini pics came out a few days ago, everyone assumed they were just posting old bikini pics of her, from an earlier trip to Hawaii, the only place they let her go, but I saw she’s legitimately in Hawaii with her boyfriend….where she’s posting thes 40 year old big titty bikini mom content in her sunglasses to hide her black eyes maybe?

She’s still hot, Free Britney, unless she’s just being used as a diversion from something bigger, you can’t trust anything, I mean is this even Britney, it could just be a clone…or a Britney Filter that she could easily develop…

Who knows,



Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Brings the Answers of the Day

I’ll just leave this up here without comment…because…well…that would be with comment and go against my withouht comment statement…duh..

Here’s the caption though:

This was me yesterday before I went to Malibu randomly in my boyfriend’s brown blazer to stay in disguise ??? … but shit … the paps still found me ??? !!!! I did find a cool new store that I suggest called @brandymelvilleusa ?? ?? ?? … it’s not a dressy store, more like a clothing store for women who love workout gear that has a touch of sweetness and a touch of hotness … not just your typical leggings routine for working out ????? ????? ????? … they had some adorable dresses too ??? !!! I’m so excited for summer ??????… what have you guys been up to ???

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Weird Selfies of the Day

Britney Spears Selfie

The nice thing about Britney Spears is that she’s been living in quarantine and self isolation since her dad managed to get control over her. All it took was an episode that involved her shaving her head like a lunatic, something I am sure is happening to anyone who is self quarantining the way Britney Has been all these years, legitimately alone…but based on looking outside all you motherfuckers are still hanging out, having dinner parties, socializing, fucking, etc….because disease doesn’t spread to those who are too stubborn to believe they can get the disease….

I am not going into conspiracy shit, or what this is about, I am just saying that I don’t think anyone is actually losing their mind because they live so detached from real life anyway…this is just the closing of the loop of living through your avatar on your phone…all your friends are accessible, and you don’t have to leave the house, it’s awesome….while someone like Britney, who has been alone, like legitimately alone, with a family who uses her…knows a thing or two about Quarantine…


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears Beach Bikini

Last week, we saw Britney Spears BREAK HER ANKLE ….complete with the horrible breaking bone sound that I bet at least one of you has a fetish for…because you are all weird violent and angry incel perverts, the kind of weirdo who can’t get off unless you hear that bone snapping sound, a sound I can’t stand….

This week, she’s posting some throwback bikini pics to off-set the weight gain you know she’s had being a 40 year old woman who isn’t working out 9 hours a day to appease her controllers, her broken foot, the only salvation or “out” that she has…otherwise like the salve that she is…she’s on a schedule and routine…they pretend it is for her mental health, but really it is for her to keep earning.

I guess we’re at that stage where Britney’s been part of our life for so fucking long, I’m thinking 22-23 years, that’s a long fucking time to have watched her age in her bikinis looking better than most, even if she’s a shell of what she was….it’s that whole “damn I’m old” self realization that comes every time I look at her tits….because I remember when this old broad launched “I’m Not that Innocent”….and I was in my late 20s…look at us now.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Hyperspeed Bikini Yoga of the Day

This is an amazing masterpiece that I think the filmmaker is using to describe her manic depression in her manic state…..you can tell because she doesn’t even use her own music, probably because she doesn’t want to have to pay the royalties on her own music, since that just lines everyone else’s pockets, plus it doesn’t have the comedic cadence of a Three Stooges episode, or some other early Hollywood comedy. Is cadence even a word?

What I like about this video is basically everything. It is perfect, a masterpiece. It’s got Britney Spears in a Bikini, hot despite being old and thick, working Out (a fetish to all fat haters), in hyperspeed so I don’t have to fastforward to see if a titty falls out. Informative by showing us what Britney does to stay fit, entertaining because of everything else, and slutty cuz of the bikini.

A perfect video….but I may just like hostage videos…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Bikini Work Out Cuz She’s Sane of the Day

Britney Spears is doing a very weird workout with her trainer / hired boyfriend the family pays to handle her…distract her…so that she doesn’t go too off the rails, cause a disturbance and ruin the family business built on her tits.

I think this screams crazier than whatever got her institutionalized earlier in the year…but I guess dance is what she does and since she’s not getting any younger, mobility is fucking key to her survival…or maybe she’s just an exhibitionist living in a zoo exhibit…like some kind of aquarium….circus freak she’s become and she wants to show you her tantric sex foreplay pussy stretch for pelivic floor relaxation techniques since all the brain meds keep her cunt dry….and she still wants penetration…

Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Fitness Erotica of the Day

Britney Spears is an inspiration to us all. A survivor. A legend. A person who despite being sold by her family to make them all rich and have that good life, and a mental health breakdown after her two kids with an asshole who knows how to work the system, she is still a puppet…who gets up everyday and does what she is told…to keep the empire alive…to keep the dances at the Vegas show less like Fat elvis…and more like some Wayne Newton…there forever….

What it comes down to is that watching girls workout…Britney or not…it is hot..


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW