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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Ass in a Thong of the Day

Gimme Gimme More…GIMME MORE….

I figure if Britney and her iPhone 3 are out here producing some skimpy thong pics that are posed in more of a fitness contest pose than in a “I’m a sexy vixen who models nude” pose….just flexing those DELTS from a life of dance…muscle memory shit…..but yeah, I figure if she posts these thong pics, and last week’s weird censored nudes so freely, why not post some asshole, some dick sucking, maybe some squirt videos…..we’re halfway, maybe even three quarters of the way there.

I saw some funny headlines with the other censored nudes she posted….

Where basically people were calling her FIERCE or AMAZING for finally being free enough to post a nude…like she even runs her own social media or like she’s even free…instead of saying “this girl is nutty”….they were like “this is her truth, she’s powerful and strong enough and brave enough to upload this kind of thing…it’s so freeing..

Which was a reminder that people are so woke, they see mental health breakdowns because girl has been a product of decades of abuse, trauma based abuse…that there’s no being normal….and I guess if they want to make her out as a nutter, they should do it with her half naked, or fully naked, or squirting on some dicks, because that’s the KIND of Britney being “Free and Empowered” while being MENTAL…I want to see.

Fit Mom Ass…that may not even be Britney but one of her body doubles, who fucking knows, but I’ll go along with their storyline….


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Britney Spears is a Nut Job of the Day

I’ve spent some time in strip clubs, it was a hobby, a second home, they had free buffet and cheap beer with a minimal cover charge, you had to be an idiot to not pay the 8 dollars for a pitcher of beer and access to some shit food…basically the MISSION or HOMELESS SHELTER….of CHAMPIONS…

In spending time at those strip clubs, there was always at least one mental case stripper, it was back in an era where stripping wasn’t an online thing, but an in person thing, and these girls didn’t understand the internet or like the internet, but they liked the freedom of being able to still make money off loser dudes..

Anyway, there was always one stripper who would come out, eyes glazed over, make-up smudged, possibly medicated, or on drugs…and they’d just hit the stage with vengeance like they were Bruce Willis in Die Harder or whatever the sequel is called….

They would be goth, or old, or just fucking weird and they’d throw down to industrial, death metal, or fucked up electronic music and they’d rage like this, same look on their face…

I am of the school of thought that Britney is not free, that’s all horse shit, I don’t even think this is the original Britney Spears but rather some other clone, especially when I see paparazzi pics of her in Hawaii, but yet she’s at her house where she films all these freakish content pieces that remind me of a cam girl in a dungeon being told to dance by an armed guard.

There is no way that after decades of brainwashing, she’s just living life with her hired actor boyfriend…fucking lie for sure….but let’s run with it while she spins the fuck out of control

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Takes a Shit at a Gas Station of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that when Britney Spears needs to take a shit so bad, she does it for the paparazzi waiting outside the Gas Station, in efforts to show you that now that she’s free, she’s just like you and your family on a long road trip, totally fearless of the disgusting germs in the Gas Station bathroom, because she may be rich and fancy, but she’s not some germaphobe, not even in a pandemic….you know she’s crazy but NOT that crazy.

I am of the school of thought of shitting on the side of the road to avoid going into a gas station bathroom, they repulse me and I can’t even get hard when trying to fuck a truck stop prostitute in one….the shit filled toilets, the shit smeared walls, the shit smeared toilet seats…not my thing….I am a degenerate but even I have a line…a line that Crazy Britney just crossed….

What I am wondering is whether the Gas Station clerk was smart enough to take that toilet seat, assuming there was a toilet seat, to sell on EBAY….

That’s some PUTTING IT OUT TO THE UNIVERSE….you know “I hate my shitty gas station life, if only someone walked in and gave me that lottery win”…well it fucking happened bro…IT HAPPENED..

I mean…CELEBRITY STOOL motherfucker, better than ANY NFT….I’d buy Britney’s turd and I’m not even THAT perverted….I mean she’s BRITNEY SPEARS! Legend.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears is Free but Still Weird of the Day

I’m ready to see her go off the rails and start releasing the porno content we deserve but that we couldn’t get because of her handlers…assuming that she won’t still have handlers…I mean can a famous person really ever be free…probably not….

Either way, more crazy tits from a crazy who has potentially got out of her prison cell…all fired up and ready to do the important things she missed out on…like release nudes!

If I know anything, it’s that crazy girls are forever crazy….which makes them good in bed and scary to be around…let’s see how this pans out assuming the world doesn’t end before she takes full advantage of FREEDOM the veterans died to give her….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

Britney Spears posted a booty shot of her in a thong that could really be anyone, even a body double or one of her clones, that hasn’t fully ripened or some shit, but we’ll take it at booty face value and assume it’s the hot pop star who has been put through the fucking wringer, of mind control and psychological abuse, on some other level….you know the celebs get all the high end fashions, the high end cars, the high end houses, the high end vacations, and the high end life….but they also get the most sophisticated and high end psychological abuse…because being famous, making money for a lot of people, having a lot of people want in on you and not just because of your hot dance ass, but because you’re BRITNEY SPEARS…means the most sophisticated scammer, the kind that puts your abusive boyfriend to shame, is running her fucking life…EVEN when they tell you they aren’t…IT is all part of the scam.

Her caption to another post, that didn’t feature her ass is:

This week is gonna be very interesting for me ? !!! I haven’t prayed for something more in my life ?? !!! I know I’ve said some things on my Insta out of anger and I’m sorry but I’m only human … and I believe you’d feel the same way if you were me ????? !!! Anyway it’s a new day ?? and I can’t say I’m never going to complain again … cuz who knows ????? !!!

God bless you all and have a great da

I don’t know if Britney or her handler’s relationship to GOD is the kind of relationship you’d want to have….after seeing the Travis Scott shit blatantly out in the open…you’d have to wonder what GOD she is referring to….

Or you can just stare at her ass, I mean some of these abuse victims are so far gone, just shells of themselves, lost….

So we focus on what matters, NOT what she says, NOT what she does, but her thonged ass….even if they are all bullshit, at least the one from which she shits can also be fucked.


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Britney Spears Lingerie Dance of the Day

Britney Spears is apparently free, I don’t believe it, it’s just the evil likely satanic people behind her who are using her as a manipulation tactic….you know making her dad out to be this evil doer, when there are other people making far more money off of her…she’s text book mind controlled and a victim of the industry…so the whole Free Britney Thing getting attention 15 years after she was first held captive…you have to ask “Why do people suddenly care”…I mean her fans are nutty, fanatical and they would just go dance to the broken girl as she was basically a public slave to someone…

Then I saw today’s story that her dad was trying to cure her with religion, oh…interesting….demonic evil people don’t like Jesus or religion outside of theirs, that’s why they have been trying to destroy the church and turn the people against god all these years….right..

I am not saying her dad’s a good guy, he was obviously paid the fuck off along the way, but I wonder how much control he had over her, how much power did he REALLY have, or was he entrapped to…

When there’s multiple documentaries released strategically, tons of media coverage, made into a big deal that no one really cares about, but is a good distraction, you have to dig a little deeper…because I can ASSURE you…that as they play the “OMG HER DAD IS RELIGIOUS AND WAS TRYING TO SAVE HER” is more another excuse to shit on God, and push the agenda…

NEVER BELIEVE what you see…it’s all strategic and NEVER what it seems…maybe the opposite of what the truth is….

The good news is that DARK SIDE BRITNEY…the new BRITNEY has been much perverted…since being released….she’s consistently done slutty content with her hired actor “fiance”…it’s all a show people….a fucking show….and this poor girl is still a fucking slave.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Body Paint of the Day

Britney Spears weirdness is by design…everything we see is by design that is why we are seeing it…

Prior to the FREE BRITNEY movement that only got traction because they needed a big pop culture story to distract by the fucked up pandemic measures you’re being sold….like they did with George Floyd, or like they did with any other viral story, even this VAN LIFE girl GABBY and the theatrical manhunt they are undertaking to find her fiance and prime suspect in a world where the FBI is currently watching you with your dick in your hand…meaning…”being on the run” is a fucking lie if I’ve ever heard one…not that it matters..

What matters is that prior to Britney’s dad faking her being released from her prison, she’s still in a fucking prison, because these weird ass content that they put out of her, that is so bootleg and creepy is now continuing now that she’s free and I don’t buy into it….just like I don’t buy into her fiance being anything but an actor they cast to play the part of his lifetime…but maybe I’m just too skeptical….

In this video, crazy Britney, is looking as crazy as she’s looked the last few years, because she’s crazy…but luckily….she’s half naked…in whatever prison cell they shot this in…

Everything about this creeps me out, while giving me boners cuz Britney’s still hot…and I guess a prison sex slave who looks like she’s been crying is porn to some.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

There is a rumor out there that Britney Spears’ dad dropped her conservatorship, which may be possible, but the idea that the freakshow father who has been monetizing off his kid her entire fucking life, basically getting her under a psych hold, in order to monetize off her into her 40s, giving up that power and money is a fucking joke….he may not have LEGAL hold on her, but the damage is done, BRITNEY’S been destroyed…

So when I see this HOTEL ROOM thong topless erotica, I am forced to think it is part of their plan of rebranding her as an independent, self regulating, machine…

I just don’t think that Britney has access to her phone….but I am not surprised that the next version of Britney is one half naked and sexualizing herself…because she’s been so broken down, even a free Britney is a shell of Britney….

I don’t mind looking at her 40 year old social media smut, I just don’t buy that she’s free, will ever be free, or that she’s even doing and posting this content herself…but I’ll still watch it, cuz she’s still hot.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Bikini of the Day

I am pretty sure that Britney Spears, who from my understanding is still under conservatorship that despite the lame activists who decided Freeing Britney deserved to see the light, maybe the Pandemic where they felt like prisoners to the regime, made them sympathetic to Britney living under her own regime, designed by a flaw in the system….or maybe Britney, still the puppet she was groomed to be, is just some sort of false flag or distraction….get people mad over a billionaire popstars golden castle, it’s a good story for people to connect to, you know as they obsess over celebrities and the elite as the people to be looked up to….instead of for being the hacks they are…

That’s not to say I think Britney is a Hack, I just don’t think she runs her own social media and content like this is only being posted because they want to make her look unfit or to use it against her…but I don’t mind the 40 year old mom bod in a bikini…I life of dance and severe control has kept her looking good.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Tits of the Day

I don’t think this is the first Britney Spears topless weirdness for her social media….I don’t really follow her Free Britney Story because I’m more selfish and don’t really give a fuck about the plight of the rich being exploited by family….I do think it’s unfortunate that her family and the system is so fucked….but when you’re a billionaire enterprise it’s hard to give a fuck…when shit like food shortages are potentially upon us, depending on what news sources you read…

I’ve been actively calling her a prisoner in plain site, no one really gave a fuck about until this past year, so hopefully Britney gets freed if she’s not, I am on that side…I don’t like hostage situations for anyone…

I did hear that her handlers control her social media and she doesn’t, so this topless weirdness could be her liberating herself in a message to the world that she likes having her tits out….a fun thing…

But I’m thinking it’s more on the lines of making her seem unhinged and crazy so that K-Fed gets custody of the kids, since he’s one of her dad’s puppets….they pay him.

Oh the things people will do for money….pretty disgusting society…

I do like seeing Britney’s Hand Bra….eager for it to be a hand up inside her which will soon be the only way to get noticed on social media. .


Posted in:Britney Spears