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Archive for the Coco Category




Coco’s Naked Ass on Twitter of the Day

Coco is ridiculous stripper ass who must have some serious dirt on Ice-T, like shit that can ruin his career, or maybe get him arrested or killed, because that’s the only reason I can assume he took her off the stripper pole and after work escorting and married her, marketed her….or maybe he is just a pervert who didn’t want to share his whore with other people, he wanted her all for himself. but like any dude who likes showing off his shit, in a way to say he’s really made it and he’s better than us, even though I find Coco fucking vile and disgusting, he makes her show off for her low level fans, because let’s face it she’s pretty fucking useless in the grand scheme of things….and here is a naked pic of her on her tanning bed that she posted on twitter… classy girls from the gutter who were probably molested or abused, like I like ’em.

Posted in:Coco|Fat Ass




Coco On the Beach in Miami in Video of the Day

I’m sure you’ve all seen the pictures of Coco on the beach from the other day. I didn’t bother posting them, because this bitch only looks intersting when photoshopped and I figured I’d do her a favor and not let the world know she’s just a dumpy stripper with stupid fake tits and a fat sloppy stomach that she’s trying to cover the fuck up, because everyone knows a fat ass always catches up with the rest of a bitch….but I couldn’t turn down posting the video…because seeing her in live-action is like watching some kind of plane crash and I just can’t turn away….

Posted in:Bikini|Coco|Miami




Coco’s Got A Ridiculous Body of the Day

Coco’s turned her body into some kind of freakshow attraction and it’s worked out pretty well for her, you know with the whole Ice-T marriage that pretty much secures that she is seen at high profile events, making it so she doesn’t have to strip or do whatever it is she was doing before seducing Ice-T with her retarded fake tits. She looks like a fucking cartoon character in the cartoon erotica you watch because you can’t get laid, with her exagerated huge fake tits and huge fake ass, and the whole thing seems like overkill considering Ice-T is black and would probably fuck anything so long as it was white.

Either way, she brought her tacky, trashy ass to the pages of some magazine I’m sure none of you will ever read and here are the pics…

Posted in:Ass|Coco|Ridiculous|Tits




Coco is Fucking Ridiculous of the Day

I write about Coco enough that I don’t have anything left to say about her, all I know is that this picture is so fucking ridiculous, I’m going to just let you take it in, absorb it and try to understand whatever the fuck is going on in it…cuz I just can’t figure out what it is, if it is good or if it is bad, but I do know that whatever it is, it is incredibly brilliant…

Posted in:Coco




Some Coco Pictures She’s Pimpin’ on Twitter of the Day

Coco was just pimping these pictures on twitter, I’m guessing she knows exactly what she is doing because she’s had an extensive career being pimped by various men soliciting her like the piece of disgusting, genetically modifed meat that she is.

I assume she’s doing this push for these pics becuase she thinks she looks good and is delusional because clearly she’s disgusting but I guess we can’t control what gives people a boner even if the boner is for herself, I can just assume that she likes how these were photoshopped more aggressively than any other picture has ever been photoshopped…it’s like some Guinness World Record shit….

Posted in:Coco|Pictures|Twitter




Coco’s Twitter Porn of the Day

I love how Coco’s twitter account info says something about how she’s been married 8 years going strong, because clearly she’s only used to dudes who date her by the hour, or even the song and that 8 years is fucking huge for her, despite the fact that now she makes more money, has more fame, gets more of her favorite tacky sex shop outfits and doesn’t have to wait til they go on special,because her John pays her by the week on salary and its more than she got working the stage or street or whatever gutter she crawled out of….

She posted these pics of herself on twitter of her tanning in Florida, a state I’m sure she considers paradise, because all the trashy chicks I know look like Coco and live in Florida Trailer Parks with alligator wrestling husbands and the whole thing confuses me because her tits are so fucking disgustingly fake, but since tits only make up a third of a woman, the rest of a woman is made up in ass and pussy, so maybe those shits are not as mangled or tampered with, but I doubt it….Here are the pics..

Posted in:Ass|Coco|Cocosworld|Ice T|Tits|Whore




Coco Gets Wet of the Day

Just when you thought that Coco’s nasty pussy was so weathered and dead that it couldn’t get a “rainstorm” in her panties on its own, she proved to us that natural lubricants aren’t always needed to get wet, something old ladies, menopausal women and girls who have sex with me have known for a long fuckin’ time, it just takes a little innovation and here is COCO avoiding the rain because she doesn’t want to melt, she also doesn’t want her whore hair to get wet or her whore make-up to run because showing the world the real Coco is not on her agenda, while being the most famous stripper-lookin’ girl in the world is.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Coco|Ice T




Coco for Twitpic of the Day

Coco has taken Tila Tequila, Aubrey O’Day and pretty much every pornstar and slut’s lead by posting sleazy pics of her which aren’t really all that sleazy considering they are of her and this is just every fuckin’ day, but sleazy enough for people who don’t have friends who are hookers or strippers or fat chicks with fake tits and fat asses who wear clothes they buy at the sex shop out in public like a piece of tacky garbage no one should really notice or pay attention to, but people do because we are all perverts and can’t help ourselves.

The internet only cares about half naked bitches and for a bitch getting attention is as easy as getting half naked , it’s the whole basis of everything successful online. Youtube got big because of the sluts posting hot videos, Google got big from people searching for “Porn, Boobs, Sex”, Myspace got big before it became a music site because of the sluts and guys who wanted to fuck the sluts and I guess Twitter is doing the same. Mask it how you want, legitimize it all you can, pretend you’re on a news site, or a sports site, or even a music site or search engine, but we all know the truth because the internet is designed for smut and apparently so is Coco.

Posted in:Coco|Twitpic|Twitter




Never Before Seen Coco Behind the Scenes Playboy Promo Video of the Day

I guess Coco did Playboy, which would make sense because she’s a whore who made it into the mainstream by wallet fucking some rapper/actor/pervert who likes white chicks who look like ghetto strippers or prostitutes from ghetto towns where fat asses are loved and give the delusion that she are hot, making her pretty easy to buy and I guess he’s not the only one because close to a million people cared enough to watch it today, so I might as well post it for you….

Posted in:Coco|Playboy




Coco Brings Her Trashy Ass To Marc Jacobs of the Day

Coco brought her fat ass to the March Jacobs fashion show the other day. Now, I’m no fashion expert, but I always thought Marc Jacobs was on some higher-end, trendy celebrity shit, I didn’t realize he catered to whores who go out in public in modified Ed Hardy t-shirts, like the common stripper she was before Ice-T got carried away at a lap dance he didn’t want to see come to an end, so he ended up turning it into a marriage, that I assume she still gets paid by the song for, you 10 dollars every 5 minutes motherfuckers….because otherwise, her broke whore ass would be working the scene finding other wallets to fuck, cuz that’s what whores do.

Pics via FamePictures

Posted in:Coco|Ed Hardy|Marc Jacobs|Trash