I am just happy they kept Snooki wrapped the fuck up…..these are some really sloppy fucking girls…the kind of girls you know you can hustle in the club, not just because they are throwing up all over themselves, but because they aren’t hot, even though they think they are. Seriously, they all look like half-retarded dogs and the funniest thing about them is that they a huge part of their jobs is to rock out in a bikini all day, despite none of them really having a decent bikini body, not even the one with implants. I feel like I’m watching the beach day at the trailer park or some shit. There is nothing cool, or good about this, excpet maybe that there’s a risk for all of them to collectively drown…..
I didn’t know girls still dressed like this, and I would know, I live amongst poor, drunk, white trash and see them out everyday, and even they have more style than this Jersey shit…even the most gutter of strippers looks and dresses better than this, and America needs to stop these latch on pigs as they rock out in Florida for their new season about a month after Spring Break, or as they like to call it, the holiest week of the year….when the only people in Miami are Cubans, Old people and little dying kids on their make-a-wish foundation dream trips….
Here are the disgusting pics….it’s so irritating that these bitches don’t realize that they are actually fucking hideous….but at least they are in the bikini…..even though they represent everything wrong in society….

Pics via Fame
Pics via Bauer
Posted in:Bikini|Jersey Shore|Trash