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Archive for the Em Rata Category




Em Rata – Boner Giver of the Day

It’s safe to say when Em Rata’s tits are cropped out of the frame, she’s a real fucking babe who would have totally gone viral on her face alone, you know one of them natural beauties that makes your heart stop when you lock eyes with her and not someone who is just a product of tits she’s willing to show off in efforts to distract you from her beautiful, hypnotizing, monstrous bird-like face….

You probably prefer seeing her body that she is known to show off, like at some fancy event last week, where she wore mesh…but you MUST celebrate her face because she’s a FEMINIST WRITER of our times, the feminist writer of our time, you know, from showing her tits for personal gain, to spinning that into some intellectualized bullshit, even though she’s likely a high school drop out, because that’s what happens when you have fat tits that you decide to whore out for feminism, to fight the patriarchy, by giving men exactly what they want from you, you don’t bother learning things, but instead you figure out how to spin your whoring into something bigger than you so you can live with your whore self for promoting whoredom to a generation of girls who now sell their pussy for 10 dollars a month in efforts to live that influencer life a dumpy faced cunt like EM RATA has inspired them to chase…..

VAPID fucking monsters…

Posted in:Em Rata




Brad Pitt’s Pussy in a Bikini of the Day

When I think instagram, I think Em Rata, because she’s been a masterful scam on the platform, and becasue of the platform, she’s been made VERY high profile, when she arguably is not!

There’s a rumor that the legendary instagram titty model who miraculously was able to go so viral and high end that she wasn’t compartmentalized as an instagram titty model, forced to sell her nudes for outrageous amounts of money, but instead working with big corporate fashion brands who felt her tits were fashionable or artsy instead of stripper level shameless, which doesn’t make any fucking sense in the grand scheme of fairness, but the tits in question probably feel PRETTY fucking good about, knowing so many other tits out there are labeled whores, while her tits are labeled something higher profile!

I don’t get it, but who cares what I get, I like the tits and think all tits should be treated top level because the tits are all that matter!

But yeah, the rumor is Brad Pitt is apparently fucking her, hence her divorce, because when Brad Pitt comes a knockin, that’s some A-List level Angelina Jolie HIV you want deep inside your asshole, when trying to maintain that high profile, so that she never slips to being some whore on isntagram showing her tits!

Point of the story, she’s in a bikini, still rocking tits, that are good enough for Brad Pitt’s viagra, cuz that dude’s old, but still Brad Pitt right, which I guess you could argue, makes her a whore, but that’s because you’re a toxic masculine misogynist who doesn’t respect that girls can be boss bitches who think they are EQUALS to Brad Pitt thanks to being in at least one movie once, and HE may be the one who shot these pics like a good IG boyfriend going into his retirement needing something good to do like take bikini pics of 35 year old titties!

Posted in:Em Rata




Emily Ratajkowski’s Lying Naked on the Floor of the Day

Looks like Em Rata has found her pack, that dog faced pony boy no longer a lone mutt going through life as a set of awesome tits who marketed herself in a really clever way thanks to being the right tits at the right time, and instead of dying of AIDS from fucking rich dirty old men like other hot tits, she’s managed to become a rich dirty old man of her own….you know the kind of girl giving her own AIDS to unsuspecting pool boys, cabana boys, house boys, instagram photographers….Ben Affleck and David Fincher, Kanye West, some tall redheaded dude who has been forgotten and replaced by a guy who looks like THE MASK with CHER not Jim Carrey…who she’s bred with…

I don’t think Em Rata is as hot as Em Rata thinks she is, but when you pay a bitch as much as they paid her, how could she not think of herself as important or hotter than she actually is….but she’s hot enough plus she’s got some rockin’ tits….and a mom ass she’s been working on showing off..

So I dig her Natalie Imbruglia interpretive dance, even if it’s pretty silly of a concept “ok, so you take a pic of me nude on the floor with my dog, 100 times and we’ll pretend it’s a casual captured moment in our life when we post the best one”…hey, at least she’s naked.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Em Rata




Em Rat Cow’s Still Got Them Tits of the Day

The world’s favorite influencer who got famous because of her awesome tits, and the right timing, and I guess her raw instagram influencer talent, that’s made her millions of dollars and a baby….STILL HAS HER TITS….and she wants you to know it.

I guess the rich as shit, famous as shit, celebrity from social media that’s even landed her in the movies, probably doesn’t like to reduce her success from all she’s done for brands, for her own brand and for her own personal image to her tits….but I do…since they are great tits.

They want you to feel shame in saying that a woman who is successful got there because of her tits, that her connections are because of their tits, made money because of their tits….but if it wasn’t for Em Rata’s tits….would anyone even know her name.

I guess with her own delusions or self awareness, who knows how much she actually hustled to be this superstar titty influencer, who when you compare to other girls who just use their tits for hits, she can convince herself that she’s got that It Factor, or digital marketing prowess….but could she have done it with an A-Cup….she’d probably say yes…..I tend to think no.

So as she plays a power woman, a feminist, she represents titty success, making so many young girls think they don’t have a shot, because they don’t have the tits needed for success…even if they have the same drive, talent, etc.

Who cares, because whatever Em Rata’s done to her face, is a much needed improvement, she’s looking hot again, but I’ve always found her hot, even with that bird-like face….and not just because of the tits, but they help….as they are wonderful so jerk off to them like a normal person would.

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rat Cow in the Sheer Outfit on the Streets of the Day

I guess you’d call this a cry for attention, not a style or fashion statement…but you know that it’s reaching….

I don’t do much Emrata content here, she’s one of those manhating lesbians who pushes the MeToo agenda and that just rubs me the wrong way when millions of dollars were made off her tits.

It’s one of those titty models, who goes viral and doesn’t think her titties are the reason she went viral, so she turns on the tits, and the fans of those tits by doing things like calling photographers that helped endorse her when she needed them creeps.

Of course they are creeps, what the fuck do these girls expect when they hang with dudes who make a life of shooting nude chicks for free. It’s a fetish of theirs and you’re it for that shoot day…

I saw this video of her and her baby, she’s a mom now, doing a panty dance and it got close to 8 million views, which is huge, she’s still a big fucking social media star…this is the video….

Just realized her kid was in the video, so go check it out on her IG, she actually looks good in it, hence the 8,000,000 views I gather.

So you have to wonder what went wrong, why does she feel so empty, she has built a social media influencer career, she’s made millions off that, she’s launched her own brands, she’s been in the movies, not great movies, but still actual movies….she has a husband and kid that we’ll assume she likes…

Yet, she goes out there in her underwear, which is actually pretty great, since she’s got a bit of an ass now, but still kinda sad and useless….

Maybe she just needs a hug…some real love, some real validation to fill her empty soul, since you know the people around her are there to brag to their friends that they knocked up Emrata…..I mean unless they were child hood friends, they are there for the great tits….like all the fans and followers…and brand partners….and there’s nothing wrong with that…it’s just probably empty enough to make you walk around in your underwear like Kanye’s other girl Julia Fox trying to make a name for herself..

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Em Rata




Breeding Gave Rat Cow the Booty She Always Dreamed Of of the Day

I don’t really bother doing posts on Rat Cow anymore…I don’t use social media, I am blocked on all her shit so I’d have to dig to find it and it’s not worht the effort, and most importantly, I got bored of making fun of her, despite being one of the first of the sites to do posts on her when she was first exposing herself for attention in an “Artsy” way…..

You know artistic nudes so she could play it off as art not smut, allowing her to forever be on the right side of smut, which is mainstream smut, cuz once you get labeled official smut, like THIS site, you can’t grow or monetize shit, even if you are actually good at this shit, even though actual hardcore porn sites are some of the biggest sites on the internet, shit…maybe I just suck….I mean I definitely do..but this isn’t about me…it’s about Emrata gaming the system as an empowered woman who just happens to get naked on the internet as part of her brand…not because it gets her noticed…right…

In the beginning, I was into Rat Cow’s big tits and questioning their authenticity, then it got repetitive….I like tits and all but when it was just always the same thing over and over as she made millions of dollars with said tits in the mainstream…it seemed pointless to pay attention….

I never found her all that hot, since she has that instagram looking face, that she claims is all natural, despite looking like a muppet filter….but people thought she was all that hot…and the people matter for monetization….

She now does her own bathing suit line or clothing line that will potentially make her worth 100s of millions of dollars, and despite thinking it’s a bit of a joke, I don’t ever hate on people who figure out how to cash in on the internet, even the OnlyFans girls and their bottom feeding….if you can build a brand and walk out richer than you could ever imagine all based on showing your tits…fucking awesome…it’d just be more interesting if she was more interesting….

She’s also gone onto have a kid with some weird looking dude, meaning this is post pregnancy ass pics, and if you’ve followed Em Rata for all these years, you’ll know that there were times she tried pushing her ass as a person of interest in the case against humanity, but it was never interesting, but I guess those mom hormones have her feeling her ass is more important, or ready to shine the way she always wanted it to….and I guess moms being slutty on instagram to sell bathing suits is a thing…that happened…right here…

So I don’t hate the big tits, they are just uninteresting which seems crazy cuz they are big tits…but as mom big tits doing the same big tit content over and over…there’s a thing called over-saturation or overexposure that makes a motherfucker want to see new tits…it’s like a one sided marriage where you don’t have to be loyal to one set of internet tits you’ll never meet…you can mix it up to keep the internet tits interesting.

Here’s an unrelated new selfie…with that muppet face in full throttle…assuming you’re not staring at the belly button…which you shouldn’t…it’ll steal your SOUL…

Posted in:Em Rata




Em Rat Cow Naked of the Day

Em Rat Cow Nude Tits Ass

I know what trash can, bird face, overrated, BORING, lame…uneventful…one trick pony…RAT COW is Thankful for this Thanksgiving….INSTAGRAM…

It is a platform that allows her to do the same boring thing over and over and over because it works…without trying to challenge her content or produce better content..or be interesting, fun, relatable or good…because why bother….she makes that money, banked that money, has a rich Husband…life’s good…all because instagram followers don’t unfollow…even when they should.

She’s such a garbage human who think she’s important…and I don’t think there has ever been a set of tits rewarded as much in the history of society as her great tits….like just having the tits…and showing off the tits…is enough to make her millions..hilarious…

Here are the nerd inhanced versions

Em Rat Cow Nude

Em Rat Cow Nude Jetski


Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Em Rata|SFW




Em Rata Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski Bikini Slutty

Em Rata is fucking garbage. She’s not even hot or cute, she’s got some fat tits on a skinny frame that distract from her mangled belly button, that are probably not even real tits, but that’s ok….she’s face injected, faking it on the instagram in a big way, all because she did a fucking nude music video and managed to leverage that into celebrity, timing man….it all happened at the right timing, like I guess anything does, where that she existed and will forever exist with all her pervert followers jerking off on the sidelines…..the one hit wonder that gets her shit played on repeat for at least 5-7 years….where brands stupidly throw money at her thinking she’s important…when really it’s just a “naw dawg, I’m just here for the tits”….

Pretty funny that she pulled this off and keeps pulling it off…and the real question is does she believe her own hustle and bullshit, does she think she’s a talent, or a babe, or a smart marketer and content producer or can she be self aware enough to admit that she was in the right place at the right time, fucking Kanye probably helped her get to the right place at the right time, but all the followers she has isn’t because she is interesting or good, she sort of was just that bitch to follow…not that I can follow her, I’ve been blocked…how fucking rude…right..no respect even though I was posting her tit pics before she was famous on the instagram for the tits….

Anyway, with some of the money she made, and her rich husband, she’s pushing some bikini line that she owns…you know be in charge of your own shit, be smart enough to start a brand before the ad money tries up when they realize your audience is all pervert dudes from Pakistan.


Here she is looking like a pelican ..

And HERE she is pretending to be a high fashion model pelican CLICK HERE


Posted in:Em Rata|Emily Ratajkowksi|SFW




Em Rata Whores Up Cannes Topless Like a Whore of the Day

Em Rata is a hooker….maybe not an official hooker, she has a boyfriend, but she’s a hooker to me…and that’s what matters…

She’s taking on Cannes today, because she’s classy, and goes to all the fancy fucking places in her attempt to polarize her titty whoring into being something fashionable….and luxurious…because in her mind she’s not a trollin’ but instead she’s a famous bitch…unless I am wrong about her and she knows it’s all one big joke…in which case…I appreciate her…because I have committed my life to trolling and meeting a troll when being a troll may mean we are soul mates…celebrated our love…through the internet…instead of enemies….you know it’s all a matter of perception…

That said, I like to think of her as a hooker, who is polarizing the big tits, while showing her tits, at an exclusive event like Victoria Silvestedt

Cannes…so exclusive….magical…she’s made it.

Here she is with some dude…

Posted in:Em Rata|SFW