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Archive for the J.Lo Category




J.Lo Spreading COVOID-19 at her Gym of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Gym Covid

Remember J.Lo is above the law…

I don’t know if stay at home orders are really being implemented in Miami Beach where she lives, but I do know that when you’re rich and famous, or just rich really, your world becomes designed by your rules.

So in J.Lo’s case, Gym closures don’t apply. Gym owners do what their star clients tell them, plus they can get a nice kickback depending on how desperate the rich and famous are.

What’s 25k or whatever J.Lo bribed the guy to make the gym exclusive to J.Lo to workout in….when revenues are at 0. So I get it.

PLUS, J.Lo NEEDS the gym to maintain her troll on aging. Her health and wellness / her vanity is more important to her than following the rules or risking catching a virus….

She gotta keep the lie that she’s not in her 50s, and that she’s hot alive and she’ll die, or put others at risk for that….

Point of the story, it’s good to be rich, because you get to be an asshole!


Posted in:J.Lo




Shakira Panty Flash for the Superbowl of the Day

Shakira Panty Flash Superbowl 4

All everyone is talking about is how amazing the Super Bowl Half Time show was.

I hate how everyone is saying how hot they were. I realize that some people are confused and felt it was too slutty for family programming….clearly people who have never been on the internet or through their kid’s photos on their phone….where they are spread assed in selfies for their friends at all ages….because it was hardly slutty.

Then there are people who were confused by the Peurto Rican flag, thinking it was the Texas Flag, thinking it was a target on Texas due to their treatment of American born first generation immigrants at the Mexican border…..

Why is everyone freaking out about it? I assume it is because they were two old hags and people are like “that’s what 50 looks like if you’re rich as fuck vain cunt with face injections who works out all fucking day to maintain whatever body it is she has at 50 years old after a few kids”….

Maybe it was for the Nostalgia…like we needed to hear Shakira’s Africa song for the World Cup from what 8-12 years ago…..or Jenny from the Block….from 15 years ago….I mean that’s a long fucking time ago….

I just think it’s another one of these “inclusivity” things, where people feel the need to think it was good because it was for the Latin people, and thus if you say it sucked you’ll have to deal with your racism…despite being a racist…or maybe people are just positive thinkers and figure Super Bowl Half Time performances are always shit, so if there’s a stripper pole included, or some mom pussy flashing…and Shakira showing you how to eat ass in a tongue video…that’s all the substance we need.

I don’t have the answers, I just felt embarrassed for the old hags and felt maybe they shoulda sat it out and let some new blood in, but then I remembered dude to menopause they forget what new blood is.

Shakira Jennifer Lopez Superbowl

Shakira Jennifer Lopez Superbowl



Posted in:J.Lo|SFW|Shakira




J.Lo Fat Ass and Gnarly Cameltoe in White Leggings of the Day

J.Lo is the white washed, shapeshifter, who has changed her look for every boyfriend she has been with…now with the pervert Athlete with Herpes, she’s out in her leggigns with her fat ass, looking like some bootleg Kardashian, with about as much filler as she can find, without looking too clown like but looking “instagram hot”…

BUT WE REMEMBER J.LO….when she played some hood Puerto Rican arrested on GUN Charges after someone got shot in the face in a club when she was dating Diddy, after he cheated on Kim Porter who is now dead, and who he cries about on social media, despite being a fucking asshole….this was before J.Lo became the full fledged media manipulator trash she is today….

I wonder if J.Lo was invited to DIDDY’s 50th birthday party, or was she off with Ben Affleck…or maybe we should all move on from 1999 and pretend that this trash isn’t just manipulating everyone into thinking she’s hot at 50, that her ass is something worthy of jerking off to, or that her pussy that has shat out at least two kids we know of, who knows what she was doing back in high school, before being case as SELENA and polluting our fucking lives with J.Lo…is eating her fucking leggings HARD as fuck…

She’s a phony, she’s a lie, her cametoe is probably one of those inserts they sell trannies on AMAZON cuz AMAZON is progressive…you know to compete with THAT GIRL WHO SPEND 100k BEING A BLOW UP DOLL AND SOME OF THAT 100k was on VAGINA FILLERS….you know destroyed by social media so hard they are doing this to themselves…

You know J.Lo…trying to be relevant..you know….bruuuhhhhhhhh


Posted in:J.Lo




J.Lo in a THAT Dress Again of the Day

Look at that old catcher mitt of a face and that dangling back fat….so not hot…

You’ve heard the expression “Beating a Dead Horse with your Dick”…well this is the visual representation of that.

J.Lo in the dress she keeps exploiting – even all these years later.
Anything for attention Lo should be her name…or maybe Attention Ho Lo..

Who cares..anyone excited by this redo of something of 15 years ago when it was shocking or hot….is a fucking loser

The rest of us see it as the old divorcee trying to squeeze into her wedding dress now that she’s lost all that wedding weight she carried for 20 years to try to feel better about herself and her husbands hot young pussy…

This is not a viral stunt…this is an old lady trying to manipulate the new generation by jerking off her viral stunt of the 90s…and that alone is pretty pathetic. Lacks vision and the world fucking celebrates cuz they like things they’ve already seen. The chain restaurant with the familiar burger in all locations approach to being a whore.

The fact this went viral or became a cultural event this time around (this last week), when it’s been exploited so many times since it was first a “cultural event that went viral”….is either a statement of how we lack originality as a people, or how easy it is to manipulate the public cuz thy are dumb..

This Laziness is not her only tactic, she’s still out there working, trying to be hot, half naked, in fitness gear on her pile of money….but her laziness in doing this just makes me hate her more than I already did….

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW|Videos




J.Lo Engagement Butt Shot of the DAy

Jennifer Lopez Engaged

J.Lo have a great working relationship. They are all for media hype, probably good friends, maybe they fuck…but there are all kinds of stories out there that this is all about business, marketing, hype, talking points, strength in numbers.

Some say A.Rod fucks Jose Canseco…

Some say J.Lo only fucks money….like actually money…her only turn on…

But it is safe to say that they are out there using us, using social media to get to us, getting tons of media coverage that helps both make more money and their storyline, like the Kardashians before them are just fed out there to benefit their earnings….fuckers…and their manipulation…

In other weird news – she tagged ELLEN on her showing off hr engagement ring picture…because all these cunts are media manipulators…

Jennifer Lopez Booty Bikini

Jennifer Lopez Bikini Tits

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Jennifer Lopez Bra of the Day

Jennifer Lopez is posting slutty fitness pics of herself in a sports bra, as all the girls are doing, in a “Are they going to the gym for fitness”…or “are they going to the gym to wear a slutty outfit they can post on IG”….while we all know J.Lo is a triple threat….a fucking egotistical narcissist who is competitive and wants to win at everything and has a team, the energy, and money to win….so here she is doing what it fucking takes to win. She didn’t build this empire for nothing…more money than she knows what to do with, but all she really cares about is people thinking she’s hot…and the older she gets the harder it is to pull that off.

To see the rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Jennifer Lopez Tits Blue Bra Tight Leggings



Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




J.Lo’s Mom Pussy Eats Her Leggings of the Day

J.Lo gets a lot of love in the female media outlets for being fierce, or hot, or amazing….captions or headlines like “J.Lo’s still got it”…or “You can’t expire this old weathered bitch”…because we are in an era of supporting each other, not bullying each, not shaming each other…even though some people should be fucking shamed….like J.Lo…

She’s old even with the face injections, and despite trying to defy science and biology with trainers, with nutritionists, with chefs, with face injections and lipo…did I mention face injections…

But she’s also J.Lo, the Latin Fever icon, who the Puerto Rican’s will fucking love long after she’s dead because she brings them hope. She is one of their own, who couldn’t speak the language who made it…and that’s why she does it…people are still excited about her…but not as excited as her half dead vagina probably is being rubbed up hard by her leggings that are a few sizes too small, her pussy lips a few sizes too big, they’ve been around a while. They’ve seen some shit…

Here you go you perverts.


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Jennifer Lopez Getting Slutty for a Magazine of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Slutty for Fashion Magazine 2

Here’s J.Lo in some magazine wearing the silliest of dresses because it is more of a cape…as it doesn’t really cover 25-50 percent of her…allowing her to show off her fitness and thickness in it’s 50s like she was still in her 20s because a huge amount of money goes into her trying to look as good as she can for as long as she can thanks to being rich and being vain.

This is the kind of photo people will celebrate, they will call fierce and daring and inspiring, partially because the media is fake and sucks up to all these people all the fucking time….I’ve seen it for my entire existence as a blogger…like no one wants to call out an old whore for being an old whore…but instead want to pretend this shamelessness and exhibitionism is empowering…

I remember when I first saw publicist spin stories many years ago and I laughed because the media ran the spun story because they didn’t want to be ousted by the celebrity, network, or whoever else was behind the publicist….they didn’t want to lose advertisers…so they just gave into the powers that be…

Now, I don’t midn this J.Lo in a cape, not all cape wearers are heroes bullshit, but it is a little fucking shameless and attention seeking, like the old lady at the night club showing everyone her pussy to get noticed or entice someone to fuck her…because they are too busy looking at young hot chicks dance…you know what I mean…it’s a Look at me, I’ve sucked mad dick and can do things to you a young girl doesn’t even know exists, only she doesn’t realize that young girls grew up on porn and are WELL aware of what they need to do to get things done…

Here’s a celebration of having a chef, trainer, all the beauty products, strategic cosmetic surgery….and all the other shit J.Lo puts into looking her best at 50….and ideally it acts as inspiration for all girls to wear dresses like this out in public…from Prom to Bar Mitzvahs to Weddings and funerals….integrate this look…


Posted in:J.Lo|Jennifer Lopez|SFW




J.Lo Concert Highlight Reel of the Day

Here is the highlight of the J.Lo Vegas show…

That’s all I have to say about an aged hag with an ego….

One of those annoying over achievers who has won at life and is still not stopping because she’s either got an ego that makes her feel she needs to share herself with the world, or a fear of retiring because there’s all this money out there to make, since people are still into J.Lo and want to throw money at her…and not just Puerto Ricans who have survived the hurricane who use her as a beacon of hope, you know a symbol of what can be done with their American passports on the mainland, but actual Americans too…(lol).

What I am saying is that in this world of recycled shit, the following of the social media accounts, the afterlife or halflife or life of these celebrities and Kardashians just goes on and on and on…

We can’t get rid of them, or their fat asses you’d think they’d be too old to want to show, like why boter, but that you can’t help but show, cuz that’s what showmen do….


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




J.Lo Slutty of the Day

I wonder if J.Lo is suffering from early onslaught dementia…or if she’s just crazy…or maybe it’s just ego and a fear of getting old…doing whatever she can to stay youthful, appealing, attractive, fit all while pretending to not be old, despite being old.

There is no such thing as aging gracefully in a world of vain cunts and botox fillers…it’s like these women can keep the lie going for a long fucking time despite having all the money to sit back and let other bitches in on the action….

It’s the stripper bound for the day shift still working the night shift…

I don’t get it, but maybe it’s cuz I am lazy and find pleasure in staring at the wall, not proving myself to millions of people that I have an ass worth fucking…on stage whilst dancing.

Maybe I am the one with the fucked up priorities.


Posted in:J.Lo