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Archive for the Katy Perry Category




Katy Perry’s Topless Outfit for Attention of the Day

Katy Perry has always been a depressing figure in pop culture because we’ve all known she doesn’t belong where she ended up and we all know that no matter how hard she convinces herself of it…that she knows she doesn’t belong there either.

She is just not a very convincing popstar or celebrity and I know she’s got the fans, the money, the brainwashing, but she just sucks too hard for it to be anything but brainwashing.

She has decided to comeback to the music scene and get paid, cash in again, see how hard she can milk this scheme and she’s bringing out the big guns.

She’s showing up to events topless, obviously not topless enough for it be interesting, all because the AI has told her that people only care about her tits….

She’s looking a little ripped now, which is weird since she’s been chunky since she started, just heavy set cankles clunking around on stage….

Which means she’s either jacked on her menopause testosterone like those lesbians moms you’ve seen….or she’s taken pharma hard…

It wasn’t that long ago that she was a fat pig, so clearly something’s up….

The tits are out, the tits being used, and really that’s the best she can do to keep us looking….because tits keep us looking…it’s just perfectly desperate for someone who’s been consistently desperate..

She also wore a RED DRESS in her quest to get her menopause tits noticed…and it’s a little fucking terrifying….but it’s still tits…so you know you win some and you lose some…take what you get…even if you’re conflicted.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry’s Middle Aged Tits and Panties on her Ozempic Tour of the Day

Katy Perry who is pushing some propaganda called Women’s World…is the kind of girl who you’d want to cut the tits off and put on an actual hot chick since the tits are hot…assuming you were allowed to do that kind of organ transplants which you should since they let Selena Gomez get some bitch’s kidney…it’s the same fucking thing…

Obviously rich as shit, clunky as fuck, recently found herself on Ozempic and slimmed the fuck Katy Perry is out of touch….

She was arguably always out of touch like most of the top pop performers out there who aren’t actual artists, but who are clever enough to find a popular scene to exploit, ripoff, or hire the people within said scene for a lot of money to legitimize themselves.

It’s pop music and the only thing authentic about it is that it’s shit. Authentic shit, everything else about it is catchy manufactured noise to trick our simple minds into buying merchandise, products, tickets and political agendas they push on us.

So Ozempic Katy Perry, who I’ve never found hot, so I’m not about to find hot in her 40s, is out here pushing a new album she’s trying to either CASH GRAB with, or manipulate minds with.

Her song is called “Women’s World”….which I can only assume is an attempt at a feminist agenda to inspire all the women out there to hate men, or to take ownership on their cunts in some “we’re not going to take it”, fake as fuck, manufactured as fuck crisis that doesn’t exist.

I guess, Katy Perry is allowed to celebrate women, even though WOMEN don’t exist in her own politics, but it’s safe to assume that by women she means anyone who identifies as a woman, and not EVERYONE who menstruates since some can identify as men, you know since gender isn’t real and doesn’t exist to them, yet they are the ones changing their genders on a hormonal level, since gender doesn’t exist…obviously.

The good news is that now OZEMPIC skinny Katy Perry didn’t lose her only assets that mattered, the tits….

More importantly, she’s promoting her feminist lie that she’s perpetuating because she thinks it will get her paid, or that it will appeal to the retards out there, and it may….but she’s promoting her WOMEN’s WORLD…showing her panties and braless tits….cleavage…tits…panties…


You know because women are empowered creatures fighting for their equal rights they already have, and the way to do that is to try to get jerked off to by men….

HYPOCRITES but at least they know the TITS matter….they just won’t call the song “TITTY OBSESSED WORLD” set to images of her tits…they have to be more subtle in their whole outdated “Power Woman” nonsense that even the OF sluts realize is outdated because men just want TRAD WIVES who cook and raise the family for them, LIKE NATURE INTENDED….


Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry is Using them Titties for Attention Hard of the Day

Katy Perry has been marketed as having some kind of sex appeal thanks to having a set of decent sized tits…

The issue is the rest of her was clunky, including her cankles, but more importantly her dance moves, which for most people killed the sex appeal.

You see, they like to posture men as these half retard apes who see tits and go “ughhh tits” and then jerk off, which is not fully off base, tits are great to look at and are often enough.

However, to say a chick has sex appeal because of her tits, rather than just say “there’s a chick with tits”.

While for the sex appeal we need seduction, non awkward, cerebral, not annoying seduction but if we can’t have that, give us the tits.

My theory is Katy Perry at 40 years old realizes she’s got another tour in her, seeing how easy Taylor Swift gamed celebrity not realizing that Taylor Swift did that by being relatable to girls everywhere, rather than just being some loud mouth cunt, because it takes cerebral manipulation…..not just cheap side-show stunts that people notice for a second and move on.

So yeah, saw Taylor make all this money, felt she could too because of her ego, will ideally fail hard like J.Lo, but she’s bringing out the big guns to hustle it.

Never has the granny been so. out there and obvious with the tits, like a last ditch effort divorcee on a Cruise for a family wedding, just trying to get a little male attention or a fuck.

It’s cheap, it’s easy, and I’ll look at her curated tits, but can assure you they aren’t that great and that they are a sign of PURE desperation, knowing her shit may fail.

FINGERS CROSSED….because if it does fail, MORE nudity will happen and even if you don’t find this cankle clunker hot, she’s better off naked. They all are.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry’s Tits Out for her New Music of the Day

Someone gave granny too much Ozempic and it’s gone to her head.

It is pretty funny that someone with as many followers as Katy Perry, with as lucrative of a career as Katy Perry, who has made so much money for what must be close to 20 years of seriously shit music….still has to mooch off her tits in hopes of getting people to really engage in her shitty content….

It’s like she has all the marketing budget in the world but knows that even in this gay, woke, boring world of not sexualizing women, a see through bikini with a set of sloppy tits is the way she was built to market herself….

Ultimately, they are all whores..

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry’s Weird AI Tits of the Day

Katy Perry may be the first “artist” and I use the word “artist” very fucking lightly, since she’s clearly a fucking try hard hack who does anything she can to get noticed, seen, or monetized. There is no artistry in the brainwashing tacts her marketing team do, she is just there as a body doing it.

So yeah, she probably hates AI, but without it, would these marketing pictures of herself as some space robot weirdness be something you’re able to jerk off to. Probably….your low standards….

We can only hope that Katy Perry’s ego gets a solid reality check when she launches her new song that she’s been working on for a long time, one that she’s decided to leave her hosting gig at American Idol for, because she’s seen rival Taylor Swift make billions on her tour, and for some reason feels competitive enough to take her on…

Her tits are better, but her music is trash, her dancing is trash, her creative direction all diversions from her ugly face and lack of talent, trash…yet people still fucking love her.

The good news is her tits, which are her only thing going for her are being used hard in the marketing of this new pop venture she is revisiting…since we like tits.

The bad news is that they are on Katy Perry and not cut off and touring on their own, so to see them, we have to deal with her sadness.

She is in her 40s, so the stripping down thanks to Ozempic is weird, but she’s got a florida mom in the trailer park on meth who does bodybuilding while on meth to get the gains vibe, which is meaningful to me.

This may be some of her best work, a career of shit to lead up to more shit, but finally with the proper use of the tits.

She released a video of this shit where she is mocking amputees and paralyzed people who need this kind of robotic equipment to walk….ABLEIST CUNT.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry is Slutting Out of the Day

Katy Perry is going through a mid-life crisis because she’s about 50 fucking years old….

It’s one of those old lady who has wrongfully had the attention of the masses through marketing and brainwashing….believing the hype and that it was deserved when most people who aren’t plugged into the matrix know that she was never much more than shitty song and dance, cheesy concept stage shows and a set of tits…

Sure, her bank accounts and good management may make her feel like she’s worthy but at her core she must know that she fucking sucks…

Anyway, like all old ladies holding onto a dream, or trying to maintain hype they once had, she’s managed to OZMPIC or starve herself out, maybe hit the gym with that new testosterone her body has found through menopause….allowing her to show her ass in short shorts that are hardly age appropriate…since she’s old…hardly hot since it is Katy Perry….but thanks to whatever she’s been doing to herself through modern science is looking better than when she was at her prime which doesn’t make sense but that’s the world we live in and in her defence, she was pretty fucking clunky at her prime..

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry’s Comeback Titties of the Day

Katy Perry’s comeback tits aren’t really comeback titties since she didn’t really go anywhere. She’s still very much in the public, judging hit TV shows, existing….and cashing the fuck in….

These are comeback tittes that are still titties that never went anywhere because she saw how much money Taylor Swift made off old songs and figures she can do the billion dollar too. Logical, since Taylor Swift although a brainwasher through mind control, is about as compelling star as a lump of shit….sure people are drawn to her, but that is some supernatural forces.

So Katy Perry may suck, but I doubt she thinks she sucks as hard at Taylor Swift, so she’s having a go at it….with her tits…the comeback tits that never went away tits…

She is wearing garbage bags because she trash.

She’s looking like her best Zombie Corpse Goth Kardashian with those face injections…

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry’s Old Face in a Leather Outfit of the Day

Katy Perry is retiring from American Idol, a show that is miraculously still on the air and that people in trailer parks apparently still watch, probably because they are on disability and unable to get up to change the damn channel. I am sure it’s the lowest bottom feeding Americans into that shit, which is probably why super star Katy Perry was cast as a host.

I’ve found Katy Perry to be overrated, ugly, the titty hype she gets questionable, for pretty much her entire career, but no one cares about my opinion and with marketing created a super star celebrity that made next to no sense.

She’s seen Taylor Swift make a billion dollars off old songs this past year and realizes that she should get off her lazy ass and get back on the road for the fans, there’s money to squeeze out of these people, since she can never heave enough. of it, she’s getting ready to squeeze it out of them….

Her face is old and tired because she is old and tired, but she’s still got the tits, which you want to squeeze out of her…

So while she plots squeezing her fans, you can plot squeezing her, and the whole thing is so weird because you’d think we’d have new celebs by now.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry Does Coachella Dirty of the Day

Katy Perry captioned her Coachella pics “I’ve been to Coachella longer than you’ve been alive” which is pretty clever because it’s true since she’s an old weathered hipster chick .

I had pictures of Katy Perry and Kesha sent to me back on the day, probably 18 years ago, all in bikinis and covered in mud from before both became famous, Katy Perry more famous than Kesha, but both still climbed the ranks from average looking Coachella girl to pop star. Dreams do come true if you suck the right cock.

Now, all these years later, granny is on her Coachella adventure like when you see some old lady with cancer visit her hometown before she dies. She didn’t wear the bikini top this time around but rather the bikini body shirt, danced around like a stripper, pulled her ass out so you know she wears underwear like grannies do in case they pee unexpectedly and posed with some chick who had her nipples out who was performing.

The whole thing feels a little sad, but she’s rich and famous and part of the hipster scene of other rich and famous people who shaped this pop culture thing together and all go to events together to reaffirm how important they’ve been to the world.

This may be where that all started, so let grandma relive it….

Posted in:Katy Perry




Katy Perry Tucks her Titties in her Boxers of the Day

Katy Perry has always been one of those celebrities who has made me sad….or who would make me sad because she’s a victim of her own success, a viral stunt with Kissed a Girl who became a money making pop icon machine for 20 fucking years, which is crazy and she knows it.

When I see her in any content, I stare at the tits, because that’s her only redeeming quality, then I think about how even if all the yes-men around her tell her how great she is and even with all the fans telling her how great she is and even with Taylor Swift becoming a billionaire inspiring her to do the same, which she will likely manage to do, since she’s Katy Perry…she knows in her soul she’s a fucking hack…

Anyway, these pictures of her tits in a sweater were going viral the other day and I thought that was A LOT of chest between neck and nipples, reminding me of a meme of a fat man being told to tuck his titties in his boxers…

I know tits, but this seems to be on the lower hanging fruit, which is arguably what Katy Perry’s creative vision has been to get her where she’s got…BOTTOM FEED TO THE SURFACE baby….

In other Katy Perry News since I’ve got you here:

Here she is in a dress that she can’t get herself out of, to excite you Katy Perry fans enough to pull out your white boards and map all the ways you’d strip her out of her dress, including but not limited to TORCHING it off of her with your pressure hose semen.

Oh, and she attended an event in her underwear or a bathing suit because someone on her team got confused and told her it was a beach party, not a party of bitches like Ryan Seacrest and TAYLOR SWIFT , Avril Lavigne and Tate McRae

She’s about 400 years old…

Posted in:Katy Perry