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Archive for the McCain Category




Some McCain Teenage Fans of the Day

Here’s a video of some teenage girls doing a typical teenage song and dance, only instead of mouthing the words to Britney Spears’ Womanizer or Rihanna, these bitches decided to get creative. They threw down some beat from some song and came up with their own lyrics, kinda what the black folk they hate so much would call a Freestyle. I guess the biggest disappointment wasn’t so much what they were saying about how the country is fucked because there’s a black president, but more the delivery. They should have written this shit out and practiced this shit in front of a mirror to make it bulletproof, instead they put up their first audition and shit’s a fuckin’ mess. They aren’t even old enough to be hot and half naked, so I didn’t really make it past “he’s black, he’s black, he’s black” or whatever the fuck they are saying and they cut off the best joke, which was assigning people to make Obama christmas ornaments so he can hang from a tree where he belongs, maybe a typical, uncreative “racist” joke, but still has some merit of being a vulgar/offensive joke, unlike everything else, because the only thing offensive in this is their shitty production value.

I guess given their level of intelligence, it’s pretty impressive that they were able to turn on their webcam, another thing that is impressive, that their family, who probably instilled this value system into them can afford a webcam, because the biggest vocally racist people are usually not tech savvy or financially capable of buying computers…but busy working blue collar or their farms, bitter that there are richer black people than them…

Either way, watch the video, it’s pretty much worthless, and that’s something I am sure you can relate to.

Posted in:Fans|McCain




McCain Supporters Send a Viral Email of the Day

So it looks like a McCain supporter put the internet classes he was learned in prison to good use and decided to send out a racist email to the world, basically saying that Obama is nothin’ but a fried chicken, watermelon eating, porch monkey of a person, like they used to have down in the South afterthe republicans, who from what I understand, were an anti-slavery party, helped abolish slavery, because before that they were treated like fucking animals.

The real joke in all of this is that Obama is half white, living the white dream, meaning he’s got the same genes as the redneck fucks who hate him for being black, when really they hate him for being better at being white than them, you know he’s gone to white schools, has white friends, and is pretty much just a dark skinned white dude and the only thing black about him is his cock, at least that’s what I’ve been told.

I assume he makes good money, lives in a good neighborhood, has a nice enough car, does normal people things like taking his kids to soccer and walking his dog or whatever the fuck else suburban white folk do, while whoever made this is probably shoveling shit in the barn, half broke, shocked he figured out how to spell the subject line of the email, drunk and beating his wife as he builds a fire in the corner of the shack he sleeps in to keep warm, with the only hope he has in life is the fact that he’s white and from what the lessons the last 10 generations of his poor white trash fave have told him, God values that a lot more once you die in a farm related accident or accidentally catching fire at your cross burning meetings, than he values the blacks….

Sure I make racist jokes, because it is funny to offend and stir people up, but that doesn’t mean I think racism isn’t pretty fucking dated and unnecessary. Eventually we’ll all be a shade of beige and I think that because someone is black, white, asian or mexican, they should have equal rights to be heard, especially if they have hot tits. I mean if we based everything on appearances, you’d never get laid….oh right….you never get laid. Bad analogy. But you get what I am saying.

That said, I am not offended by this, I just think it’s a pretty weak attempt to attack someone, or make fun of someone, it’s just way too fucking obvious of a joke and that’s why you’ll probably find this funny, because I seem to attract the real winners in life.

I am not an Obama or McCain supporter, so I don’t want emails to me calling me names or whatever the fuck else I’ve been getting emailed to me the last 2 months from you hicks, I am just posting it, because I find it ridiculous. I am not posting it because I want to out McCain fans for being uneducated scum, or because I support the shit they are doing, I am just doing it because I am doing it.

And in case you need to be reminded that Obama is white, watch this video of him dancing on Ellen…

On a side note, here’s a weird video of Terrry Tate tackling Sarah Palin that I don’t understand…

Enough with this political shit, time for tits.

Update: I hear the person behind the email blast was Heidi and Spencer and here are some pictures of the fake couple in some staged pictures, showing their fake support for McCain – Palin, because they know that if they actually wanted McCain – Palin to win, they’d keep their mouths shut, since the world hates them. If “Guns, God and Glory” is really the McCain – Palin slogan, you are all in a lot of trouble if they win.I

have a feeling it’s just Spencer and Heidi being ironic or sarcastic or Facetious or whatever the fuck this is. So here are Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt trying to be funny, with beer and a rifle and a book about profiting during the economic crisis, considering they have both profited way too much already, and lets just hope that this date that ends in murder suicide, not because we don’t agree with their politics, but because we don’t agree with their existance…

Posted in:McCain|USA Politics




Family Guy’s McCain / Palin Nazi Joke of the Day

So family guy did a funny joke where the baby and the dog and the Jewish awkward guy go back in time to Nazi Germany and are getting some heat because they put a McCain/Palin button on one of the Nazi Uniforms.

I think Family Guy is the best show on TV, I don’t really watch TV so I am probably not the person to make TV recommendations, but every episode I’ve seen has had at least one obscure and truly funny thing, and since everyone is shitting on me for being a talentless hack, which is probably true and something I have never denied, because I like to think you’re the one landing here, I’m not the one throwing anything down your throat, so you got to deal with your choices and not bother me about it, especially when I am hating on everything because it makes me feel better about my miserbale existence, and existence made more miserable when SNL fans email me complaining about how it’s so fucking amazing, because I hate on SNL and I hate you for liking it, so I guess we’ll never be friends.

So as I throw out all my dreams I have of us spending the day playing squash together, or getting a beer together, or hitting on girls together, because we just won’t work out (no homo), I decided to post this clip recognizing something good.

Now I am not a McCain or Obama supporter, so don’t email me whining about how it is funny because I am a nigger-lovin’ terrorist left wing piece of shit, like all the republicans out there have been doing up until now, I am in Canada, and it’s just a good joke. So instead of emailing me, how about walking out to your barn, pulling out one of your NRA edition rifles with Chaleton Heston’s face carved into the handle, and put yourself out of your misery and for those of you aren’t too uptight about your political party, you may be able to see the humor in this.

Posted in:Family Guy|McCain|Palin|Politics




Some McCain Supporters of the Day

Here’s another video of some McCain supporters who represent the opinion of probably a lot more Americans than you think. I am not going to imply that they are right or wrong, or that they are the same kind of people who tie ethnic people to the back of their pick-up trucks and drag them around the town as the rest of the on-lookers cheer, I mean logic like “black folks running for president area always second string” or saying that Palin spoke to the holy spirit seem pretty reasonable, not quite as reasonable as trying to convince the weird neighbor’s kid you assume is a homo to give you a blow job in your pick-up truck before beating him senseless for being a homo, or fucking your daughter when your wife’s not around because she’s the closest pussy since your pig’s out of commission because you think it may have got herpes from the gangbang you put it through with all your friends last weekend, but still reasonable. I mean sure Obama may hate white people, considering he is half white, his friends are white, he went to predominately white school and he’s the whitest fucking black guy around, sure with a name like Obama who has an African father has some Muslim roots, but there are millions of Muslim people in your country not blowing shit up. It’s just stupidity, that’s not to imply that you should vote for Obama over McCain because I would, it’s to say don’t let your car breakdown in small town Ohio….

Posted in:McCain|Supporter




McCain Refused to Shake Obama’s Hand of the Day

I guess he doesn’t want his racist supporters thinking he’s down with black muslim people, you know considering them citizen’s and all, because if he did shake Obama’s hand he’d have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do to the hicks of America who make up the majority of his supporters, as to why he touched them there Aye-Rab Negro, knowing that Aye-Rab Negros are trying to explode America. I do have to give him some credit for making his wife do his dirty work, it’s like that time I shit the bed when drunk and refused to clean it up, because I thought it would lead to my wife being disgusted enough to sleep on the floor where she belongs, but instead she just changed the sheet, not to suggest that black muslim’s are the equivalent to shit, but they are to McCain, at least that’s what this video’s telling me….and videos don’t lie.

Posted in:2008|Debate|Election|McCain|Obama|Politics