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Archive for the NSFW Category




Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day


It always amazes me that top models think they are above pornstars and frown down on them from their life of luxury….they think the fact that they are 6 foot tall and skinny as fuck leading to a better life than getting fucked on camera…is just so much more exclusive…but the reality…is they are the same fucking thing, with the same fucking morals and values….only models get high and fuck at parties….and save their in front of the camera shit to “tasteful” nudity….that guess what…is still fucking nudity…now I’m totally into all girls getting naked for money…I just don’t like snob attitude that comes with running in celebrity circles sponsored by Mercedes… you can paint a trailer park home gold but it’s still gutter shit….

Either way, Anja Rubik is lovely.

Posted in:Anja Rubik|NSFW




Lucy Collett Tits for Twitter of the Day

Lucy Collett is a UK titty model which explains two very important things…the first is why she is built like this and the second is why she’s posting her topless pics to Twitter….you see cuz once you put your tits out there once and shit becomes available on google, why the fuck enjoy the freedom of your sacrifice by being topless as often as you can, partially cuz that’s all people want out of you, but mainly because she put it out there, she took off the top and there’s really no point in ever putting it back on…this is some Braveheart “FREEDOM” shit….a revolutionary who didn’t really require much effort….and I’m not just saying that cuz her stomach isn’t toned…I’m saying it cuz this is the easy way out and all girls need to follow her lead….cuz I wanna see all your titties…

Posted in:Lucy Collett|NSFW




Hipster Friendly Pornstar Jessie Andrews for Fashion of the Day

Jessie Andrews is the new Sasha Grey of porn, you know hipster friendly, wild and crazy, rocking a bush, that the fashion world has taken in and eaten up cuz unlike us, they don’t care that she looks 13 when she chokes on dick, they like that other fashion magazines think she’s fashionable….and fashion is one huge pile of followers who buy into whatever they are told while pretending they are originals on the front line…

What it comes down to….is that…she’s GUTTER PORN CHICK WHO FUCKS ON CAMERA …whether the fashion industry likes it

Why she is different than any other pornstar….maybe cuz she parties with hipsters…maybe cuz she’s got small tits…maybe cuz she has bush….who fucking knows….she’s naked in a fashion magazine of the day…

So edgy…..

Posted in:Jessie Andrews|NSFW




Lacey Banghard in a Recent Titty Shoot of the Day

I am pretty sure I posted the outtakes from this shoot, but I can’t be too sure, cuz titty model photoshoots all kinda blend into each other in one giant titty pile of greatness, that I think makes the world a better place to live in, cuz without titty models doing titty photoshoots, your virgin ass wouldn’t know what a tit looked like, other than that one time you saw your mom breast feeding your brother like she was Blossom….something she never did for you…laying the foundation of your life of inadequacies…thanks mom….

Here are the tits….and they are outrageous…

Posted in:Lacey Banghard|NSFW




Lucy Pinder Nipples for Twitter of the Day

Lucy Pinder only matters because of her tits…so it only makes sense that she would be posting them to twitter….for the gang of perverts who love her tits enough to buy calendars of her tits to grace the walls of their garages because they don’t worry that she’s 8 years old…and it’s not 2004 anymore..cuz their depressing lives just pass them by and the one thing they can count on is a set of tits they’re used to….like old timer Lucy Pinder…

That said she looks amazing

Posted in:Lucy Pinder|NSFW




Lacey Banghard in Some NUTS Outtakes of the Day

Lacey Banghard has a seriously hard face…rugged like a stripper who managed to escape the sex trade and life as a coked up prostitute by becoming a low level, but big breasted titty model…featured in all the UK magazines, possibly because she works at a discount, or maybe, just maybe cuz her tits are retarded…I mean there’s only so much conversation this gratuitous shit can stir up, it’s tits, I like tits, that’s all there is to it….if we’re looking for a moral in the story like this was a 90s sitcom…it’s girls…if you got tits…use them…they will make you famous…even if you’re not hot….all you need is tits…

Posted in:Lacey Banghard|NSFW




Chanelle Hayes and Rosie Jones Hot for NUTS of the Day

Damn….NUTS UK is officially a softcore porn magazien…all it took was one lick from one chick to a topless to cross that invisible line of titty men’s mag to full on smut…and I love it…

If this was the 60s, this shit would be too hardcore for the newstands, no one would advertise on it, they’d go bankrupt with no place to go….but today…we’re all a bunch of perverts exposed to this greatness and a little titty sucking won’t stop Mercedes for getting on board with them….but from some reason…they won’t get on board with me…and call me a porn site…when all I do is post their ad supported smut…in what makes life almost unfair…but not that unfair cuz I get to stare at pics like this….

Posted in:Chanelle Hayes|NSFW|Rosie Jones




The Liberty Ross Nude Pic of the DAy

Liberty Ross posed nude for the recent issue of the LOVE magazine that also feature Kate Moss’ awesome well traveled bush ….the highlight of the issue as far as I’m concerned…butt his Liberty Ross chick took the back seat, as she’s used, by getting nude to show the world what her husband or ex-husband, Rupert Sanders, left behind the night he stuck his dick in Kristen Stewart…..but then again, my portable air conditioner has more sex appeal than inbred Kristen Steward…leading me to think this Liberty Ross was either horrible in bed, or the kind of groupie mom who stops fucking when she gets the kid and retirement plan from Rupert Sanders..

I’d like to thank Jack for sending this in while I was drinking with a couple college girls…along with this insane note…that makes me think he should be drinking in a padded room….he’s a threat to society..

Her nipples are on the better side of perfect and something you could gnaw and bite on while whistling snow white tunes to get her more enraged. This would be a perfect relationship for me. I could pretend I was an angry dwarf and eat her pussy for days!

She was a model before selling her soul to her director ex-husband who cheated her after she made babies with him, possibly cuz her vagina got too loose to enjoy…so assume there are nudes of her out there already but these ones are new – so be excited….

Here’s the pic…

Posted in:Liberty Ross|NSFW




Daisy Watts is Trying to Be Famous the Right Way of the Day

Daisy Watts is apparently a Glamour model, or aspiring Glamour model, with 25,000 twitter followers, some of which may be purchased…and she’s doing this fame game the right way…you know by pumping out smutty pics for the perverts on the internet to fall in love with her….and print up to masturbate on….or to do weird fan art of….cuz that’s what loneliness does to a man….

I figure if ever you have big old tits, posting pics like this, is the way to get ahead….cuz as of today….I now know who Daisy Watts is….she’s on my radar….and also on yours…and it only took 3 pics….

Life lesson learned girls….start snappin’ that snapper.

Posted in:Daisy Watts|NSFW




Holly Peers and Rosie Jones for FRONT’s March Issue of the Day

These girls are built to last….at least for a minute…which is long enough because in that moment of glory…their window of opportunity…their time to shine…they are getting nude pics shot of them and their greatness…like their tits…and pictures last a long time….even forever….far longer than they’ll be around…and that’s a lesson for all you girls…cuz when you’re 50….the memory of you at your prime…may not be enough for you…or your husband to remember the glory days…get that shit in pictures…cuz you lose it fast….and then send me those pics to save for safe keeping…I’m really good a keeping nudes….

Here are Rosie Jones and Holly Peers looking awesome.


Posted in:Holly Peers|NSFW|Rosie Jones