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Archive for the Sofia Vergara Category




Sofia Vergara Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Sofia Vergara Bikini for Twitter in Capri Cuz She's Won

Sofia Vergara is in Capri….posing on Yachts in a bikini like she was some 20 year old…even though she’s 40…reminding everyone that if you have fat tits, you might as well attempt to follow your dreams cuz eventually your singlye mother destined to be a stripper destiny can shift…all depending on who’s penis you put inside you…cuz even if it took her 20 years to get there…she still made it fucking happen…even if it was through prostitution….and now she’s the one sitting on yachts today, while I’m the one in three day old underwear with what I think is either BBQ sauce or chocolate melted in my hairy chest thanks to no air conditioning….but then again it’s not really a who has won situation, since I never got up on this race, but I can tell you, most single mom’s I know from South America, aren’t doing Hollywood shit so that’s gotta count for something, even if in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t fucking matter at all….

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara Hot in Vanity Fair Spain of the DAy

Sofia Vergara brought her big, old lady, hispanic mom tits, to a photoshoot for Vanity Fair Spain….and I didn’t really mind…because I don’t really have anything better to look at while other people are out living their lives…I just sort of sit here and rot away…and I might as well do it looking at some mystery of a woman that I know has more of a story than a rockin’ set of spic tits…I’m talking drug cartels, bribes, threats and deep throat action….shit she should write into a movie about a busty single mother going Hollywood….but that she can’t write cuz she dropped out of school too early to hop on a raft to America for that….

Here is the video….

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara Ice Cream Lickin’ of the Day

picasion gif maker

It is hot as fuck outside, so what better way to celebrate all the hot moms and their daughter out together trying to cool off together, playing out one of my fantasies, but posting a GIF of Sofia Vergara stuffing her fat ass face with ice cream like she can afford to eat the calories, you know cuz she’s a 40 year old mom and has fat tits and people appreciate her curve, even though every time I see bitches eat ice cream, I get totally fucking disgusted, knowing just what they are doing to themselves, before remembering that if they dont’ care about what goes into them, then I may have a fucking chance getting inside them…

I’m on my way to apply for a job at Dairy Queen right now….cuz ice cream is where summer magic happens….and sucking creamy white high calorie dairy product from a phallus is sometimes too suggestive for my numb, desensitized soul to handle….


Posted in:Photos|Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara Bikinis for Twitter of the Day

Sofia Vergara posted some pics of her in a bikini on Vacation…even though her life is a fucking vacation…thanks to her tits she’s put into a bikini…that have offered her the good life so many other hotter hispanics would have probably liked….you know ones who aren’t 40 and moms of 22 year olds….but those hispanics didn’t suck the right dick or use cocaine cartels from their home country to their advantage….and really she is hot enough for me to stare at as she puts out pics…even though her topless work when she was trying to get famous was more interesting to look at….because topless bitches in their 30s are better than bikini clad woman in the 40s…even when it is the same bitch in both pics..it’s just the way the aging process work people….

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Pants are Unbuttoned of the Day

Sofia Vergara was caught with her pants unbuttoned, which was probably not a first for her, you know provided the fact that she was a single teen mom from Colombia who is now a huge fucking star, something that never happens…it is like winning the lottery….and I don’ care how big her tits are…the right people were fucked along the way…there is no question of that in my mind…

The only unfortunate thing about this is that I can’t see any of her battle wounds from her journey to the top….I can’t even see her bush poking out…and that disappoints me….cuz whore I approve of or not…I like seeing genitals…or the decorative elements that come with them.


Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Nipples for GQ Mexico of the Day

Leave it up to the Mexicans to deliver the fucking goods despite being marginalized for generations by the fat americans we cleean up after…. and it is not even Cinco de Mayo yet….

I mean I don’t think Sofia Vergara has shown her nipples in public in years, you know since she was sucking producer dick / using her Colombian connections to get onto a hit TV show….but the Mexican office of GQ changed that…they said fuck it, soon she’ll be too old to wanna fuck, let’s use these titties like they were on a spring break trip…cuz Mexicans, despite what you racists think, just get it….

Shit…this kind of thing makes me proud to be on of many JESUS MARTINEZ

Here are the pics…MEXICO POWER!

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Tits at the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner of the Day

I don’t know if the White House is trying to go pop, you know like an old timer who doesn’t really know what’s up so he invites the cool kids a few years too late, you know when they aren’t so cool anymore…..or if this is some kind of joke the White House is playing on the world….or if this is just where we are at in the grand scheme of America….where trash reigns supreme and anyone who has been on TV or in a Movie or in a Tabloid can attend their fucking events….From Kim Kardashian to Lohan…seems more like a Miami 5 star hotel on New Years than something remotely political….

Maybe, thee Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner was more about legalizing drugs, brining in Colombian Sofia Vergara who is famous due to drug cartel and their influence on Hollywood producers….Lohan someone who has been in and out of rehab….Rosario Dawson someone knows as a NYC club kid who openly does blow….and Kate Upton who will be on hard drugs as soon as she sees her ass start to catch up with her tits….you know as her metabolism slows and she becomes an Anna Nicoe Smith sequel….

But the good news is tha with low level trash comes titties and cleavage so click the pics to see more pics….of pics…pics pics pics….of bitches at this low level high profile event that is as classy as a crackhouse on the Sunset Strip….

Here’s Sofia Vergara

Here’s Lindsay Lohan with Some Weird Looking Face and Sideboob I’d Like to Fuck

Here’s Rosario Dawson Solid Spic Squatter Turned Famous Titties

Here’s Kate Upton Covered her Tits Cuz She’s Tired of Being Typecast as Just Tits to Show Off her Wonky Face

Posted in:Kate Upton|Lindsay Lohan|Rosario Dawson|Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara in Esquire April 2012 of the Day

Sofia Vergara is hot and bitch must know how to give great fucking blowjobs, cuz if she didn’t, she’d be working at a taco stand, or strip club, or married to a drug dealer in Miami or some shit. She would not be on TV.

I have all kinds of theories about how she stood out amongst all he SPICS they were typecasting for hot spic roles, you know that she had drug ties in Colombia that fueled drug addicts in Hollywood….leading to some open doors….but I think it may just have to do with her tits…cuz tits…are magical like that….they lead to opportunity….

I posted a twitpic of her on set of this shoot a few months ago ….but the end result is far more spectacular….pantless, bust, and amazing.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Big Fucking Tits of the Day

I don’t know why I’m bothering with this shit….but I am going to assume it is cuz I have nothing better to do….cuz some 45 year old who still has it going on…but is still nothing but a whore way past her prime showing some cleavage on twitter is just not inspiring at all…

I dont watch her show, I don’t get why she’s famous, there are just too many question marks when it comes to Vergara….but the one thing that we know and trust is that she knows her value, worth and talent resides in her bra….and maybe acknowledging that is what makes her worth looking at…or maybe I just like tits on all ages…it would explain why I used to try to knock up women at the old folks homes….easy with a little lube and best with a little dementia so they don’t tell on you…and if they do….they usually get the story wrong and no one ever believes the crazy old lady….except that one time when her family set up video cameras to find the source of the bite marks…which sucked….but not as much as these pics for not being topless.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Huge Cleavage of the Day

The greatest thing about Sofia Vergara isn’t the accent she plays up to be typecast as the hot latina mom. It’s not her back story of drug cartels in Colombia tricking hollywood to support her career choices…to escape death…it is not the fact that she’s old, or that she’s probably had an outrageous amount of dick in getting by those years as a young single mother…it isn’t the fact that she’s tricked hollywood into caring about her, or laughing at her jokes…it is one hundred percent…her tits.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Sofia Vergara