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Archive for the Topless Category




Amy Winehouse Dancing Topless of the Day

Everyone calls Amy Winehouse a drug addict and make it out to be this bad thing, but all I see is a girl who likes to have a good time. I mean other than the fact that she looks like she belongs in the fuckin’ zoo, or the morgue, or the fact that she probably smells like fucking rotting fish, cheese and feces, or she’s got no teeth, she’s seems like a lot of fun to hang out with. She is always down to dress up for halloween, get fucked up, dance around and take off her fucking clothes. I know my life would be substantially better if I had a Winehouse to hang out with and here she is dancing on her balcony topless like a girl who just wants to have fun….or someone who has done a few too many drugs and doesn’t realize the difference between right and wrong….but no matter what it is, she looks like the kind of girl who would not be uptight about anal, mainly because she would be convlusing in the corner in a puddle of piss and puke and that’s good enough for me. I’m easy.

Posted in:Amy Winehouse|Dancing|Topless




Lily Allen is Topless on the Beach of the Day

Lily Allen brought her cankles and really thick lower body out to the beach and figured it’d be a good idea to show the world her uneven tits her baby will never suck on, because she ended it’s life with a big ol’ vaccuum cleaner, because the guy who knocked her up peaced the fuck out after realizing that if she looks this sloppy at 22, imagine what hell the future holds for him, not to mention her drinking, smoking and drug use, woulda probably made the fucker some kind of retard, and no one needs that guilt of institutionalizing it hanging over their head all their life, so I guess it all works out in the end….except for Lily Allen, who’s all alone, because no one really cares about how she feels about this whole thing, especially when we already know what her tits and body look like, and it’s safe to say you’d feel really disappointed if you had picked her up before she was famous and was working as a receptionist behind a desk somewhere, only to go meet for the date to discover she’s fat chick from the waist down…

The only amazing thing in this picture is how good a job she did of stuffing her unborn fetus back inside her to feel like she’s still a mother-to-be and not a murderer and not having it’s little fetus arm or leg or head poking out into her bikini bottom.

To See More Pictures of this Slut Topless Because I Don’t Want to Get Sued

Posted in:Lily Allen|Topless




Amy Winehouse Topless on the Beach of the Day

I love Amy Winehouse. Mainly because she’s the only living celebrity I can actually imagine fucking because she looks like most of the whores I’ve been with. I also like that she’s down to get fucked up and have a good time, and most importantly, I like that she satisfies my necorphilia fetish by making me feel like I’m jerking off to a rotting dead person, without actually having to jerk off to a rotting dead person, because that would be weird, like all those lonely nights spent getting laid in the Coma ward at the hospital…

Not sure where I’m going with this, so go check out Winehouse’s Talented Jewish crack-tits because they are pretty jacked for someone who’s got an Ethiopian starving baby belly and a serious drug addicted-concentration camp – emaciated – self-destructed physique, which is a miracle just a little less impressive than the fact that she’s still alive.

To See the Rest of the Pics Because I Don’t Want to Get Sued Over this Slag…Follow This Link….

Posted in:Amy Winehouse|Topless




Vikki Blows is Topless in Page 3 of the Day

Vikki Blows is some nude model and this isn’t the first time she’s got topless before, I think the only reason people know who she is is because she gets topless, or maybe it’s got something to do with her last name actually being Blows, but I have a hard time believing that is ture, but if it is, I guess from a young age she got teased and shit followed her like a curse and the only real revenge she could get is to actually accept her fate and make a career out of being a cock sucking whore, like the lesbian I went to school with who we all knew was a lesbian, but who didn’t know she was a lesbian, and we’d tease her and tease her and even the teachers would get in on it by asking her if she rented a tux for Prom, and shit like that, who later in life turned out to have accepted what we all knew and laughed about and started eating pussy, only the girl I knew didn’t have hot tits like this….

Posted in:Page 3|Topless|Vikki Blows




Some Chick I’ve Never Heard of Named Pauley Topless of the Day

her name is Pauley Perrett, she’s 39, she is on a show called NCIS that I’ve never seen but that sounds like a the bucket half filled with my wife’s red wine vomit from last week that is still next to my fucking bed after a week. I don’t know when they were taken, because 5 minutes ago, I didn’t know who this alternative model lookin’ slag was, but in my mind, titty pics are timeless and it just doesn’t matter because she’s topless and topless is always worth sharing…seriously girls…start sharing…no one’s sent me in titty pics in what feels like forever….

Posted in:Pauley Perrette|Topless




Halle Berry Topless on Set of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on in these pictures but it looks like Momma Africa is out grazing the fields, hunting Zebra to bring back to the tripe, you know with her sloppy post pregnancy body and the fact that she’s not wearing a shirt, I’m really not complaining because I like girls who denounce convention and don’t bother with a shirt because I am a liberated woman and I will not let this men’s world hold me back…..Remember, what I say doesn’t matter, what does matter is Halle Berry’s tit….and if you were wondering, I’m topless right now too. True story. Sorry ladies don’t mean to turn you on like that, but I figured I might as well share that with you, I mean we’re all adults here. Again, what I say doesn’t matter, what does matter is Halle Berry tit.

To See the Pictures of Her Titties on Set

Posted in:Halle Berry|Topless




Charlize Theron Topless in a Movie of the Day

Here are Charlize Theron’s tits in a movie called The Burning Plain. I’ve seen this bitch in Playboy in ’99, when she was in her prime physically and before she really broke into the Hollywood scene, you know, when she was more desperate for attention and to be seen, which is always a hotter context to see tits in than watching her try to hang onto the glory she had by getting naked in a movie…but then again, seeing tits is never really a bad thing…so here’s the shitty screepcap.

Posted in:Charlize Theron|Topless




Vanessa Carbone’s Topless for the Whales of the Day

Her name is Vanessa Carbone and she’s some ex-playmate with a cause. I guess bitches who get naked for money in hopes of capitalizing their bodies for all they are worth have more substance than whatever is inside their implants. Or maybe they just like getting naked and noticed so protesting the Japanese embasy in your thong makes sense, because before being offered a couple hundred dollars to do this she had no idea what whales are and were under the impression that whaling was just a sex act virginal dudes did to themselves while looking at her nude pictures on their computers in their mom’s basements.

I hate activists. Sure, I appreciate extreme things and consider myself extreme at least when it comes to laziness, and every time I’ve been bitched at by a hippie lesbian about throwing my garbage in the river, or wearing my fur pants, or walking into a butcher shop to buy meat, I know that they are just fronting and the whole thing is for show, you know to give them some sort of purpose because their Master’s degree in something useless didn’t land them a real job and they are only fighting for a cause is to feel better about their useless selves and not because they actually care, because from my experience, recycling or not not clubbing baby seals is just too much fucking work.

Posted in:Activist|Topless|Vanessa Carbone




Nikolina Pisek Topless Cellphone Pictures of the Day

Her name is Nikolina Pisek and here she is some Croatian celebrity in some topless cellphone pictures.

Like most Croatians, she probably has a penis, is part of some circus and can kill a man in under 3 seconds, but she’s the good kind of Croatian with a penis, because she’s gone so far as to get the wonkiest set of fake tits the communist empire provides.

Sure she’s got a tight body, but that’s just because she’s on a rationed food diet and sure she’s got some frily lingerie, but that’s only because she is a master of the sewing machine, thanks to communist working mentality that made most of her life spent manning the needle and thread making communist uniforms and bed sheets, but luckily as communism fell, so did her need to repress her biggest want and that was to tuck in that penis and become eastern european whore that she is.

Those communists have sure gone a long way and the real impressing thing in these pictures is the fact that they exist, because I thought they only had nuclear technology and not cell phone technology, which has a way better signal than the messenger pigeons and two empty cans on a string they used up until the brought down communism, but the quality of these pictures, like their living conditions, are shit.

Posted in:Cellphone Pictures|Nikolina Pisek|Topless




Rebecca Loos Topless on the Beach of the Day

I don’t know when these pictures were taken, but I feel like I’ve seen them before….They are of Rebecca Loos…..she was David Beckham’s assistant who he diddled while Posh was back home in the UK taking care of the kids and by taking care of the kids I mean drinking scotch and eating downers like they were candy while yelling at the nanny to shut the little fuckers up because they were interrupting her Friends marathon. That’s what retired popstars do, when they have all the time and money in the world and apparently they also get breast implants, because after this scandal went down, there was no way Posh would let Loos get away with seducing Beckham with her insane tits and got a pair of her own. Money may not by happiness, but it does buy tools to win your man back from some big titty slag, even though Beckham is gay and was only diddling Loos to help distract the world from his all night orgy with 15 of his teammates in the locker room….

Either way, here are some old pics of her topless because everything else I’m coming across today sucks.


Bonus – Here are some old pictures of her posing in a bikini

Posted in:Rebecca Loos|Topless