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Archive for the Topless Category




Jennifer Ellison Topless Bikini Pics of the Day

When Jennifer Ellison goes to the beach with her boyfriend, she always takes off her top because everyone has seen her tits already. When I watch porn, I always turn off the speakers off, because I don’t like my neighbors thinking i am raping a girl cuz they know by the way that I look, there’s no way i am doing that to a chick who is willingly letting me. I guess that’s got nothing to do with Jennifer Ellison, but she’s probably in a bikini as much as I watch porn, so I’m trying to take what she does and make it about me. It’s a bad habit.

Posted in:Bikini|Jennifer Ellison|Topless




Georgina Baillie Does Lesbian Porn and Topless Pics of the Day

I don’t know if you punks know who Russel Brand is, but he is the male Amy Winehouse who hosted the MTV VMA’s, he was also in Saving Sarah Silverman, or whatever the fuck that movie was called, where he played some Tantric Sex obsessed rockstar. The dude was famous in the UK, worked at MTV, wrote a book about his heroin addiction and had a weekly radio show, that he kept up despite having moved to the USA or the land of opportunity as I like to call it, to pursue getting famous in another country.

A few weeks ago he called some British actor as a prank, told him he banged his grand daughter, a bitch named Georgine Baillie and ended up resigning from his radio show. It’s not like he actually needed the show, because he’s all American now, but there was still a huge over-reaction by the British and even by Georgina who said this:

“I’m thrilled because justice has been done…It’s despicable. Calling me that in public, not only does it damage my relationship with my granddad but it could permanently damage my life as well

So it brought me great pleasure to run into these pictures of her on another site, there’s a couple nude photoshoot photos and some screencaps of a lesbian orgy she was part of, because I guess this sexually liberated fat chick, doesn’t like people talking about fucking, she prefers them to watch….

Either way, check out the pics of this hypocritical vampire lookin’ cunt who was involved in getting Russel Brand’s show axed and leaving his 400,000 listeners forced to get their Brand fix by watching shitty Judd Apatow movies….

To See All the Pictures of This Weird Vampire Slut

Here’s the prank….

Posted in:Georgina Baillie|Lesbian|Topless




Keely Hazell Topless Costume of the Day

I am cracked the fuck out today, my brain isn’t working, that’s why I am slow on these Keely Hazell pics, but in my defense, I just because I don’t give a fuck about her, she doesn’t really do anything for me, or for herself, other than use her tits to make her money, which happens to be something I find respectable, because she’s keeping it real while other girls go out and get an education and jobs and start wanting to run for President, or start their own businesses, or even become doctors or lawyers, and that offends me.

It’s just not nature’s way and it seems like once they reach that level of success, they try to get their kids to do even more than they did all while lookin down on people like me, by calling us deadbeats for living off our wife’s disability check or creeps for thinking it is perfectly fine to pay a girl 5 dollars to see her tits, and they are never suckin’ my dick where they belong because they are too busy fucking shit up trying to make a living.

Girls like Keely keep it outschool. They keep the dream alive. They remind us that girls are nothing but tits and pussy and maybe that’s why she has so many fans and has reached such success, because she’s just keeing a core part of human nature alive, something that’s been lost ass the women around us left the kitchen and entered the workforce because they thought they could and that is one of our generation’s biggest failure. They’ll write about it in history books….maybe they already have… I wouldn’t know…because I don’t know how to read.

Posted in:Keely Hazell|Topless




Vikki Blows has a Topless Calendar of the Day

I did a little research on Vikki Blows before posting these pictures from her Calendar, mainly because I had no idea who she was, but don’t worry, I like to keep things ignorant, so my research involved one google search and one click before realizing all I thought about her war right, except for the fact that her last name is actually Blows, I was convinced it was a striper stage name, but according to her, it’s the truth, which I guess is convenient and maybe ironic, despite not knowing what Ironic means, because it Blowin’ looks like something she’s used to doing….Kinda like that time I met a Jew named Freeman, who wasn’t in jail, a guy named Black who was Black and a guy named White who was white, then there was the guy named Cleaver who was a butcher, a guy named Combs who was a barber and a guy named Frye who was a cook…..but a little more pornographic, unless of course you consider a Jewish Black Guy with a Cleaver and a Comb who cooks is sexy.

Anyway, these are the things I learned about her:

Vikki was going to get expelled from school at the age of 13 for mooning her head of year, so she left school and started working at a hairdresser’s.

So she dropped out of school at 13….

I get my tittys out 4 a living, its alright, i do this as i am too lazy to get a proper job 😉

I spend most of my time doing Nothing , im not complaining

So she’s basically a lazy stupid bitch who realized that doing nothing all day was easier than working, especially since when you have the education of a 13 year old, spelling your name is fuckin’ hard, but it gives her lots of time to catch up her reading, except she doesn’t know how to read, and the best way to accomodate that downtime was to show her titties for money and I for one, am glad she did…because despite most girls being exported from the UK being busted up hags, this one’s actually worth wanting to stick your dick inside.

Posted in:Calendar|Topless|Vikki Blows




Naomi Campbell Has Some Topless Pictures and No One Cares of the Day

I guess no one really gives a fuck about Naomi Campbell, but I am in the mood to post skinny, rich, blacker than night, black chick tits and I had pretty limited options. I don’t know when these pictures were taken, I don’t know why they were taking, but I am going to go out on a limb and assume that they are work-related as she is a model. I met a model last night, she turned out to not be a real model, but an elderly model in the Wal Mart flyers/circulars/whatever the fuck they are called, she was just sitting at this hotel bar having a drink like it ain’t a thang, no one was going up to her and harassing her, like I’d expect and it was the closest brush with celebrity I ever had. It was even more memorable than telling Wesley Snipes he deserved an Oscar for Passneger 57 because shit changed my life, before he went broke and sits in a van outside his re-possessed home dreaming of the good old days and calling his agent to see if they got him lined up for that Sears athletic line ad because he needs the money to pay the rent on his 1 bedroom apartment. I asked her about how hard it was to really make the excitement on her face while her “grandkids” were jumping into a pile of leaves so believable and she just looked at me, square in the face and said “talent”. I got her autograph, I’d scan it, but I don’t have a scanner, but I do have these Naomi Campbell pics to tide you over…

Posted in:Naomi Campbell|Topless




Pink’s Nipple Tape at the VMAs of the Day

I hate saying this, but Pink looked good at the VMAs. Maybe it’s because she’s lost her husband and is lookin’ for new cock, or maybe because she was the bread winner in her household when she was married and when he left her has since decided to take off her pants and be a girl again or something, I just don’t know, but I do know that I was feeling her performance, despite the song being a little too personal and awkward to listen to, like the time I got stuck in a doctor’s office with a male stripper who went off about how he isn’t gay but how he lets guys fuck him for money if he’s on enough drugs and that he was at the Doctor’s office for some lump they found growing in his neck that could be AIDS, making me not want to be the one sitting next to him in one of those real “too much information” situations that is actually too much information and not just some white person over-using the “too much information” expression like they do when you tell them shit like that you are constipated or that you haven’t jerked off in a month or that the first time you had anal sex, you got shit on your dick, or whatever it is that white people say “too much information” to, when you aren’t even telling them too much infomation and are just trying to make conversation…..

You get what I mean….and I don’t get why I was into Pink last night, but here are some pics to celebrate.

Posted in:Nipple|Performance|Pink|Topless




Melissa Theuriau is Topless and Pregnant of the Day

YouTube Star and French Reporter Melissa Theuriau is topless and pregnant in some magazine paparazzi shots. Being topless is nothing abnormal in France, but pregnancy is, because french people like to fuck, but their idea of birth control is taking the load in their asses, true story, I know French people and they don’t believe in contraception because of the whole Catholic thing, but do believe in internal cum shots right in their ass lips….

The last time I saw a topless pregnant chick was at the stripclub, it was the same time I decided pregnancy was a beautiful thing, you know that whole circle of life shit where you get to see a woman doing what she’s really meant to do all while being a modern girl with self worth by doin’ it while in the work force establishing her career, it’s like Sex and the City before they all hit menopause, only the getting naked for perverts with money who like grabbing pregnant lady tits version.

I am only posting this shit, despite being boring and shitty quality, because her Youtube Videos get millions of views and I figure you’re one of the people who has seen them…repeatedly….you obsessive weirdo

Here are the Top 2 Theuriau Videos….

Melissa Theuriau Boring Me in a Compilation Video….

Melissa Theuriau Boring Me in 2006…

Posted in:Melissa Theuriau|Pregnant|Topless




Joanna Krupa Gets Topless for Maxim Germany of the Day


I am all for Eastern European girls mainly because the one’s who were born under the communist regime were raised to be whores, because their vagina was their only escape from a life of rationed bread and toilet paper under the iron fist. They needed to get out and if they were good looking enough, they’d be put to work learning how to suck dick properly at a young age, training and making extra money to spend on clothes and other things that would help contribute to their package deal for whatever American wanted to marry them so if they were good looking enough and not the fat and hairier than the average man that were trained for weightlifting in the Olympics or how to man a sewing machine for the factory they were going to spend the rest of their lives in but the odd one would take train to participate in the National past time of wresling juggling bears, they were sent into the sex trade, signed up to mail-order bride catalogs and if they were really lucky, sent to America to be models.

Now I know Krupa was raised in America, but that doesn’t take away from a deep rooted cultural tradition of being a whore that’s all part of her genetic code and knowing that is all part of the reason I am posting this.

The truth is that I am pretty disappointed from this photoshoot, I thought Germans were crazy and was expecting to see some scat bondage action, but I guess seeing her tits is better than nothing, even though it’s not quite as good as seeing her getting shit on like the whore that she is.


Posted in:Joanna Krupa|Topless




Heidi Klum Topless Vacation of the Day

Girls are so catty. I was at the strip club the other night and I saw two of the strippers pretty much beating each other up because they were wearing the same stripper costume. They were pulling at each other’s shirts and spitting at each other while calling each other names. The bouncer let it go on for a few minutes because he knew shit was good for business, because it’s not everyday at the stripclub where some wrestling implanted whores get down and he sent both girls home. I was just surprised that they’d get so mad about somethng so stupid, I figured they didn’t have that much selection at the local stripper costume shop to begin with and seeing another girl working in the same costume happens all the time, not to mention as a patron, we just want to see you naked and don’t really even notice what you’re wearing, but girls will be girls.

Here are some pics of Heidi Klum raining on Cindy Crawford’s topless moment in the sun, because I guess she wants to prove that she’s still got it goin’ on too and that even after ravagin her body with black man cock and black man semen and black man babies, people still like seeing her ex-model mom tits.

If this is infact a competition of tits, where Heidi Klum is trying to show up Cindy Crawford, she lost. It’s safe to say that bad things have happened to Heidi Klum and bitch looks like she’s been dancing around a fire chanting tribal songs with her family and that this shit was shot by National Geographic and that she’s definitely lost whatever she once had.

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Topless|Vacation




Cindy Crawford’s Topless on the Yacht of the Day

Here are some more pictures of Cindy Crawford on some Yacht with George Clooney and her husband and like most people on Yachts in Europe do, she decided to take off her top and tan them titties. I really don’t find there to be anything offensive with seeing this mother of 2 topless, when normally I am thrown off at how a body is destroyed by childbirth everytime I accidently see a mom nude, but the odd time, a girl like Cindy Crawford defies nature and gets her shit back to what it was, leaving her someone worth jerking off to. She’s in her 40s and hotter than 20 year olds I have had, and that’s something that is worth celebrating because now we know it’s possible to retain your sex appeal in the “afterlife”, but also worth crying over because none of our wives look this good. She’s such a bitch for rubbin’ it in by takin’ off her top, but it turns out that I like these kinds of bitches and feel like I need more of them in my life.

Posted in:Cindy Crawford|Topless|Yacht