I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – stepRAP of the Day

Our NYC correspondent, Sugar Nell, has been doing a fantastic job rounding up stepTV for us, and today is no exception. I’m not sure where she got a video camera from and I certainly know she didn’t pay for it, but with her you never really know. Nell is a mystery like that, and that’s why we love her. Enjoy it while you can though, because my guess is buy next week she will be starving and sell the thing for food or booze.

Posted in:stepTV|Unsorted




I am – Paris Hilton’s Post Prison Nip Slip of the Day

PAris Hilton Header

I’d like to write something hilarious about this and then veer off into some sort of story that seems unrelated at the start, but brings everything together in the end, but my wireless is fucking up again, and it just took me half an hour to load 3 photos and frankly, I’m pissed off.

So all you get is blondie here, with her nipples hanging out, like a pepperoni flying off an NYC deli pizza, as usual, and in the end, do I really have to say more then that?

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I am – Paris Hilton's Post Prison Nip Slip of the Day

PAris Hilton Header

I’d like to write something hilarious about this and then veer off into some sort of story that seems unrelated at the start, but brings everything together in the end, but my wireless is fucking up again, and it just took me half an hour to load 3 photos and frankly, I’m pissed off.

So all you get is blondie here, with her nipples hanging out, like a pepperoni flying off an NYC deli pizza, as usual, and in the end, do I really have to say more then that?

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I am – Paris Hilton Leaving Jail of the Day

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Posted in:Nip Slip|Paris Hilton|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Kim Kardashian Bikini Pictures of the Day

Kim Kardishian Bikini

What’s up motherfuckers. I am not sure if you remember me. I am that asshole who abandoned you on the internet last week only to get some friends and family to post more content than I ever could, with more skill and style than I ever had. I guess what I did was throw some shit down to make you realize you don’t need me in an attempt to self-destruct the website so that I can spend my life on cruises that my wife wins at the grocery store because bitch is fat.

So far what I have realized on my trip is that I don’t have enough money to travel the way I want to travel. I don’t have any patience for flying and the whole fucking time I am in the air I think the fucking thing is going to drop out of the sky. I am not into places where people don’t speak english because it makes ordering a fucking drink pretty fucking impossible. I do like bikinis and all the hookers that are being thrown my way, not because I can even afford to bang one, or get hard for them and that is like putting a fat bitch in a buffet line where all the food is glued down to the table, but sex trade always makes me happy.

I feel pretty uninspired. Vacations make me stupid, I haven’t written a thing and feel rusty, just not as rusty as Kardashian’s ass after some black hip hop dude stuffs her like a Jamaican Patty without a condom on but I am never too uninspired to look at Kardashian tits in a bikini. This Armenian fashion accessory even haunts me when I am trying to get away from all this bullshit because her big tits distract me from the rest of her uselessness and as I have learned this week, good tits are good enough for me to overlook an ugly bitch….

Point of this post is to say that Internet on a cruise costs money and no matter how good this post coulda been, it’s never going to get there because I am on a budget… Now back to my stepdaughter Marie Eve, who is doing a great job. Cuddles.

With Love,

Jesus Martinez
On Vacation…

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Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Kim Kardashian|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Lohan goes to AA of the Day

Lindsay Lohan AA Meeting

Here’s Lohan on her way to an AA meeting Friday, the day before she partied at Pure with a truckload of Redbull and Vox water laid out before her, which she also did pre-rehab when also ‘sober.’ You can feel that she is jonezing for a drink in this pic, and you can tell her straw hair is tired of clorox, and she is tired of this AA publicity shit.

I spent some time in the Midwest when I was on the run from my pissed off Turkish Pimp, Zeki. What i learned about the Lake Michigan area is that everyone is fat on hotdogs and is a raging, boring alcoholic, not the fun kind like dear, sweet Jesus. I can promise that there, AA meetings are few and filled with vacant seats. I met a guy, let’s call him Marty, who was trying to break into Hollywood by living 1000+ miles away from it. Marty gives Segway tours for obese tourists to support his drinking habit. Marty lives in his childhood home and dressed up a mannequin in his mother’s wedding dress and placed it in the chair she died in. You’re not allowed to touch or move it. Marty’s crib is decorated for Halloween all year long. Marty is 38 but still pretty so he needs a sugar-daddy to make sure he can afford his crazy pills, so he gays it up with a brilliant but lonely older man who is desperate for love, just like Marty… But aren’t we all, otherwise I wouldn’t have had a job during my dark years… But Jesus made them light. Just like he lights up your life… and he will be back…

Lohan is also looking for love, and also a shot, only she won’t find either one at an AA meeting.
Obediently yours,

Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|Unsorted




I am – Cameron Diaz in a Bikini of the Day

Cameron Diaz Bikini

Other then those awful Shrek movies, I don’t remember when Cameron Diaz did anything except run around on a beach in a god damned bikini. Lucky Her. When you’re someone like me, who doesn’t live where there is beaches and the temperature is below zero for half the fucking year, you tend to get a bit bitter about this shit.

The thing that pisses me about a lot of people who live fantasy lives is they really have no idea how good they have it and always seem to forget that. It’s like once your bank account get above a certain number, you become oblivious to everything you have, and just think the rest of the world gets to live like you do.

That’s why when I was a kid, I was never allowed over to the rich kids houses, cause I was the one that go over there and see everything they have, then just break it all cause I hated them and their rich parents.

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Posted in:Bikini|Cameron Diaz|Unsorted




I am – Diane Kruger Naked of the Day

Diane Kruger Naked

This is Diane Kruger, German actress famous for playing Helen in “Troy” and also for being in “National Treasure,” which is for some godforsaken reason filming a sequel in London right now. She kind of looks like a pin-up for the Hitler Youth in these pix, well, being German and all.

I used to get her confused with Sienna Miller in 2004, but then Miller shacked up with Jude Law, got traded in for the Nanny, making herself a name. I don’t know when these were taken, but Diane Kruger is naked, so have fun jerking off to Helen of Troy.

About a year ago, I had one of those experiences where I felt like fucking Helen of Troy for 20 minutes when I scored the hottest guy in an exclusive new bar. I stalked and slithered up to him, we sealed the deal on the dance floor. I was looking for love in all the wrong places, but this felt right, because it was raining like crazy as we ran off to his apartment, like something out of a Doris Day movie. All wet, we strolled into his marble floored building, then got down to business. As he spent ONE minute releasing his load, i wondered why there was only a bed and lamp in the huge apartment. Finally he rolled off me and bolted for the shower. Like, what? I don’t have ‘ex-hooker’ tatooted on my vulva and I don’t have any diseases (miraculously) and the trojan was involved, so what was that about? As he scrubbed himself down, I dressed myself, unsatisfied (because, come on, 1 minute, even Jesus at the end of his prime was better than that). As I pulled on my wet jeans, i put two and two together… like probably this wasn’t his apartment, and he was the broker or something, and had OCD about cleanliness, becuase when i was a hooker, I was all about perfect hygeine, and still am.

That manwhore left me feeling dirty and used because this time it wasn’t for survival or pay, it was for the moment, and asswipe treated me like a dumpster slut. I bet Diane Kruger has never been treated as if “ex-hooker” was tatooted across her forehead, but i bet Sienna Miller has. though.

Obediently yours,

Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)

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Posted in:Diane Kruger|Naked|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Danielle Lloyd Bikini Pics of the Day

Danielle Lloyd Bikini on Beach

By Hollywood standards, Danielle Lloyd is fat fucking cow who needs to loose weight, and that’s pretty sad, cause I think her body is slamming.

I hate giving in to this stupid thinness thing, but to be honest, I do and I hate myself for it. I don’t judge other people tho, just myself. I don’t mean to sound all after school special but this low body weight thing being perpetuated in Hollywood and the media is seriously starting to fuck with young girls, me being one of them. I don’t have an eating disorder or anything, but I basically feel guilty after anytime I eat and my version if dieting is basically just not eating at all.

I should really write a book or something about it so at least if I get some easting disorder and die, I can do so rich and rolling around in a big pile of money. You don’t need pills to loose to weight, nor do you need to even work out. All you need to is drill it into you head that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels, and watch the pounds melt I away.

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I am – Danielle Lloyd Bikini Pics of the Day

Posted in:Bikini|Danielle Lloyd|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Brooke Hogan on Stage of the Day

Brooke Hogan on Stage

I’m pretty sure some asshole tried to slip Rohypnol or god knows what in my drink on Saturday night, because after 2 beers I got pretty fukked up and sick and spent the day in bed puking and basicially immobile on Sunday. I still don’t feel right, so if I’m slow today, thats why.

I talked to Jesus on the weekend. He told me to tell you he’s enjoying the cruise he doesn’t miss you guys at all, and that in fact, he hates every last one of you. I think he even said he hated me at one point, but I’m not sure cause he was rambling and drunk from the all-you-can-drink liquor on the cruise ship and I just put the phone down and went to do my nails.

He did ask me to ask “that little homo friend� of mine Julien, to help me write for the site “because gay bloggers are the in thing now�. Julien and I have known each other since we were kids, and used to play dolls together. I had a crush on him until I was about 11, when I pulled down my pants in front of him and tried to seduce him, and he threw up on me and started to cry.

Julien Writes:

Now, like most faggots I’m more into bigger guys. You know, the classic gay muscle daddy, broad shoulders, muscular thighs etc. The problem with those guys is that they are usually only interested in other muscular guys. So when my skinny ass goes up to them at a club,
all cracked out and trying to start talking to them, they don’t give me the time of day. The only ones that do are the older guys with the gross moustache and receding hairline, which I’m totally not into but I usually go home with them anyway because, like all men gay or straight, I’ll pretty much take sex wherever I can get it.

That being said, Brooke Hogan would totally be my type if she had a dick, and I would let her fuck me, no condom. But unfortunately, I’d probably end up going with Hulk instead.

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

stepLINK July 13/07

Okay day two is down, and I didn’t crash the site, though I still can’t figure out the Decock topless photo thing from this morning, and it’s pissing me off (sorry Nell). The guy who told me I had a heart like a piece of ice stopped by this afternoon and brought me lunch and then split. I’m not quite sure what that means. Either it’s a piece offering, or he’s trying to make me fat so that next time he sees me, he will be able to point out flaws to himself and stop loving me and all that is my good looks.

I’ve been getting lots of emails for photos, and my camera is in the shop, though I haven’t decided 100% whether you lot are worthy. Jesus told me not to, but he’s a fatass hanging out on a cruise ship, while I’m here talking to all 5 of you, so he doesn’t have much say on the subject. At least it’s Friday, which means tomorrow around 11am I will be waking up god knows where, next to gods knows who, with god knows what in my mouth. Just kidding! Click the links and maybe I’ll send you nudes. 😉 xoxo

Megan Fox wants to show you her tattoos.

Not all sports fans are middle aged fat guys and 12 year olds.

Nicole Richie likes her men cut. I don’t.

Gavin Rossdales hot illegitimate daughter shows her tits in a magazine.

Wrestling 3 way.

I hate babies, but this is awesome.

The best body ever.

Flesh Flicks – The (Almost) Silent Era (NSFW)

Sexy sleeper hold.

Random Photo Bucket
Thanks to Rogue Collector

Look both ways….

Chandler Bing is boning Meg Ryan.

There’s nudes of Lohan floating around. Send them to me when you find them, because I’m too lazy to look myself

Sophie Anderton has a sex boot company or something.

Jemima Khan Upskirt

Hott Chicks take a bath (NSFW)

More Random Photobucket
Thanks to Rogue Collector

Vote for Adriana Lima

Christina Ricci looks like a Lego man.

Win a date with Eri

Old nudies of Kate Moss

Avril Lavigne should just shut her mouth and look good, cause that is all she is good at doing.

Accapella Mortal Combat

Shannon Whirry is gorgeous.

Lily Allen is cute sometimes

Dani Wells in FHM

Boxing press conference turns into a brawl

Chest to chest action.

Miss Nopi 2007

Emmanual Chirqui’s breasts are spectacular.

Elena Santarelli is prettier then the girl you will end up marrying because you don’t want to die a loser virgin.

Win a date with Toni

Heidi Montag is an intellectual.

MORE Photobucket
Thanks to Rogue Collector

Britney has a stalker. Maybe they will kill her and then we won’t have to hear about her anymore.

Read a book, muthafucka!

Bianca Gascogne topless


720 dunk, for anyone who gives a shit about sports.

Four roommates making out.

Find sex in your hometown without drugging the girl first!

Because you and I both know you aren’t getting any. It’s okay admit it.

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