I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Pizza Hut employees peeing in the sink and Pizza Hut is probably the least you have to worry about when eating your Pizza Hut pizza…
The pizza itself is made with chemicals, shitty Hot Pocket quality ingredients, fat and grease…that would kill you on it’s own…or at least kill your stomach….ending up all over the bathroom floor…an hour after eating it…making you question why you bought it…
But the employees aren’t top caliber chefs getting paid the big bucks all proud of what they do…
Even top caliber chefs spit on the food…
So just be happy this isn’t a video of a dude jerking off on all the pizzas…
Kate Upton is Sports Illustrated prized pig from the county fair that is their business…she’s the golden egg…that makes them serious money…because average American Dudes, who read or at least buy the magazine, love her….
Sports Illustrated made her famous, and they’ve made her their cover girl year after year, and even this year, to avoid causing too much controversy using her again, even though they really wanted to…they gave her the “alternate cover”…or the “back cover”…because they know in terms of their magazine, she is the only thing that really matters.
I don’t need to sit here and hate on a company that has for the last 50 years found girls to pose in their bikinis, a lot of them top models, for free.
I don’t need to celebrate what they do either, or be inspired by it, or even think their choices in girls are amazing.
I don’t need to talk about Kate Upton’s weird sloppy body and tits and how she’s a product of serious doctoring to look semi appealing, so much that she’s practically an artist rendition of herself…
But I can’t help but laugh that they had to take her to zero gravity so that her tits don’t sag…
It’s like these Sports Illustrated people are pulling all the tricks they can to keep on using her despite her over-eating…and they have got resourceful or desperate enough to turn to space travel technology to make her look good…
I don’t hate, it’s a waste of energy…but I still find it funny..
This is the best music video that’s ever happened…ever…From freakish anorexic girls, to prolapsed assholes, to freaks singing….to whatever the fuck you are experiencing when you watch this…
THanks WHOREHOLE for being better than most…and making this insanity happen…even though I don’t understand it…I know one thing and that one thing is that it is beautiful…and Life changing…
While all you people around the country are complaining about the snow and the fact that your life sucks because of it, while I am hibernating and only leave my house in soiled sweatpants I’ve worn the whole winter because of it, there is a slice of America that is at the beach, and sure that slice isn’t always the best kind of person, we’re talking some guido Jersey Shore motherfucker on an early spring break because he dropped out of the fifth grade, but it’s nice to see him get a little knocked the fuck out when his steroids get him a little out of hand…not that I like violence, or really anything negative, sometimes I just like to wish bad things on bad people, and sometimes really good things, like getting knocked the fuck out happen to bad people, or at least people who don’t shut the fuck up, and it is pretty fucking good.
This is perfect for the tail end of Valentine’s Day…some really ugly reporter who must have been hot early on in her career was reporting some train derailment and some dude runs in and says “Fuck her right in the pussy”…
Now you could have just watched it to figure that one out, but I’m drunk and this is better than listening to my wife heavy breathing…
I do not encourage beating up women…not even on Valentine’s Day when they need to be taught that it is a bullshit event used to stimulate the economy in the cold dark winter months…that despite being a bitter and angry dude, but only because I need to stay in with my wife, rather than trying to sleep with random sad under 25 year old girls
I do not encourage beating up women, not even when they deserve it. Not even when they ask for it cuz it makes them cum…but more importantly…I don’t encourage girls to date guys who are capable of this…
But I do find it ironic to post a video of some psycho beating his gf and some other psycho who rigged the manhole to stuff a girl in…on Valentines Day…the day of puppies, chocolate, flowers, poetry…and love…
Here’s a video of some average snowboarder hitting the streets of New York during their snowstorm that New Yorkers all freaked out about while Canadians laughed at because that looks like summer here…and I thought it was pretty well done..otherwise I wouldn’t bother posting it…I mean nothing says valentines day like an average at best urban snowboard video…
Nothing says Valentines Day like a good cunt punch or vag kick…because this is the foundation of Romance and what it is all about…and any girl telling you otherwise, not willing to let you kick her in the cunt…just doesn’t love you…and is telling you to get out.
Sometimes, you need musical interlude to make your blogging day better, today’s was sent in from DILLONAIRE who I think was trying to send me a message and that message is that it’s not gay if no one sees…in a if a tree falls in the woods situation…the anal sex way…
This comes in after some pretty serious religious debates that have been going on ON THE SITE WITH HATERS and I felt it was relevant enough…
I generally hate these kinds of things, but it’s cute enough for today.