I'll Make You Famous…




Rat Cow’s Pregnant Nipples are Out of the Day

Rat Cow has been able to use her tits to get instagram famous, which is like real fame but involves more desperation and self promotion, it’s the LOOK AT ME OVER HERE – I AM THE ONE WITH MY TITS OUT – kind of fame…rather than doing actual good things that catch people’s attention….not that having tits out isn’t a good thing…I guess by good thing I mean meaningful or substantial…it’s like a selfie of your tits is pretty low hanging fruit..even if the tits are substantial and amazing…as Rat Cow’s are…

So…thanks to becoming instagram famous in an era where instagram is the most important thing in the world…the world starts to listen, they start to pay you, they start to partner up with you, they start to buy and endorse your own brand of merchandise…you get cast in movies…whether you fuck the David Finger or Affleck or not….because you matter….

In mattering, she doesn’t forget the importance of her tits….even in her pregnancy that she’s tried to make a big deal about….these self promoters are into that…where she used famous fat friends to make her videos for famous fashion magazines that have really been dragged through the mud thanks to social media and partnering with all the shit in social media…I mean a Jenner is a Top Model as is a Hadid…and it’s not because they are worthy…it is because they have followers who pull out credit cards….it’s like when Playboy was taken over by Pornhub and they slaughtered the brand using every trashy prostitute with a playboy tattoo instead of actual babes…you know what I mean….

So the famous tits are still using her tits to keep the momentum now that she’s got a talking point like pregnancy….which confuses me, like aren’t women supposed to go into a bunker the 9 months of pregnancy so that we don’t have to be traumatized by a HUMAN BEING GROWING UP INSIDE THEM LIKE SOME KIND OF FREAK?….but instead its selfie, selfie, selfie, photoshoot, photoshoot, video, video, IG story like we’re supposed to be excited to be going on this VILE journey cuz you GOT cummed inside when not on the pill or IUD by your HUSBAND…that’s kind of what married people do…it’s a nothing special you know…

But at least she’s got her tits out, nipples for pregnancy empowerment, cuz those tits are fucking great.

Here’s a flashback of I guess a Halloween costume pre pregnancy:

Here’s her fat pregnant ass for good times:

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are also known as granny panties….they are frowned upon by women who aren’t in relationships everywhere…but celebrated by everyone who is in a relationship….because a relationship is basically code for “being on your period” every day of the month…just nothing but comfort because you have no one to impress….but luckily, the younger generation who grew up on porn are just into fucking, being perverted, getting as close to being a porn star as possible….and they are always trying to improve or get creative with their content they use to grow their audience…and in doing that they occassionally ironically post some FULL BACK panties, maybe it’s some feminism or activism, some protest the thong and the men who they blame for wearing thongs even though we had nothing to do with that trend, you bitches did….because you thought you looked better even if it cuts up inside your asshole…..all while full back panties that are like a hammock…holding bitch up the right way…like two hands cupping the cheeks…offering the support they need….were pushed in the corner and saved for lounging at home alone….

But I guess they’ve come to their senses and realize dudes will fuck girls who wear anything….and the granny panties of this generation are more evolved than those of the past…made slutty…cut different…so they can be as hot as a thong too….

Don’t discriminate against FULL BACK panties.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Taylor Momsen Biker Babe of the Day

Taylor Momsen Biker Babe

I just did a quick google of Taylor Momsen, who they referred to as “iconic frontwoman of Pretty Reckless’ which I thought was hilarious because when Pretty Reckless happened I just assumed the child star was all fucked up from Hollywood and this was her protest, I did’t realize it was an actual thing that people were into and that they’d ever refer to Momsen as “Iconic”…maybe “ex Grinch Who Stole Christmas Girl turned Low Level rockstar because Hollywood fucked her too hard”….but people into metal, on that GOTH shit need to celebrate their heroes since very few metal singers were on Gossip Girl.

I always think Taylor Momsen’s shit is lame, try hard, the Disney Kid version of anything and I don’t think we’ve seen Momsen in at least 4-5 years being sleazy…for whatever reason this photoshoot was enough to say – I’ll post it, why the fuck not…so this is it getting posted because why the fuck not.

She’s a skinny girl with no pants on next to motorbikes like it was a 80s babe poster I got at the record store in the mall that I had on my bedroom wall so everyone knew I wasn’t getting laid…the 2020 version…

Obviosuly, this could be better, assuming she’d show her actual ass rather than alluding to her ass being visible, I mean this is the IG generation, no asshole in a big means you’re risking that pic never being seen at it’s FULL potential…

Taylor Momsen Biker Babe



Posted in:Taylor Momsen




Irina Sivalnay Important Message of the Day

Irina Sivalnaya Model is Not Escort

Here’s some activism I can get behind….this model is doing the homeless man sign thing announcing that Modeling is Not Escort….written like a mail order bride who uses modeling to find husband that is rich….or at least someone to pay for the luxury products….

I am not saying that all models are escorts but modelling is a level of prostituting, these girls get paid for theirs bodies, to pose, they all get naked…and whether they fuck on a transaction level or just conveniently date old rich guys or not…it’ still escorting as far as I’m concerned….so is sugar babying…which conveniently is what all “Models” who are “Modeling” do…

I just like the lack of self awareness…or the need to announce there’s a different between the two to thwart dudes from asking her for pics of her feet…while posting pics of her feet…but not accpeting money for those pics of her feet because that would be escorting…

Anyway, funny but I am preferring this dude’s sign:


Posted in:Bikini Models




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

The nice thing about the HASHTAG generation is that they name their specific poses so that other people can have a sense that they are part of a movement or online challenge when they decide to hop on the bandwagon as people all see to do…you drone fucks…

So some girl decided that sitting with her ass out in what I guess is a variation of a kneel, or being on all fours that it looked like a FROG BUTT….I think pure bred dogs do this pose…feet back for easy access….or whatever…and other girls saw that there was a name for the slutty pose and I guess a fetish for the pose….or an audience for the pose…and if there’s an audience and a name it must be something to hop onto…so girls everywhere…from all walks of life are taking these nudes in the FROG BUTT pose…because if you get in that pose, if you take a pic in the pose, you better fucking post it..l

So welcome to the new friday feature…FROG BUTTS…because real girls wanting attention are more fun than celebs who are overpaid for their wanting attention so they don’t get nearly naked enough.


Posted in:Frog Butt




Bella Thorne Mom Incest of the Day

Bella Thorne MOm Incest

Bella Thorne’s mom is a Florida trash whore who did what she had to do to get some level of mainstream success for her kids….

I imagine some Florida stripper, prostitute or sugar baby with a dream…packing up the car and moving the family to Hollywood for that charmed Hollywood life….get them in when they are young so that they can cash the fuck in…as she’d otherwise have to wait until they were 18 to get them into her sex ring / stripper ring….which is profitable, but not Hollywood level profitable..

It’s safe to assume that dicks were sucked or worse all to create Bella Thorne and Bella Thorne’s behavior is that of someone raised by some hooker trash…you know to take her own celebrity to a hooker level but the young Hollywood version…you’d need a whore mom to pave the way and show you the ropes in whoring…because it’s about cashing in.

Anyway, the Bella Thorne mom, clearly like other celebrity moms wants the shine on her narcissistic self, they push their kids because it boosts their egos and makes them feel better about their own lives…so in looking for attention, she’s started an Only Fans, which is weird…and her stepdaughter Kaili, who is also on Only Fans…is legit flirting with her recent IG post…

Meaning, they probably have some lesbian shit planned cuz they are just that level of wild and fucked up..

It is this weird era of stepPORN, not that I get to cash in on it being the DrunkenStepfather, if anything people get mad I don’t feature stepPORN on this site or on STEPSMUT …since I find the incest trend weird…even if the first porn I ever loved back int he 80s was an incest porn…because it was so well writing it changed my life and the life of every one I showed it to….which in an era of no porn…was pretty next level and in this era of too much porn…these bitches who have a famous and rich as shit relative are toying with the idea for attention…

It’s like most celebs buy their parents a house and send them money every month, Bella Thorne’s out here encouraging her mom to fuck her stepsister to show how edgy they are…

Weird world…filled with weird people…that are celebrated for whatever reason…fucked up.

Bella Thorne MOm Incest

Here is what she used to look like:

Bella Thorne MOm Incest

Here are her tits and ass for OnlyFans…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|Kaili Thorne




Zooey Deschanel Nude Bra of the Day

Zooey Deschanel Nude Bra

Zooey Deschanel may be a troll, who has always been a troll, and not the good kind of troll who goes out and does street interviews to fuck with people, or other fun things that involve trolling, she’s a troll who looks like a troll…the kind you’d find living in a tree stump in the magical forest where trolls live…

Anyway, Zooey Deschanel has been treated like a “cute” or “hot” celebrity…I know dudes who have jerked off to her and whether I question their choices or not is irrelevant, plenty of unattractive celebs have been jerked off to over the years because we’re suckers who buy into marketing and need to be told what to think…so they say she’s hot, she must be hot, I saw her in ELF she’s gotta be hot, she was hot enough to be a love interest to whoever she was a love interest and she’s been funny or whatever people find endearing which has all contributed to her brainwashing..

What I know her as is the Dot Com millionaire who launched a VERY lame ass blog with the writer of EVILBEETGOSSIP – Shout Out EvilBeetGossip…they sold that shit to TIME INC for something like 40 million, in 2012 so you know as I sit here in debt…I gotta give Zooey Deschanel the troll credit for being better at blogs than me…which isn’t saying much…but it is a good troll…she’s not even a blogger and she’s made about 400 times what I have made blogging and blogging is all I do…I mean not to make it about me…but I guess it’s always about me….

So now, I stare at her millionaire from blogging, celebrity tits being gross…like that’s some consolation prize or some shit….personally, I’d rather be the pool with 40 million dollars back in 2012 than still riding this sinking ship into worthlessness…

Zooey Deschanel Nude Bra


Posted in:Zooey Deschanel




Candice Swanepoel Thong of the Day

Candice Swanpeol was the perpetually pregnant Victoria’s Secret model who has really only ever done Victoria’s Secret, a lifer like the guy at the local grocery store who has been bagging bags the last 30 years, only the dude at the grocery store has Down’s Syndrom, is part of a work program and gets paid about 4 dollars an hour, where as Candice is a high paid model, with a multi million dollar contract and working for Victoria’s Secret was a great gig, almost the gig all models dream of, unless they are cool and see working for a mall brand as a shitty cash grab selling shitty uninspired sweatshop made panties sold at a premium to fat American idiot consumers…

So after her perpetual pregnancy that produced 2-4 kids, she was replaced by Elsa Hosk as the hot blonde bitch, allowing Candice, who isn’t really THAT old, I mean old for a model but other models are as old….decided to launch her own brand as all these instagram whores do. It’s the strategic play and allows her to use her celebrity and experience to make money off a brand, sell it for 100,000,000 in a few years and chill…

Anyway, it’s called TROPIC OF C, it’s probably sold exclusively at Victoria’s Secret, and she’s the face of the brand, and thus modelling the brand, all hot and Candice Swanepoel-looking….smaller tits since she likely got the implants taken out…they all have these small implants…and as she poses like a ballerina or yoga master or who fucking knows..she’s in a thong and you can practically see the anus hole she probably should have taken the load in instead of the vagina hole that essentially ruined her or got ruined from baby making…

Point being, catalog pics are boring compared to LEAKED nudes..



Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Fishnet Friday of the Day

I realize it is Halloween and that everyday girls in your everyday life may be rocking their fishnets while getting drunk tonight….but the good news is that the internet has tapped into all of our pervert souls and the real reason for the advent or advancement of technology from internet to smartphones has really been about catering to our perversions….and it’s worked…since everyday girls are now posting nudes or half nudes online daily…fuck Halloween, they do this shit daily…and it’s good…

The being an internet porn girl has because a viable career choice and the women are listening….

Today, we have girls who own fishnets thinking “I’ll upload these for strangers because to wear them and not upload them would be a tragedy”….Agreed.

Halloween is now obsolete thanks to ALL THEM SLUTS!


Posted in:Fishnets




Massive Tit Woman Being Nuts and Other Videos of the Day

Fat Ass Chick Does Social Experiment on People Staring At her Fat Ass in Leggings, Which isn’t even Hot…But Something to Look At…

Crow Imitates Dog Barking

Jeep Girl Falls

Janitor Rigs a Bucket and Leaf Blower Vehicle…

Escaping the Wild Boar

Crazy Skills….

Getting what they deserve

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos