I'll Make You Famous…




Bebe Rexha Bodysuit of the Day

Bebe Rexha Bodysuit

Bebe Rexha may be on the cusp of being too old to be a popstar but she thinks she’s paid her dues and is eligible for popstar status thanks to having written actual hit songs…another one of those delusions people have after thinking how accomplished they are for basically doing bullshit like writing a song for some famous people…If I was in the right circles, I could write Rihanna a song and I don’t know anything about music, and it’d be a hit because it is Rihanna…You could have Rihanna gargling cum like a prostitute at a Barbados Karoke bar which is what they use as brothels, and in the hours after the release of said cum gargling song, the world of TikTok would be doing their choreographed dance to the shit…not because I am a genius with my cum gargling ideas and lyrics…but because Rihanna…

Bebe Rexha didn’t really see it that way, she thought they were using her art and stealing her shine, so despite being on the cusp of being too old and really on the cusp of being too fat…. decided to Nicki Minaj / Lady Gaga herself iwth dumb hair colors and outfits to be loud and present in the industry…

In this important video she lifts and drops her big fat tit in a body suit outfit and if you’re going to be on the cusp of too fat this is what it’s about…the tit…and when you’re on the cusp of being too old…slutty behavior will distrat…and braless fat titty drops in a jump suit is slutty behavior to me. I’m a prude.


Posted in:Bebe Rexha




Potential Hayley Atwell Sext of the Day

They say this is a Hayley Atwell sext, but I see it more as a “Before” picture before she starts her celebrity adrenochrome, HGH, Aborted Fetus Stem Cell treatment, that stars with starving herself before working out for three months to get cast in some COMICON worthy nerd movie…

I don’t know who Hayley Atwell, but I know that this can’t be a sext, she’s a professional and would know that that love handle on her ass that is eating itself is not hot…it’s the kind of sext you get while jerking off and decide to go play video games instead….maybe it’s her way of proving just how NATURAL she is at 38….but if you’re an actress, maybe natural isn’t the way to go…at least not when it comes to sexts…

I mean this may just be an OK BOOMER situation, not raised on the internet so she doesn’t really know what the kids are up to…but to be bold enough to send this around…if it is her..is on a level of serious delusions…this is SOOOOO bad….the smallest weirdest ass….


Posted in:Hayley Atwell




Weed Wednesday of the Day

This is not a HUNIBADGER ad, I do this WEED WEDNESDAY post every fucking Wednesday because I am consistent, reliable, and into girls who post nudes with weed, because any excuse to post nudes is a good one, whether weed is involved or not…

This is just to REMIND you that HUNIBADGER , who created the craziest or best DAB rig in the world, is offering 15% off to our readers if you use code DSFHW….

If I am going to do a post celebrating weed and the girls who smoke it and take nudes with it for dudes with weed fetishes, I might as give ya’ll a deal on devices that can help you get high…

I am not some weed activist hippie fuck who gets off on girls who smoke weed, every girl I’ve met has been a weed demon pot head, it’s dudes that smoke less weed…but I do know that people into weed, have a whole subculture of weed, where chicks who smoke weed getting naked and posing with weed is their everything….

I am not doing it for them….I am not doing it to say girls who smoke weed look like they smoke weed either…I am just into any excuse to get naked and the idea that weed is illegal is just a reminder of how dumb people are as a whole, as a group, as a people….it’s like income tax…something I’ll never understand why you let people make these choices for you and enforce these laws on you…it’s a fucking plant you can grow like a weed in your backyard…that has more health benefits….have you smoked weed? It relaxes you, helps you sleep, gets rid of pain and inflammation….BAN THAT SHIT NOW….it will kill off Big Pharma…..lock everyone up if they are caught with it…especially if they are black so they’ll have something to protest in 90 years.


Posted in:Weed




Bella Hadid Panties of the Day

I guess Bella Hadid is a low level slut of the internet who feels compelled to share panty selfies you’d expect a bitch to share with some dude she likes, someone she’s into, or someone she dates, but instead she just throws it out there emptily for eager perverts everywhere to latch onto in efforts to perpetuate her lie that she’s actually hot….and not just some instagram trash rich kid who the industry only uses because of all the hype they’ve generated and thus she can move actual product.

Bella Hadid is not hot, she’s the ugly sister, and a fully rebuilt sister, so seeing her treated like some natural beauty who didn’t buy this scam of a model career is annoying if you care enough, but then you have to remember everyoen’s a fucking idiot.

I am not against a rich kid posting slutty panty selfies like a low level whore trying to get sugar daddy to buy her a purse…I am against that she exists, that everyone just blindly went with it…and now she walks around like some high profile person despite being a fucking bottome feeder.

I am all for the panty selfies, this is really all this bitch should have ever been known for…GIGI’s ugly sister trying to get noticed…but instead ya’ll have made her think she matters, good news is that despite thinking she matters she’s still a bottom feeding whore posting panty selfies…with panties pulled up to her neck for whatever reason….that I am sure is part of how they need to frame their bodies to look better because all these girls pull shit up over the hips..who cares.

REMEMBER – this is what this monster did to herself to pull off “Top Model” in the Fashion Industry, while really only deserving to be “slutty rich kid getting naked for attention because she’s that insecure, self abosrbed, disgusting and useless in the grand scheme of the world, where nudes or people thrilled by the nudes, helps make her feel good about being ugly and useless, since money’s never really existed to her rich ass, and the affirmations and praise of strangers is the only currency she actually cares about”….

The fact that the fashion industry supports and endorses this kind of look, behavior, type of person just proves that they are fame whore clickbaiters looking to sell product and not really caring about the consequence, the means to make those sales, because they SUPPORT this shit…these are the same people fighting for inclusivity, but their star has mangled the fuck out of herself and rebuilt herself and they have the balls to say she’s the most beautiful woman in the world according to science, yeah, cuz she was made from science…trash.


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Kendall Jenner Pussy Print of the Day

Kendall Jenner Pussy Print

Here’s some Kendall Jenner labia in a pair of tight pants, because that’s the style right now, which I know goes against the media’s agenda of letting people choose their own gender and discount genitals as the source of that gender, I mean even this bitch’s dad cut off his dick for the cause, or for the attention he knew he’d get while not needing his dick anyway, in what you must wonder has lost its appeal all these years after cutting off the dick, where you must wonder if he has phantom limb syndrome everytime he needs to pee or cum…assuming he cums…which I don’t really want to think about because I’ve seen tranny orgasms on their new pussies and they are terrible thanks to the PROSTATE not getting removed…ANYWAY…

Kendall and all the other girls are about showing off their cunts in public under the guise of athletic gear and I’m into that because despite the world being genderless, I like staring a pussy, whether that pussy is owned by what I consider a massive scam, or blemish caused by the internet that should have never happened, which has become a terrorist attack on a generation…so despite being the hottest Kardashian, which isn’t saying much, a used diaper is hotter than a Kardashian…and still looks like one of their relatives thanks to the color, smell and substance of said used diaper…but year the “hottest” of the Kardashian, rebuilt by surgeries and procedures, likely more fucked up than you think she is, her dad did cut off his own dick, but I assume they are all so self involved they don’t even notice any of that….as I notice her pussy lips.

Kendall Jenner Pussy Print


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Christina Milan See Through Bodysuit of the Day

Christina Milian is in her 40s, is a mom of 2 but is still being a slut on the internet despite having a pile of money because either she’s addicted to relevance, those likes and follows give her a little tickle in her naughty parts that may be callused and half dead based on overuse over the years, so a tickle down there feels good….or she’s addicted to the money she makes…despite having a lot of money….you can never have enough money when you’ve got no fucking soul…or she’s just got nothing better to do and it requires little to no effort to do these photoshoots where she gets to play dress up and feel like she’s not dead yet….

The one hit wonder only became a one hit wonder thanks to a racy music video where she was rolling around in the mud I think, I don’t really remember, but I know it was one of those music videos you liked having on rotation for when you had nothing but MTV to jerk off to. Pre-Internet cuz bitch is that old….

I remember when she first got on instagram and had basically no followers, was doing no work, but still got her residuals from co-writing songs like “BABY” by Bieber and other hits…and for whatever reason, one I call showing her tits off like some 20 year old party girl despite being near 40s…really gave her low level celebrity another run in an era where ALL celebrity is low level…

So this is her campaign for a brand…tits out, trying to be masturbation fodder, despite being in her 40s…so I suggest finding younger versions of Milian, because doing this at her age is funny as a joke once in a while,but when it’s the whole angle it shows a lack of innovation since old bitches shouldn’t be acting like young bitches…and if you don’t believe me, ask their uterine lining, that shit’s DEAD…and so should their sex appeal.


Posted in:Uncategorized




Suki Waterhouse Fitness of the Day

Suki Waterhouse is some over-hyped on herself socialite model from the UK who came up around the same time as Cara Delevingne…two idiot party girls that they decided were worthy of being models because modeling doesn’t require any real talent or skill and if you’re in the right circles it’s easy to make happen…

She’s gone onto attempt a mainstream acting career, because why the fuck wouldn’t you, since acting requires little to no talent, skill and is just a matter of being in the right circles…and being in the right circles is what she does….if you consider sex with Womanizer Brad Cooper before he landed Hot Compliant Russian Model Irina….the right circles…and I guess when it comes to Hollywood it is…

Here she is demonsstrating various sex positions she’s used in her climbing the ranks from rich kid socialite to barely relevant actress that isn’t overrated because most people don’t know she exists….but that won’t stop her…fake it til you make it…

Brad Cooper’s cum has been on her and in her…just not as effectively as it was in Irina…but yeah…fan boys are into things celebrities have desecrated so I’m sure other rich dudes will come or are still coming to her…

Suki Waterhouse


Posted in:Suki Waterhouse




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wetspot Wednesday is the least favorite post of the week, but since I am a self destructor into pain and suffering when winning at life is just as easy, I mean I think the system is designed for you to win, based on how idiotic people are…but for whatever reason I want to appeal to real weird fucks into dirty panties despite being vile…while other people just click “X” and never come back and are like “this isn’t what I was looking when I was googling recipes”…not that google leads anyone to this site…they blocked us 15 years ago so we’re just cycling out content for the same weird loser who would be the kind of person into wetspot wednesdays….so here you go….while it repulses me…not because I don’t like wet pussy but because I don’t like wet pussy in this context where it looks less like the girl is turned on but more like she’s got bad hygiene, infection, etc.


Posted in:Wet Spot




Kng Fu Woman VS Store Manager and Other Videos of the Day

Cannonball Dreams

Ferrari Misshap

Fireman Gets a Jolt

Biden Supporter Meltdown


Helmet Potentially Saved Dude’s Life

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

This isn’t an attempt at me saying “I am so different, it’s just to say you’re all a bunch of follower fucks and unfortuantely I haven’t been able to make ya’ll follow me and give me all your money like a cult leader who either ends up dead with his congregation in some government shoot out, or sentenced to 120 years….

But I realize and always have realized we’ve lived in a society of drones.

Where everyone likes the same jokes, movies, comedians, music, clothing brands, cars, vacation spots, restaurants, foods, websites, influencers, sneakers, pants, type of hat, even sports teams….especially in America…it’s been ongoing conditioning that represents happiness, status, fitting in….which is why the chain restaurant model is so hot, even high end chain restaurants, the 5 star McDonalds in the key money areas are so hot….people need what they think is crowdsourced for them to feel like they’re living their best life…

People don’t have the capacity to be confident free thinkers…but even amongst the drones, there was always fringe drones who were still like everyone else but they would say or do inappropriate things and spawn new trends that were familiar to the other drones so that they can follow the leader into the new and less scary since it was already travelled paths….I think they call them disrupters…but they hardly disrupt because they are basically the same as everyone else….

Now all those rogue drones are too pussy to speak their minds or be challenging or daring because they were never really leaders, innovators or people with free thought and the idea of losing their footing, lifestyle and future earnings outweighs speaking their mind…so basically we are surrounded by opportunistic try hard dick sucks that crave the attention of the masses, the industry and get rich doing it scared of losing what they built by offending people on whatever podcast they launched or are guests one with other rich idiots craving that attention….boring…

So you’re stuck with idiots like Borat or Will Ferrell going viral like they are geniuses, even though Borat’s an evil racist fuck who is hardly funny, and who manipulated each of his scenes that I am sure he was paid 100 million dollars to put together, at the expense of the people involved, specifically the Black lady who he hired as a babysitter after casting her at a local black churce…dude specifically wanted a black lady….and they fed her this bullshit that the girl was Human Trafficked from a country where Human Trafficking is the norm…and she genuinely wanted to help….so got paid 3500 dollars to be the punchline of a joke…everyone laugh at the black lady we underpaid or EXPLOITED after lying to her….but he laughs at TRUMPERS so it’s all ok….you fucking nutcases…

Then there’s the people who don’t think they are drones, even though we are all drones, just look at the concept of INCOME TAX that our babied asses just blindly accepted…..but these people who hop on things they consider activism….making a change…being part of something big but is really just them being puppet mastered….and is the same as them waiting in line to get the latest Jordan Shoes or see the latest Star Wars movies…

Basically, what I am saying is that society fucking sucks…but the good news is that despite the popular sites, comedians, satirists, voices, activism, influencers pushing shitty agendas that people follow…all while being pussies trying to appease so they can keep up their scam money making….is that there’s a bright side….

Which is…normals wanting to be porn stars, filming themselves fuck or suck dick in their own porn, like it is the ice bucket challenge….it is a weird turn of events for a pervert like me. Definitely a welcomed turn of events, but still weird. There was nothing wrong with not sharing the way you suck dick, keeping it private, making people wonder but this is the look at me – on stage – in their own personal self produced star online – trying to get clout or attention and it is both hilarious, sad, and a great time for all.

So as long as the trends are showing us your cunt…I guess being a drone ain’t so bad….but it’d be better if I could figure out how to manipulate the minds of the drones to make me 100 million – 1 billion dollars because it’s pretty fucking easy when things are lined up right….

I just wrote a lot about nothing for a Morning Hangover post..like I should have just wrote “TITS”….all my posts should just be “TITS”….

Camille Kostek Looks in a Bikini

Kim Kardashian on her Jet Set Birthday – Filled With Trashy Mutated Whores

Liz Gillies Wet Look Feeling Herself Up

Every Streaming in November

Double Butt Lingerie

A bunch of Pics of Bella Thorne

20k Apartment in Japan

Russian Knife Thrower

Girl Showing Off Colorful Panties

Katy Berry Pics Up Dog Shit with her Mask

Charlamagne tha God signs deal with Audible

Leatherface’s House Gets Found In Call Of Duty Map!

Skateboard Dog

Get Some Stylish Underwear!

Posted in:stepLINKS