I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Moss Bikini of the Day

Kate Moss may be old as shit, she may be fatter than ever, but she’s still Kate Moss…unfortunately in a bikini and not topless, you know show off those old lady titties the way she did when she was a younger top model living that life of luxury while basically being a degenerate crackhead….as she sucks back on a cigarette the way her blue collar upbringing probably prepared her for…only she’s rich as shit and on yachts now because she’s Kate Moss..and at 46 she still looks amazing, not quite 20 year old Kate Moss, but probably a lot better than her dry dead pussy smells…that’s for sure.


Posted in:Kate Moss




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Did you think I’d forget Fishnet Friday…or did you not even notice because you don’t care about me, my needs, my artistry with my 15 years of blogging…because it’s an art…like nude modelling…right….you don’t even care…I know.you don’t care…but here’s 100 pics of random girls of the internet in Fishnets trying to promote whatever they are promoting…which I assume is being jerked off to by losers like you….and maybe, if they tagged the pic, to get you to sign up to their subscription site, like you don’t have better things to do with your 10 dollars a month, even though you likely don’t have better things to do with your 10 dollars a month…I mean I know you don’t…but either way, it’s some puppetry of the penis level of artistry…enjoy.

Posted in:Fishnets




Sydney Sweeney Tan Line of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is probably the hottest thing out of Hollywood, that was created by Hollywood, rather than by social media and I think she’s as great as her tits….because despite popular belief, some people are more than just big tits.

I heard that she is launching a production company, already has the rights to some book series, that I guess she’s putting together with her team, which makes her even more interesting of the last chance Hollywood has to have a relevant starlet do something good.

The nice thing about her is that she’s not shameless trash like Bella Thorne, who is likely being equally used to reach the younger market, but who is doing it in such a less annoying, desperate and loud way….like Sydney Sweeney is a hot chick who barely exploits her tits, so that when she does, you’re like “damn those are some tits”….she does it enough to keep the tease alive while still being “serious” enough to be taken seriously…where Bella Thorne just does anything to get any attention, it’s the way her whore sex worker mom raised her, just be the loud pile of shit in the room no one can avoid hearing, instead of the classy, subtle person who is just good and doesn’t need to be the loudest voice in the room….plus Bella Thorne would sell shit stained panties for attention and the money….while this one seems a lot more legit…

Not to compare her to Bella Thorne, I mean that’s probably offensive to any human, but both are getting the same level of hype as the voice or face of New Hollywood and this one happens to just be so much better…plus she has a cute dog…while Bella Thorne is a fucking dog… you get what I am saying here….Sydney Sweeney is good for the dying and irrelevant “Hollywood” that has been mooching off us with their exclusive bullshit club that makes bullshit money grubbing movies for idiots…for far too long….


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Romee Strijd Pregnant Bikini of the Day

Romee Strijd was a Victoria’s Secret model, so she has the stamp of approval of a brand that girls crave the stamp of approval of because they are simple minded, victims of marketing and pop culture, that they’ll blame on the patriarchy as they post more nude pics hoping to get famous for their nude pics instead of doing something of actual merit because HUMANS in general are garbage…

Well, she’s pregnant, which is probably good timing as the brand totally collapses for funding the likes of Epstein’s human trafficking and whatever the fuck else they did that was evil…..which according to the girls trying to be a part of the brand include unrealistic body images or whatever…it’s all so dumb…

I’m just posting this because I like to drive the point home that someone came in her….what a slut….oh and that not every dude is a loser fuck like you and that some girls actually want to get knocked up by them…instead of pretend they never fucked them….something you probably can’t relate to.

Posted in:Romee Strijd




Hairy Rowan Blanchard in a Thong Again of the Day

Rowan Blanchard is some 18 year old Disney Kid who is doing what a lot of Disney Kids do at 19, by swapping out their Family Friendly content for something more racy. It’s all by design because Disney invests in each of them and the idea is to not allow that to go to waste. It’s some loophole in the Marketing to Children laws that McDonalds are supposed to abide by, where that they get the young kids in and she needs to keep them strung along as they all get old together and the only way to do that in this era is to be EDGY and REAL…or a Sexual Being since they are all a bunch of pervert fucks….and can only do that on a sexual level because they are all retard pervert fucks….

Anyway, her angle is feminist who doesn’t shave and is empowered to be nude online, because as an actress trying to be as famous as possible, OBVIOUSLY that’s the angle to intellectualize or giving meaning to your exhibitionism and that’s cool and all, but it seems pretty contrived….like an overly excited Disney Kid would be, only for flashing ass….

It’s like when a girl at a party pulls her tit out once by accident realizing it’s a thrill and before long she’s getting a train run on her on the dance floor…you know…it happens…only this is more about thong bathing suit asses than group sex, I guess!

Rowan Blanchard Thong

Rowan Blanchard Thong


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Kate Beckinsale Sext of the Day

Kate Beckinsale Bra Sext

Kate Beckinsale may not be a massive celebrity, but she’s famous, has a lot of creepy fans and still looks hot in her old age….when doing slutty pics like this, or just existing…she’s hot.

I bitch on the regular about how celebrities who have hated on influencers because influencers has basically discounted what it takes to become famous, you know mocking fame, and as much as we think Influencers suck, it’s amazing that they have the star power that annoys and upsets actual celebs, who are no different than any influencer, they are all equally lame, only celebs sucked a dick to get in, or had famous family members, which to them is a more honorable way to get famous.

However, when these celebrities do their own version of slutty instagram pics, or lower themselves to do their own version of slutty instagram, that you know were pics designed at least in this case for the young dude she’s fucking, trying to be hot, only to make the cut like “I’ll post that on IG, I look hot”…I like it…even though I hate social media.


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Female Body Builder Friday of the Day

Female Body Builder Friday is a new feature that I hope is the last fucking time I do this feature because Female Body Builders are terrifying….all filled with testosterone, which used to be referred to as the male sex hormone, but since men no longer exist, it’s just some shit that makes bitch look the way closeted gay dudes like their women.

When I was about 10-12 years old, I was a fat kid in a little league and the coach was this dude with a Moustache so you know he probably diddled kids, only he never diddled me, because I guess I wasn’t good enough to get diddled, in what may have been the first rejection I ever experienced, not that I wanted to be diddled, but it’d be nice to at least be offered to know I was worthy….

But yeah, the one thing that he said to me that I’ll never forget, because I was 10-12 years old was “Female Body Builders have clits the size of a man’s thumb”…while holding out his thumb….I had no idea what a clit was at 10-12 years old…most men don’t know what a clit is as adults…but I knew they had clits the size of a men’s thumb…so going through these horrible pics…that’s what I was looking out for…Coach didn’t lie…



Posted in:FBB




Today in On/Off of the Day

On/Off is the simplistic art that isn’t actually art of posting a clothed pic next to a nudie pic….or a nudie pic next to a more nudie pic…because people are trend followers, which is why sites like TikTok and IG work, they have this fear of missing out, this want to get in on the action like all the other people succeeding out there, all while lacking any real creative vision, but with a willingness or work ethic to put in about 5 minutes of work to do a nudie and non nudie pic cropped together…in hopes of getting subscribers, fans, likes, follows, that Dopamine release addiction is real…

I figure if you’re going to be addicted to anything, it should be getting naked on the internet, and if you’re going to get naked on the internet it might as well be an On/Off because people want to see it and that increases your chances of going Viral, all while fitting in with the crowd that are also doing On/Offs because you’re a lemming fuck…be creative, stop trying to be like everyone else…

I am sure I am the only pervy dude site bitching about girls posting On/Offs…most are like “omg look at her hotness”….well I deserve fucking better.

Posted in:On/Off




Jordyn Jones Not Saying the N Word of the Day

I don’t know if all Americans are half retard perverts who are basically drooling on themselves and not because they are horny but because their brains don’t actually work on their own….but this watching and producing of cheesy choreographed dance to the point where the app that it is built on is a security threat to America…is fuckign weird.

I have spent time in stripclubs, I get the appeal of naked girls dancing at least when I am drunk, but to scroll through a bunch of girls being lame as shit dancing like a music video dance, is just embarrassing, no matter how hot or half naked they are….which is why I don’t waste time on TikTok, but a lot of people clearly do….like Jordyn Jones, the Michigan pig who isn’t at that Walmart shopper diabetic body in the motorized cart body yet, but I’m sure when the dance stops she’ll grow into her true predisposed self….

She’s known as a dancer, so I guess she’s gotta dance to keep up that reputation, but people watching this mindless shit is just fucking weird to me…

Also weird, that all these Black Lives Matter people who listen to songs riddled with the N word, have ALL definitely dropped the N-Word while singing the songs amongst themselves, because they don’t actually mean what they say about racism and think some White Owned black music is Black Culture…because they are dumb fucks who dance on the internet or watch dance on the internet because why bother using the brain for good like learning, expanding your mind, etc…..why bother with that shit.


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Halsey See Through of the Day

Halsey Fake Tits See Through 4

Halsey saving the environment with plastic bags and her plastic tits…

So next time she posts some environmental bullshit post that she’s either paid to post or as part of her deal with the Illuminati that allowed her and her bullshit to exist…REMEMBER THIS MOMENT…

This bitch isn’t into biodegradable….or banning single use plastic…fuck her tits when she dies will be seeping plastic into the ground for the next 1000 years….which funny enough will be her biggest legacy…assuming people will realize she makes shit music for a clickbait A.D.D. meme generation of retards with no taste…viral hits…like her pussy hole.


Posted in:Halsey