I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Hadid Towel Titties of the Day

Bella Hadid Towel Selfies

I can’t do a Gigi Hadid post with following it up with her mooch sister, who only exists because the girl who at the time Gigi went viral was just some ugly nerd working at a smoothie shop in Malibu, who realized that if she did intense facial expressions like some kind of sex robot, people would confuse her for having a unique look that should be the overpaid face of fashion, but only after she had tons of fucking work done, an overhaul or rebuild if you will, something pervert sugar baby rent paying loser real estate daddy Mohammed was all about because it would mean he could be around more young hot pussy…because young hot pussy are some groupies trying to get what Bella has and doesn’t deserve because she looks like a stripper with body dysmorphia who started fucking a dermatologist with an endless supply for face fillers and botox…

She’s in her Towel, because she’s basically an exhibitionist sex worker slut, that high fashion which really had to be high to think this was hot and that doesn’t actually exist because it’s really just all marketing…not craftmanship…your t-shirt from Walmart has the same or better quality than some fucking Italian designer 10,000 dollar shirt with a dumb graphic on it…but don’t tell the idiots slaving away on OnlyFans to get a taste of that luxury….

I don’t know how this could ever be seen as a top model by anyone with eyes….she’s got these edges that are manly and even with her face filter on, not the one she’s permanently implanted on her face, but an internet version of one….she looks like trash….

I hate that these are the kinds of people being seen as relevant…for doing nothing…and I hate to think anyone is actually stoked on the BORING ass content they are producing…

Nothing is exciting anymore, but it can be…and it will be…because all these nonsense will eventually fade….except that the mainstream are still idiots who don’t know what is good or what is quality so maybe we are stuck with more of this bottom feeding rich kids who bought their celebrity bullshit. Mooch bitch.

Bella Hadid Towel Selfies


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Gigi Hadid Pre Pregnancy Tits of the Day

Gigi Hadid Chaos Pre Pregnancy Tits

Did Gigi Hadid have her kid yet? I guess this is some early pregnancy, pre-pregnancy smut the rich kid who has tricked the world into thinking she’s some top model because marketing seems to be a fucking joke and people will believe anything they are told…which is why all these rich people are buying views and views equal clout and clout gets them paid or some shit….

I don’t find her hot, but at least she’s got some tits, because if you ever heard her voice, and I have, it sounds like she’s a bit more of a Caitlin Jenner than a Kendall Jenner….which would explain the men’s underwear she’s rocking….but that doesn’t explain the One Direction groupie pregnancy she worked out for herself…

Her voice is deep, so deep it’s scary, but more importantly she’s garbage but the world are a bunch of lame groupies and love to follow trends, making memes out of underserving, talentless idiots, who aren’t even hot or interesting looking….her dad, some LA sleaze who fucks all the broke ass models who move to LA to make it big but end up relying on sucking rich guy dick to get the rent paid as they work through it, basically created this with his friend at Guess?, another sleaze….so Gigi’s just a tool to get her daddy laid….and I guess “High fashion” which is a fucking lie in and of itself is into that…because they know if you’re influenced enough to follow GIGI HADID, and that she has viewers so clearly they are into following GIGI HADID….and idiot viewers means idiots who pay to get made in China overpriced trash they pretend is fashion…because it’s got a fashion brand logo on it…which keeps things rolling…

Gigi Hadid Chaos Pre Pregnancy Tits


Posted in:Gigi Hadid




Hilary Duff Bikini Selfie of the Day

Hilary Duff Bikini

Hilary Duff put out this bikini selfie that I am sure is edited….or that I hope is edited because she forgot to leave a waistline….but instead wanted to show off a mom who works out rectangular looking body….

I don’t know why the compulsion to post a bikini selfie is other than to get some praise or some hype, but I guess she doesn’t know that modest is the hottest…

Her fans are a bunch of fucking perverts who watched her from her early teen years on TV….and they will jerk off to anything Hilary Duff…so if she was smarter, she’d keep her damn nudies to herself and keep them eager, thirsty and wanting…instead of putting it all out there…it’s called having a little mystery, especially when you’ve had two kids, there’s no need to produce lame slutty masturbation fodder….but I guess she’s likes it.

The only interesting thing about Hilary Duff is that she’s clearly a sexual deviant, we can probably go through the list of people she’s publicly fucked, and when you factor in her being married for 5 of those years, you’ll see it’s quite a few people…but then you have to remember all the Nickelodeon conspiracies about that producer who would through pool parties for teen girls aspiring to be famous….parties their parents would be so excited to send the kids to….because oftentimes the mom of these exploited and sexualized youth in sport and in hollywood are the assholes to blame for being bad parents…creating a Hilary Duff sexual deviant because that’s how those things work out.

I guess what I am saying is a wide shouldered, muscular looking, midget female body builder who missed leg day is not really my thing.


Posted in:Hilary Duff




Megan Fox After Sex Selfie of the Day

Megan Fox After Sex

Megan Fox is an overrated pile of shit slut…who just homewrecked her home full of a bunch of shitty kids that you know are going to grow into little cunts like her…only probably worse because they’ve been raised spoiled in a broken home…plus David from 90210 is their dad and that’s pretty embarrassing.

But yeah, Megan Fox just got WAY too much hype for being the hot chick in movies, when she was really just a plastic surgery ridden bitch who didn’t get naked in movies….she got Cancelled because she offended the powers that be and basically got blacklisted for it…and in her new rebrand where her narcissist slut self is trying to get back into the industry…she publicly stated that those dudes who cancelled her or blacklisted her were good guys and it was all a misunderstanding…something most of these accused of MeToo shit probably wish their victims would do…and something that is probably true but when hyped on trying to fit in with a trend….you sort of skew in the direction of MeToo that MeNotGettingInOnThis because human nature is human nature…

ANYWAY…bitch was silent for what must be a decade and is now out in bikini selfies with her lame porn fucking Machine Gun Kelly boyfriend who scored big with some 40 year old has been mom…..who likely has a monster pussy…one good for fisting…I mean…you just can’t really survive 4 births without having some slack in your twat…

I don’t know why, but I hate this overrated plastic bitch who has done nothing of substance and who was just lucky that other girls in Hollywood are more average looking than she is….


Posted in:Megan Fox




Stella Hudgens Bikini of the Day

Stella Hudgens Bikini

I was just asked if I was molested by a Filipino nanny by my friend Steve, because of my last post of a middle aged Filipino woman in her panties, which was more about me randomly finding it on youtube and thinking it was weird, then wrongfully calling it Vanessa Hudgens mom, because why not get in on some fake news….this site is called DrunkenStepfather.com, it’s not meant to be taken seriously….

So, I wasn’t molested by a Filipino nanny as a kid, I don’t have a fetish for the Filipino nannies, but I do think it’s sad that they are enslaved by the rich who pay them very little to send back home to their families…some modern slavery….but I don’t mind the Filipino girls when they are younger, feistier and in Stella Hudgens case only half filipino…because hot chicks are hot chicks and when they have a systemic insecurity because they are second fiddle, second string, the shadow of their sister, despite probably loving and milking their sister’s fame, you know deep down inside they are broken up because of it, which makes for good pussy….you need that insecurity to get ridden the right way….otherwise bitch thinks she’s too hot and doing you a favor so she just lays there.

You get what I am saying and that is that Stella Hudgens has big titty.


Posted in:Stella Hudngens




Chanel West Coast Bikini of the Day

Chanel West Coast Bikini

Chanel Westcoast is a 31 year old hag who sucked Rob Dyrdek’s skateboard dick to get on his MTV show that was a hit when MTV still mattered..

She’s got the look of a stripper with a shitty fake ass, because we live in an era of fake asses everywhere, all they do is suck that fat out of that stomach and repurpose it in places that need the fat….it’s pretty funny that a bitch is that insecure about herself or that lazy that she won’t bother doing some booty fitness and eat well to make a great ass from the ground up…it’s easier to pay 1000 dollars to some bargain basement orange county day spa..

She pretends to be a rapper, people only respond to pics of her ass, because she’s that kind of rapper, one who will never outshine her fake ass, which I guess should feel rewarding to her because she wasted her money buying that fake ass, she might as well get some positive feedback, like an old guy who gets his dream convertible getting some looks on the street or some kids into cars taking selfies next to it, you know that affirmation that you done good.

That said, her ass could also just be the way she photoshops herself….because all this instagram content is photoshopped…who cares…Chanel Westcoast is basically a zero in relevance so I should have just posted this with an emoji or something, my hand too arthritic to write about some washed up never was – has been….who I doubt has any actual fans.

Chanel West Coast Bikini


Posted in:Chanel West Coast




Vanessa Hudgens’ Mom in a Panty Challenge of the Day

I guess there’s some sort of challenge going on called the Panty Challenge, obviously, all girls are exhibitionist whores and any excuse to show their panties, especially one that is trending and that many girls are participating in, makes them feel less slutty partaking in and it allows them to tap into their inner exhibitionist.

I assume this is Vanessa Hudgens’ mom partaking in it because this sounds Filipino….

Here’s another one in a No Bra No Panty Challenge…the world is nuts…

Posted in:Videos




Wet Spot Wednesday of the Day

It’s the most important day of the week, one that annoying people call Hump Day, but I can’t blame them, they are just conditioned to do what they are told and to be like everyone else, it’s basically what society is based on, some keeping up with the Joneses level of insanity, because often times trying to to keep up with the Joneses is just a huge distraction from enjoying your fucking day…you see it all the time and you have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with humanity as they scramble to make money to spend on genuinely useless shit…instead of fucking partying all the time, or having a good time, or even staring at the wall everyday….you have to be a real loser to think working Monday to Friday in a vile office is fulfilling on any level of the human experience…

Yes, I used to work in an office and people would say “happy hump day” and I’d want punch them in the face…that useless small talk at the water cooler and office sexual tension from being held in captivity was just the fucking worst….

So, I’ve reworked the Humpday and turned it into Wet Spot Wednesday, a celebration of discharge….or orgasm…depending on the context of the rich and creamy sometimes yellow substance in these panties….and really out of context, it’s pretty fucking gross to look at which is all part of the fun!

Happy Wet Spot Wednesday you watercooler jockies….who are likely feeling lost at home because you’re so well trained by the system….fucking idiots.


Posted in:WetSpot




Youtube Friendly Panty Video and Other Videos of the Day

Interesting Look…

Croatian Tourism

src=”//www.liveleak.com/e/u1dXH_1596611938″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

Weird man found in the river

Angry Girl with Road Rage

Poor Burger King Kid Making 8 Dollars an Hour for this Shit

Mariners found on a Deserted Island

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am Canadian and I don’t talk politics on here because I don’t know anything about politics and with everything out there being so uptight and angry, demented and degenerate, I’ve found myself being less angry, or into mocking things that are clearly fucking mental because why bother and more into finding the fun…because all this should give us a lust for who gives a fuck, let’s have fun, where are the titties, we are all gonna die, let’s get wasted life…

Let the losers do the whining….but I will say that as someone who doesn’t live in the USA, it amazes me how much hate Trump gets because when I listen to him in interviews or whatever, he seems to know what he’s talking about. He just wants to make America great for everyone from reducing immigration, reducing spending on wars in the middle east, renegotiating trade deals, focusing on at home manufacturing rather that doing everything in China, repurposing a Chinese Spyware App making billions on USA soil while spying on the youth, to regulate it and protect your country…..yet the media just slaughters him daily….despite how entertaining he is.

Not to mention, everyone calls him an idiot or a moron, like he didn’t become the president of the USA as a non-politician….in a very corrupt political system where they don’t want non-politicians in.

I watched that viral Interview where some homosexual guy with an accent irritatingly interviewed Trump by talking over him and repeating himself over and over again like some little cunt, and the media is saying Trump looked like an idiot…were we watching the same thing? They are on this he doesn’t think 1000 deaths is bad kick, which isn’t at all what he said in the interview….a case of putting words and spinning what he said again…

Not to mention, Trump is hilarious with his trolling….so ya’ll should be asking who is behind the media, who is behind the slandering of Trump, who is injecting fake stories, fake videos, fake shit into the atmosphere because remember when watching anything you see….the internet made the world think Bieber eats a Burrito like a cob of corn…none of this is real, it is all a simulation…but I don’t fucking trust the old guard, the rich, the media…they are fucking liars….and I see stories spun so out of control…whether it’s Trump wishing Maxwell well….which was him saying “I hope she doesn’t get killed, she’s got all this dirt”….interpreted by idiots as him endorsing a Human Trafficker..

Like I said, I don’t do politics, I’m going back to the roots of fun because who gives a fuck, but ya’ll need to be careful because there’s real fucked up manipulation going on here and I’m not a conspiracy theorist, this is actual factual shit….you can watch these interviews and see the spinning and it’s nutty….but no one is going to watch it…they are just going to believe the headlines they see…fucked up….

Even Canadian Media wants Trump out so they misquote him to make Canadians hate him, while select Biden quotes that appease their agenda…just be weary of the internet man…it’s a fucking weird place and an easy place to manipulate and brainwash retards…I should know….I’m a retard….

Hollywood is the fucking devil…and here are some morning links…

Debby Ryan Brings Back her Smirk…

Maria Knofe’s Hot Boudoir Shoot

Maple Leafs Defenseman Jake Muzzin Was Taken Off the Ice on a Stretcher After an Awkward Collision

Shia LaBeouf Gets Politial…

Ryan Reynolds is a Pussy ass Bitch, Cancel that Loser for Apologizing About his Wedding Venue…Fuck that guy…

Juan Soto is Back and He’s Dancing on Top of the Dugout

No One Wants to See the World Record Stilt Ski on Water Video

Mariah Carey is Striving for Relevance – Here are Some Old Pics of Her

Lou Williams Addresses His Strip Club Visit “Take My L and Keep Moving”

Hide your Kids, Hide Your Wife guy is a Real Estate Agent

Matthew Stafford’s Wife Calls Out the NFL After False Positive COVID-19 Test Causes Family Some Issues


Posted in:stepLINKS