I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Polluting the World in her Bikini Top of the Day

So here’s a video of Bella Thorne from her instagram story, in a bikini top because she’s in Mexico as it is the most convenient place to reconnect with her boyfriend, so she’s getting fucked….as she is pretending that she’s writing a script on who the fuck cares, I am sure it is shit but will do well because of social media and Hollywood liking to work with popular figures who were trained by Disney…so she is one of their own, a puppet manipulating the minds of the youth…they love that shit…because she was clever enough to get on social media and cash the fuck in because all these young people only care about money and will do anything for money and she needed a next step out of Disney and the only way to relate to the youth was being “EDGY”…if this is even edgy, it’s like poptart Disney level edgy, she directs porn, big fucking deal..that’s just tactics because it’s all scams.

More interestingly, this is the last post she put on her instagram feed….interesting…but not really, the whole world is fucking nuts and these idiots who think they are doing good or making changes when really they are just vapid idiots monetizing on it have got to go…it’s about rape, something she claims happened to her as a kid, because that’s what happens when you have irresponsible famewhore parents…they sacrifice your well being for bright lights and names on the marquee.

You know, if Bella Thorne wasn’t sold by her mom to the Pedos of Hollywood when she was a kid, she wouldn’t be on this rape thing, but it’s trending so she’s gotta do what it takes to stay relevant, speak the language of the annoying young people who think everything is rape, because men are scumbags that must be turned into women….it’s some Disney manipulation tactics.

I am also sure that no one would bother with her if she wasn’t on Disney, but she was, so it worked in her favor….but I am sure whatever version of her this is, is not real or authentic, it’s manufactured….because these people have no souls and you can’t ever break free from Disney as a genuine person….it is programmed into you to be a fucking monster that manipulates.

A monster with titties…and at least she’s posting up her tits cuz she knows that tits get hits and that’s the important lesson to learn.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Today in On/Offs of the Day

I know I post a lot of random girls being slutty on the internet as they try to increase their internet clout…or to monetize their nudes instead of handing them out for free…while handing them out for free to market their paid membership sites….because I like everyday random sluts on the hustle more than celebrity bullshit that has far too much hype for what they offer the world. MORE importantly they are usually hotter than the celebs because celebs are usually pretty fucking ugly in their core as people but also the way they look…they are 99 percent of the time products of marketing and lies…plus Hollywood is fucking disgusting….

Where everyday girls saying “Hey this is what I look like clothed, this is what I look like unclothed”….is far more interesting because there’s a story behind each of these girls, not one I’d know but if you are a producer and want to finance that venture, I’d be more than happy to make it a DRUNKENSTEPFATHER project, like People of New York or whatever that meme account was….only “sluts of the internet posting nudes to sell their OnlyFans”….

Posted in:On/Off




Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

I just did a girls in PPE post and figure I should go to the source because I haven’t posted a slutty nurses trying to take advantage of the sudden interest in nurses to monetize through Only Fans, because nursing has always been a profession for women looking to score doctors, while pretending to care about health and wellness of people, when really it’s just a good reliable job with solid pay and benefits with not the most training necessary at least not here, it’s a 3 year college program….

This is not to discount that nurses are heroes even if I don’t think they are heroes but rather that it is just their job and that is what they get paid for…it’s to celebrate that they get naked on the internet on the job in the costumes or uniforms because they know they are a fetish….and are milking it.

I find it funny that there’s a trending hashtag going around based on this slutty nurse shit, where their rebellion is posting bikini pics, something they are calling empowering, only because I’ve been posting slutty nurses being slutty since COVID started.

ALWAYS an innovator no one notices.

Posted in:NURSES




Girls in PPE of the Day

Girls in PPE

Girls are an interesting creature, who love to show off and put effort into anything that can draw any level of attention to themselves.

Whether it is trying to create content around things like PPE that peeople will share, that will go viral, that will get them jerked off to, or pretty much anything….they just can’t help hopping on any trend in a “look at me, OVER HERE, look at me”….kind of way.

I appreciate that effort, I mean maybe it taps into their maternal instincts of wanting to nurture all the perverts and ensure they all have things to whack off to….or maybe it’s just how narcissism works, but any excuse to be slutty works for me…whether it’s to endorse wearing masks or mooching off the idea of masks as an opportunity to live out their dream life…of showing strangers their skills….that aren’t really skills but we’ll call them skills…

Girls in PPE

Girls in PPE

Girls in PPE


Posted in:Featured Post




Zoey Deutch Bikini of the Day

Zoey Deutch is some 25 year old rich kid from LA, raised in privilege, or at least in enough vapid bullshit to think she deserves to be an actor or producer because her mom was…it’s why garbage keeps on staying garbage because garbage make babies and train that garbage to make garbage too….making it virtually impossible for new ideas, new blood, new people to break into it unless they too come from garbage rich people with access….or pop off on a viral success through social media or some self produced shit that once it hits Hollywood digs its fucking claws into because they want some of that even though if dude pitched the idea to Hollywood before doing it himself, they’d laugh him out of the room and it would got no where….fuck Hollywood and the creepy pervert execs that make it….

And fuck these rich kids who make up what I’ll assume is about 90 percent of Hollywood, because it is composed of undeserving fucks who don’t want the secret out that acting is a fucking joke, a scam, anyone can do it and that these people aren’t all that interesting at all..

Her mom is Lea Thomspon, the mom from Back to the Future, the duck fucker in Howard the Duck, the main character in Caroline in the City, back when we were forced to watch sitcoms….her dad also a Howard is a producer from shows like …. who cares this bitch was born connected and is abusing that connectivity…but at least promoting her privilege with thong bikini butt shots…which for some reason I don’t care how trash you are, I’ll still look at it and would prefer more butthole….so if she’s into taking any direction and she’s probably not because she’s the expert raised in the industry….let’s hope next time around there’s more butthole.


Posted in:Zoey Deutch




Lana Del Rey Got Fat of the Day

Lana Del Rey Fat

I’ll let you guess what Lana Del Rey’s been up to during quarantine?

That’s not to say she was ever skinny, or ever hot, but she sure as fuck didn’t look like this….

But the rich kid who’s dad bought her a record deal, hired her the right producer to give her that sound that went viral, and some videos that spoke to the generation of sad music lovers, clearly has a level of “I don’t give a fuck”, as rich kids typically do…because she’s out here in short shorts that her legs are basically trying to escape from like there’s a fire….but they can’t because they are constrained….locked in the basement, only locked in a pair of shorts…..which is pretty bold even in these body positive, don’t fat shame times….

Like put on some fucking pants, it’s for her own good, but obviously too lazy to bother….as she struggles to carry out her snacks….

It is funny she’s a celebrity, while looking like lesbian welder or a lesbian cop going on a weekend fishing trip….which makes sense because she dated that TV Cop and realized she can just do it herself…

Lana Del Rey Fat



Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Inka Williams Wet of the Day

Inka Williams Wet Bikini

Inka Williams is a Bali raised model who unlike other beachy half naked babes in paradise of social media living that better life than you because Bali is cheap enough to allow them to fake it til they make it and usually making it involves getting enough followers to recruit a rich guy because instagram is basically a sugar baby dating site, the way Zuckerberg (the devil) wanted it to be…despite his sugar baby being the ugliest woman ever…the kind of woman who would ruin any and all Asian fetishes…

Since Inka Williams had hippie parents, they’ve raised her in Bali, so all these other sluts are stepping on her toes stealing her local spots as they act as if they are local…..so I say give Inka Williams the credit she deserves because she’s hot, skinny, looking fucking good…I’m a fan…

I don’t know what this shoot is for, it’s almost interchangeable with 100s of other shoots that are exactly the same, but I’ll still look at it because there’s nothing wrong with familiar images, especially if the babe in the familiar images just do it good.

Inka Williams Wet Bikini


Posted in:Inka Williams




Dove Cameron Pussy Kiss of the Day

Dove Cameron is kissing her cat in a wife beater and when a cat is in a photo or video, there is no other option but to refer to it as a pussy.

Trust me, I’ve rolled my eyes on countless lame sites making the “pussy” reference, but have found myself in the same situation doing the same thing, rolling my eyes when doing it, in a “I can’t believer I’m making a pussy reference because the girl is with her cat”…but the forces that be, maybe some mind control shit, that reminds us all that we are just puppets….make me do it against my will…

That said, here’s Dove Cameron, Disney Kid with a mangled botox and face injected face who probably wasn’t even that bad before the body dysmorphia destroyed her….but that she destroyed regardless trying to look like a fucking snapchat / ig filter…


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Wet Spot Wednesdays of the Day

In tragic news, I am still doing this Wet Spot Wednesday post, even though it repulses me, because wet panties out of context just look like some sort of medical issue….not to mention the girls who participate in Wet Spot content are typically not the hot girls who can get away with just posting a standard pussy pic or butt shot because it is enough, it is instead weirdos who need to go the extra mile to find that audience that is already sold on a fetish….like wet spots…

In other tragic news, the girls of Wet Spot community must be on vacation, or keeping their wet spots to themselves because we usually have more wet spots pics a week, but we’ve got less than that this week….lazy bitches…doing us all a favor and keeping their wet spots to themselves…but still, if you’re into this thing, you can’t just give up on it…

The one on the toilet though, like get the fuck out of here with that you fucking asshole…

Posted in:Wet Spot




Two Guys Caught in the Ski Rack and Other Videos of the Day

Strange Series of Events

Old Guy Gets his Smoke Break Ruined

Motorcycle Catches on Fire

Redneck Parking

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos