I'll Make You Famous…




Some Asshole Behind Thong of the Day

I think it is safe to say that we all need some level of distraction from the insanity that is going on in the world, or at least that is going on in social media, because it’s pretty dark, depressing, annoying.


Everyone is fighting, on edge, opinionated….idiots are out there pushing misinformation, while trying to pretend to be informed….it’s just chaos!

I don’t fuck with Social Media, I’ve been off of it for a while because I found it stressful and tedious and life is better without it…

But when I was on it, I’d post some bullshit and I’d get reported, accounts deleted, or some nutcase who found the tweet would go nuts on me….it just wasn’t worth the effort….even though I am a troll and love trolling or pissing people off. It’s almost like Social Media was the best place for me to hangout online because of all the potential opportunity to fight with people, but then everyone became a fighter and there’s no fun in that…it’s hard to troll when everyone is trolling…

So I only use it for the pics…because girls out there…despite the dark times are still posting pics of their thongs too small for their anuses and I like it.

Posted in:Uncategorized




Jordyn Jones Strawberry Picker of the Day

Jordyn Jones Strawberry Picking

Before the instagram sluts felt guilty about their vapid existences, living on their followers and monetizing the fuck out of their content, while people are out there dying…a guilt they extinguished by posting a black square on their feed…you know for fear of being shamed for not participating…something Jordyn Jones did…but only after she got her crop titty top and shorts in the Strawberry patch, possibly in Kalamazoo Michigan where she’s from…and where she’s probably pretty familiar with race wars since all the black people moved north to Michigan to work the car factories, before the car factories went to China and left them all broke, out of work, with toxic fucking water….so a white cop killing a black person is just what normal life is to her….nothing to get in the way of a titty top photo sucking strawberries seductively!!


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Adriana Lima Tits of the Day

Adriana Lima was another one of these instagram protestors who doesn’t really care about the issues at hand because they are in the 1%…and are not affected by racism, especially when they come from Brazil where their people kill each other all fucking day, at least according to all those LiveLeak videos I post.

So bitch posted that black square, making the whole racist America thing about her, because these are narcissists who have been rewarded for being hot their whole life, they don’t necessarily have actual brains…

Only to post a fucking AD today for a skin care company…

I am not saying don’t use your platform for good, or for causes you believe in, or any of that even if you’re just a set of tits, I am just saying don’t be half assed and only do it because you fear being shamed if you don’t….otherwise you look like a fucking idiot.

Running a Clarins ad as America, the country that made you who you are, for personal gain is hilarious, but fuck it all, post what you want, just don’t be hiding behind a black square to make us think you care you disingenuous fuck.

Stick to the tits, even at 40, you old hag….that is what you know, let’s not go off course.

Adriana Lima Hard Nipples


Posted in:Adriana Lima




Brandi Cyrus Bikini of the Day

Brandi Cyrus Bikini

As it turns out, Miley has a half sister that I guess she pretends is a real sister, or at least this one pretends is a real sister, because her slutty cocktail waitress mom had two kids before seducing Billy Ray Cyrus, and after he got rich as shit, he figured take them all to California…load the BUS, we’re going to Hollywood…

She has a bit of a Miley Face, which is funny, because she also has a bit of a retard face, she’s Miley if she want to Space and got into some NUCLEAR attack only to come back to earth and shape shift….

But clearly, Billy Ray’s DNA improves things, because Miley’s that much better looking…

So I guess this is a post about how valuable Billy Ray’s sperm is to making stars….even if Brandi Cyrus (because he adopted her) has more tit.

I guess while Miley hides her pregnancy, this is the Cyrus her fans are stuck with because NOAH, who is apparently her true sister, is even more monstrous than this one, but I can’t say that in this post because it will throw off my whole “Billy Ray Cyrus Sperm is Valuable” argument.

Brandi Cyrus Bikini


Posted in:Brandi Cyrus




Rat Cow and her Husband Get Dragged for Being Racists of the Day

Rat Cow is some useless cunt titty model with nothing interesting to say.

She is one degree off from being a sex worker, but due to various circumstances and timing and luck she has been able to polarize her titty modeling into being some kind of influencer, entrepreneur…which is really less to do with her talent and more to do with the world being dumb fuck followers who buy into things they think they are supposed to.

ANYWAY….she obviously tries to add purpose and meaning to her titty modelling and selling of crap to people who buy into her bullshit…and in doing that she goes to protests and tries to get political thanks to letting Kanye fuck her a bunch of times in her quest to be the next Kardashian, a noble feat for an American girl with a dream…I mean that’s top of the charts innit….pathetic…yes….

Her only contribution to the world is proving that tits can carry a troll to the fucking top and make them millionaires because as a society we put value on all the wrong things…

Regardless of her making the system work for her or not, she’s out there posting Black Lives Matter shit, meanwhile she’s married to what you would call a “FUCK BOY” rich kid who looks like a full retard, on that HYPE BEAST loser kick, and someone who knows him called her out saying her drops the N-Word like every other hip hop listening to idiot rich white kid who is raping the hip pop culture.

I bet this bitch drops it too or laughs when he does…because WHITE PEOPLE are the fucking worst….but mainly when they are influencers living all kinds of lies…

Now her tits. Which is what she’s good for…..her whole mouth and ability to type shit out takes away from that…

Posted in:Emily Rat Cow|Rat Cow




Miss Universe Racist Rant of the Day

Samantha Brahmacharini

This is some Malaysian Miss Universe winner, I don’t know what her name is, but she has gone viral for making some racist comments that may not be actually racist, maybe just a language barrier, but seem racist…when you say shit like “you chose to be born colored”…maybe she’s trying to say that the White people won, and the people of colors must accept their fate, or fight it….but I am not going to pretend I know what the fuck any of this means…it just sounds wrong and for that reason alone, I like it….

One of my favorite things is when these celebrity idiots, or people of interest, or public figures attempt to do anything that gets them called out…forcing the fake apology we accept as genuine when nothing they do is genuine…

Miss Universe Racsit Rant

Miss Universe Racsit Rant

Miss Universe Rasict

Miss Universe Rasict

Miss Universe Rasict


Posted in:Feature




Caprice is Tanning of the Day

Caprice Bourret, also known as Caprice…is pushing 50…but she still looks good in her bikini, something that at this point in her life is just second nature for her.

I remember her from the 90s, when she had a very prolific career as a bikini model in all kinds of shit from all the Men’s Magazines of the era that barely exist anymore, to Sports Illustrated Swim. She was even named the sexiest woman in the world…she’s been around.

If you are like me and base your level of success, relevance or importance on how hot your body is in a bikini…given some handicap points for age….you know when you are like Caprice and into your old lady, dry vagina, menopausal years your best is not your lifetime best but still good…


Posted in:Caprice|Caprice Bourret




Trigger Warning of the Day

In an era of people being easily offended or really quick to attack each other based on basically anything….it’s more and more logical to eliminate the police force entirely and create a society of self regulating people….who carry guns.

Go back to that Wild West attitude that seemed pretty fucking awesome in every cowboy movie I’ve seen, because it is pretty obvious that introducing the police to any of these unregulated towns, like Deadwood, was what took all the personality out of the town.

So some asshole’s bright idea of creating a Police to Police us, instead of letting us deal with our own damn problems, whatever way we choose….which is really what we should be protesting…because we aren’t children, we are adults, and we aren’t free, if we have these “authorities” who even call themselves the “authorities” to answer to, trying to tell us how to fucking live, most high school grads with a technical school certificate…enforcing these laws…it just doesn’t make sense to me.

So…get guns. You are your own protector..if you die when trying to protect yourself at least you died trying to protect yourself…nothing more noble than that…besides maybe posting a black square on your IG feed….

So let this babe in hot shorts with her hot body inspire you….but don’t turn the gun on yourself…that’s not what this is about…it’s about babes and guns and you manning the fuck up.


Posted in:Featured Post|Guns




Emma Roberts Booty Gets Coffee of the Day

Emma Roberts and I have a lot in common. She’s an avid reader who promotes reading to all her fans through some book club thing that I am not a part of….and I am also about reading pictures…of her ass in tight jeans…but I guess you don’t read pictures, you just sort of look at them intensely, but you use your eyes and they are on a screen or printed depending on what technology you are into…so as far as I’m concerned we have a lot in common…..

What I am trying to say is that I find Emma Roberts to be a hot celebrity, one that doesn’t offend me, and I am into her tight jeans because if you’re going to wear jeans they might as well be tight.


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Sailor Brinkley and her Quarantine 15 On a Jog of the Day

Christie Brinkley must be rolling around in her damn grave, I know she’s not actually dead, but this is probably damn near killing her, because she was so hopeful for her daughter to follow her steps in the world as some kind of superstar bikini model….

She had all the doors opened to her based on who her mother is. She’s got all the best trainers lined up, the best dieticians and home chefs…all perfect for Sailor Cook to follow her lead like she’s Kaia Gerber and Christie is Cindy….

But being rich, born rich, coddled, has won…the work ethic just isn’t there for someone who has everything, while all the food they could ever want that fills their cupboards or that their maid can pump out on demand, a perk of being rich….is catching up to the girl as her metabolism slows down…

So even if Christie sees her daughter as hotter than she is, as most moms do, she can’t see past this GUNT…hanging out of the leggings.

This is the protest, when your mom is a model who is known at 75 for still being hot, because she’s just that vain…you know…this is that FUCK you “let me have my own life but don’t cut off my trust fund, I need my cake budget”….

Is this fat shaming? Not really, it’s more Fat acknowledging and laughing at fucked up her mom probably is for not letting this girl be her natural and happy fat self…for vanity…

I support Sailor Brinkley in her quest to live her best fat life and I don’t even like fat chicks…but if you’re rich and can afford all the good foods, get that in your damn belly and enjoy it.


Posted in:Sailor Brinkley|SFW