I'll Make You Famous…




Dua Lipa Hard Nipples of the Day

Dua Lipa Hard Nipples

Dua Lipa is some YOUTUBE created scam that is now a popstar because talent isn’t being found and cultivated like it used to be….

You know demo tapes get sent in, maybe some local singer doing a show an music dude happens to hear and sign, that’s too expensive…and requires too much work..

You know creating a celebrity or an artist out of an actual talent that no one has heard of means investing into everything from their look and making them a household name.

It is far easier, especially with technology that can make anyone a “good singer”…to just get some bitch on YOUTUBE with average level of ability but with millions of fans into your roster so that you can mooch off her existing fans and grow her fans based on the existing fans…it’s almost guaranteed success…

So DUA LIPA one of the new wave of popstars, is just some youtube cover artist like Madison Beer that the old guard is trying to monetize more than Google’s been monetizing them….which gives us all a lot of BAD fucking music to listen to on the radio…

So as labels do mooch shit by attaching themselves to existing “youtubers” that have existing followers and views, at least that “youtuber” is braless.

Dua Lipa Hard Nipples


Posted in:Dua Lipa|SFW




Ellie Goulding Hard Nipples of the Day

Ellie Goulding Hard Nipples

Ellie Goulding is some useless UK popstar who most recently came out as having IMPOSTER SYNDROME in terms of her success…she knows in her core she’s a scam that doesn’t deserve any of the money she’s made…which I agree with..

Apparently, she’s doing some GRINCH shit and is protesting the Salvation Army for not being pro-LGBTQRST, she was apparently booked to play their Christmas shit….

I think it is funny to protest a religious organization for not being pro-LGBTQRST, because you have to be accepting of other people’s agendas in this day and age….

If there are gays out there, into homosex, we as a collective need to embrace that, even if we’re not into it and even if it offends us for whatever…you know because you need to be accepting of things you may not like or that literally go against your fucking relgion, at least according to this nipple cunt, but they don’t need to be accepting of your agenda or religion….so if you don’t like something like homosex, you are seen as evil…but they don’t accept you for being someone who who doesn’t like homosex…because you are evil…according to them..

The whole thing is so silly…but not as silly as that punching bag looking face…


Posted in:Ellie Goulding|SFW




Lina Lorenza Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Lina Lorenza Topless Photoshoot

We need girls like Lina Lorenza out in nature getting totally naked for the internet….because I remember a life before the internet when girls were not getting totally naked in nature….and the only nudity we’d see was in movies and in monthly magazine spreads of women that other people deeemed to be the best at getting naked at the time….leaving a whole pile of other willing to get naked girls unseen, on the cutting room floor if you will…sure some of the locals who didn’t know how to navigate getting naked ended up as strippers and occasionally a party slut would walk around topless or maybe you’d get flashed…but so many girls who were capable and willing to get naked just wouldn’t happen.

The internet gives ALL girls the right to get nude…to show us their tits and it is wonderful even when it is no…


Posted in:lina lorenza




Vanessa Hudgens Titty Top of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Titty Top

Some Vanessa Hudgens titty like this was 10 years ago and she got her first phone with a camera on it….you know to send pics of her tits to the dude she was actually fucking after Disney made her pretend to be fucking Zac Efron…Disney marketing tactics…they don’t own the fucking world for nothing…

I guess the good thing about Vanessa Hudgens possible pregnancy and recent weight gain is the fact that she’s got tits, cuz we all like tits…even when they are cockteasing tits…I mean I’ll stare at tits in sweaters and basically anything when I am face to face with tits….I mean what do women expect with all their talking about whatever bullshit they are talking about on repeat…how are we not supposed to look at their tits…our attention span isn’t that good…and our magnetic attraction to tits is just too powerful…

Either way, it’s not full tit, but it’s still tit…so stare…


Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Katy Perry Nasty Fucking Panty Flash of the Day

Luckily this is not an official Panty Flash, it looks like her dress may be JORTS or a onsie or a leotard because upon zooming in I see the same yellow polka dot on her pussy…but it could just be some kind of optical illusion I am not going to further investigate since zooming in on Katy Perry’s crotch was bad enough.

You see, I find this slag disgusting, barn animal level disgusting, just sloppy from every fucking angle, rocking a dumpy fucking bad skin, over-made-up face….which doesn’t even being to scratch the surface of how bad her fucking singing is, how bad her music is, how bad her dancing is, how bad her whole aesthetic and bubble gum theme is, she’s literally pulled a fucking a scam…..went viral before social media and got confused for being a a fucking talent, an act, and the public with no brain or capacity just bought into it…

Her tits her only real ability to trick people….but still not good enough to justify her existing…she makes me sick…and her panties even when they aren’t panties make me sick…


Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Rowan Blanchard is 18 and Slutty of the Day

Rowan Blanchard has over 5 million followers on social media and I am pretty sure that I’ve never heard of her, but all these slutty celebrities that you weird perverts are obsessed with, sort of blend into each other because they are basically all the fucking same…

That said, she is a Disney Kid, who played TOPANGA’s daughter on GIRLS MEETS WORLD a show that was a spin off of BOY MEETS WORLD…and who’s reboot launched the porn career of MAITLAND WARD because there was suddenly new interest in her….

She turned 18 on OCTOBER 14, so you pervert fans are probably mad about it, but where for me, 18 is when she starts to exist…cuz I’m still a pervert, just not that kind of pervert, I appreciate the 20 year old being young enough for my erections…cuz I am old…the high school shit aint for me…

THAT SAID….Her mom and dad are YOGA INSTRUCTORS…..which is hilarious, put the kid to work to pay the bills like she’s Corey Feldman…despite it destroying her at her core…

She is a self-proclaimed feminist, who isn’t, which means we can expect to see her using feminism as an excuse for nudity like all these social media girls do…and that’s something I appreciate being a pervert who likes when girls post slutty shit on the internet because my life is depressing.

Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Nicole Scherzinger Hiding her Dick of the Day

I still believe that Nicole Scherzinger has a dick…A dick that you’d all suck and assume isn’t queer because other than the dick she’s girl enough, plus she’s got all those dance moves, plus you’re a gay in denial homophobe who thinks tranny isn’t gay cuz you’re inclusive when it comes to your gay sex, as long as your gay sex has tits and long hair so it doesn’t feel like gay sex…tranny shit is weird…

I used to say that the hard face, hard body was totally a dude made for the best Pussycat Doll back in their Vegas Showgirl Days….because tucking proper and not getting her period meant no black out days…and I stand by that.


Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|SFW




Nikki Reed Bra and Panties Party of the Day

Nikki Reed Bra Panties Party

There was a revolutionary movie for all you perverts called THIRTEEN that I am sure at least one of you perverts has on DVD and has watched so many times the DVD doesn’t work anymore…it’s got fucking LASER burns on it or some shit…you know you burned it out getting fully absorbed in the universe of Hollywood’s rendition of teen sluts….as you masturbte you sick fuck…

That movie was written by this BIKINI wearing actress named Nikki Reed….who was also in the movie, and who is no longer 13 but 40 and still a slut being a slut and that we love sluts even if we don’t really give a fuck about NIKKI Reed.

Nikki Reed Bra Panties Party


Posted in:Nikki Reed|SFW




Mon Laferte Titty Protest at the Latin Grammy Awards of the Day

The Latin Grammy Awards happened and along with no one caring, or the fact that the Latin Grammy’s are not inclusive and I feel triggered that people who aren’t Latin can’t get nominated or celebrated, which from my perspective is RACIST and DISCRIMINATORY….LATIN GRAMMYS TOO LATIN….

A Chilean – Mexican Singer named Mon Laferte, who was legally allowed into your country, she didn’t climb under any fences, or dig any tunnels, figured it was a great opportunity to mark herself up like those weird fetish pics you’ve seen of girls with “whore/slut/daddy’s pig” written on them in marker….you know to get noticed, to get attention, to flash her tits, with the guise of being a protest or activism, but that was really just a reason to flash tits….

It’s some Ukrainian style titty protest…FEMEN….that I assume no longer exists now that the founder killed herself like she was Epstein…

I am all for titties for protest and titties for attention…and titties in general…and Mon Laferte…a terrible name because in french that reads as “MY FART”….which I guess is a whole other level of fetish which according to an article I read yesterday, makes romantic relationships deeper….FARTS….the answer to all marital issues…

My Farts protest was “in Chile They Torture, Kill and Rape”….I guess it’s good that she’s not in Chile, but instead in Vegas going to awards since she’s so concerned about her freedom fighting…

Nothing worse than a vapid coddled rich cunt being an activist from her luxury hotel room, when real people are tortured, killed and raped….you fucking garbage opportunist mooch fuck…

Posted in:Mon Laferte




The Instagram Porn Pic that Doesn’t Breach Instagram’s Terms of the Day

I am all for girls being sluts, I am all for self produced porn, shamelessness, girls exploiting themselves to make money, so that they don’t actually have to work a regular job, but instead get sponsored by random miserable porn dudes who find her hot. Better than working at Subway, despite the level of respect I have for the world’s Sandwich Artists….

I am not into the even corporate mainstream that control ALL of the internet with their deep pockets and ALL of the internet traffic – fucking over all the independent websites – while producing or distributing porn – pretending to not be porn – because they are publicly traded….

I am not into being flagged a porn site by google and by facebook, having all my shit deleted over the last 15 years, preventing me from making all the money I could have made over the last 15 years, keeping me down and broke while everyone is rich as fuck.

You may not know this, but despite being a loser, in the peak of blogging this site had real fucking traffic. Not cuz of my writing, but because Social Media didn’t exist…

Point being….Facebook, Google, Twitter, Reddit…are all fucking porn sites, where people congregate to do ILLEGAL shit, from soliciting sex to OTHER shit…

So whenever I see nudes on IG, even though I like them and think it’s amazing that girls are at that point in their life where their private nudes are making it public for personal gain…and I am all for girls making money off their nudes….I am not into big evil corporations making money off it and pretending they aren’t..

So this girl put up butthole pics and barely censored porn pics…see below:

I reported them…not because I’m out to take out girls getting naked…I love that shit…I just hate corporate hyposcrisy and always have…it is actually part of the reason I started the website….fuck censorship let’s all be a little more honest….and this is what they had to say

So further proof that the mainstream corporate tech world is a bunch of fucking perverts pretending to not be perverts to make that billions of dollars…not that you care…so just look at the slutty girl’s slutty pics as she promotes her patreon or whatever…

Posted in:Uncategorized