I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rat Cow Asshole of the Day

Em RatCow Asshole

The one obvious thing in these attention seeking – called the paparazzi herself – cuz that’s the kind of bottom feeding trash that has scammed a bunch of idiots with her hot tits – is that Em Rat Cow’s face is fucking mangled, busted, disgusting, but probably still worth cumming on as it eats your ass…but really who’s face isn’t worth cumming on while it eats your ass….not that she’d eat your ass, she’s a married woman, loyal to her rich man, not like she as loyal to her last man, because she fucked Ben Affleck, Kanye West and David Fincher while with him..you know to get ahead as being more than just tits on the internet.

Nothing she does is interesting, nothing she says is compelling, and I avoid posting her bullshit as often as I can, because I like to pretend she doesn’t exist….and don’t need her googling herself and ending up here to whine about whatever injustices her tits face thanks to her sexualizing them to get ahead..cuz a new feminist narrative is more appealing…

But sometimes, I just need to suck it up and assume she’s not “THAT” bad, and just taking advantage of an opportunity she has little to do with, just a right time / right place / right series of events that has paid out in dividends…if anything we should take her scam to all the uglies with hot tits and say “this could be you”….make it a Harvard Business Review case study for future students who like business case studies to see showing tits, if thy are hot tits works…

I don’t care and I know you don’t care about Rat Cow as a personality, we don’t even care about her weird bird face….we’re here for the tits and the fact that she’s been working on her ass so that she can bee more than just tits..and soon enough she will be 30 and forgotten so make it all while you fucking can…

Clearly her tactics work and we’ll give her some recognition for her HARD work…LOL…

Here she is topless on the beach
Em RatCow Asshole

Em RatCow Asshole



Posted in:Em Rat Cow|SFW




Ellie Goulding ALMOST Naked of the Day


Ellie Goulding is some lame garbage singer from the UK. They produce some of the shittiest of popstars, some that never make it to an American Audience, because I guess the UK like shit, proven by the whole Meghan Markle thing….

I googled her to see if I could find a new angle or new information because I really don’t have an opinion of her or this weird marked up and censored nude that could be from a staged nude leak, you know to have her in conversation with other celebs who have had their pics leaked, or it could be her just posting a censored nude cuz she felt hot an that her fans should get in on it since they are the reason she lives this celeb life….and I ended up on some site that dissected her mental health post on social media…where she talks about her struggles in the career she’s chosen in an oh poor you – rich fuck for doing barely anything inspiring or GOOD….

She wrote things like:

“I know for sure that a lot of my anxiety has come from what they call ‘imposter syndrome’ — not believing in myself enough and thinking that I don’t deserve happiness, which results in wanting to sabotage my own success.”

Which means she has a hard time touring, then not touring, and accepting her success cuz she knows she’s a scam, so that’s her mental health…real trauma…

She went onto whine about her Grandfather she likely ignored killing himself because she likely ignored him, but she’s not ignoring him now, his death a good angle for some sympathy, or to prove Mental Health issues are in her family…basically a useless bitch..even her nudes are useless…


Posted in:Ellie Goulding|SFW




Demi Rose Mawby Erotica of the Day

Demi Rose Mawby Erotica

Demi Rose Mawby is some gutter attention seeking known sex worker that got a lot of followers thanks to her fake ass / tits / face and thanks to UK media and social media following of pervert dudes into this kind of look, possibly because they can buy it to fuck if they save up enough, making the jerking off to social media pics less lame, cuz there is a way to live out the weird fantasy of wanting to fuck a plastic muppet…

She likely has an American Work visa, despite being a known sex worker, cuz America likes letting in slutty girls into the Country to steal the jobs, as American girls are all getting fat like Walmart…and the country needs hot / new used pussy to knock up for the future generation of the Country….

She is a reminder that the internet loves this look. The fake, filtered, nonsense look…which is funny because I just read that SCIENCE has determined trans Bella Hadid has the most amazing and beautiful face based on scientific ratios…which I guess her surgeon was aware of and trying to hit when he rebuilt her….when anyone with a brain, or dick knows Bella Hadid can’t be the most beautiful woman in the world, science or not, she looks trans…and mutated…so what I am getting at is that everything is fake shit bull shit…and that this garbage, whether you are turned on by it or not, is garbage.

Here are some pics of her before surgery, before coming to america to suck dick with the Taz’s Angels
Demi Rose Mawby Before


Posted in:Demi Rose|SFW




Jade Chynoweth Bikini of the Day

Jade Chynoweth Bikini

Jade Chynoweth the dancer who was getting gay with that degenerate Halsey on stage at Rihanna’s fashion show, so she’s like practically famous now.

So when you’ve worked your way into part of Halsey’s fake storyline people are buying into even though it’s fake, embellished and designed to generate hype and sell records for the puppet…..you do what you can to get half naked on social media with that dancer body that anyone who has fucked a dancer will know can deliver in the bedroom thanks to the strength they have from dancing and the cardio endurance they have from dancing…in a bounce on your dick until she rubs it out so it no longer exists….just jack hammering it like it was an old concrete floor you’re trying to replace..forever out of the way and you’d be okay with cuz you wouldn’t have to ever fuck your fat wife again, and the sex with the dancer was that much better than the sex with your fat wife….who just sort of lays there smelling like un-wiped sweaty barn animals…and here’s that dancer body for attention…

Jade Chynoweth Bikini

Here she is dancing..


Posted in:Jade Chynoweth|SFW




Tara Reid Braless of the Day

Tara Reid Braless

Tara Reid is rocking some hard nipples on her fake tits that are miraculously strapped to her zombie corpse body and that for some reason haven’t rotted off of her….all while dressed in a late 90s outfit…because the late 90s are her glory days, and if she tries to channel that era, which is making a comeback in the media…maybe she can make a comeback too…

The superstar of the 90s, who decided to retire from acting to become a fulltime partier, girl partied around the globe for a fucking decade before trying to make a comeback with straight to NETFLIX garbage movies she hoped would go viral and she’s no Kirsten Dunst, who was also a wreck for a long time, but who is now killing it….

Because Tara Reid is still a fucking wreck who has been basically a fucking wreck the last 10 or more years…it all started when her really bad fake tit fell out of her dress….a fake tit no one who had ever dealt with fake tits before could understand…like how could a celeb with big budget get botched tits, while the crackhead stripper with fake tits she got in some third world country rocked amazing fake tits….it was one of the great mysteries of the early 2000s….forcing her to retire, medicate through parties, and turn into a fucking zombie corpse….but look at her now…in her 40s and definitely worthy of a round, even just for the story…a “I got AIDS from Grave Robbing Tara Reid”…sense of purpose and accomplishment…the kind of thing you’d put on your Epitaph…


Posted in:SFW|Tara Reid




Vita Sidorkina Pussy Print Fitness Erotica of the Day

Vita Sidorkina is some hot Russian model…

She is bringing her communist rule attitude to the instagram where she shows off her athleticism in slutty poses, because all positions a girl can get into is slutty to the right pervert…and also shows off her communist intelligence by producing content like this to infiltrate the system and make her way into the bedrooms of rich and powerful americans who can’t help but trade government secrets for a chance to fuck this hot long lean model body.

There’s something special about soulless, cold, possibly evil Russian women, who are trained to get what they want out of life by any means, usually involving taking over a Western Life….by using their hot bodies to get that American dream their parents were deprived of when everyone was a prisoner in work camps waiting in line for rationed tampons…

It’s like they won’t ever go back to what the family experienced and they carry that trauma like they lived it….so being slutty on IG to make sure it will never happen to them again is good strategy that also allows us to jack off to her – if you’re like me and prefer jerking off to real women doing sexual things that aren’t blatantly sexual, instead of the graphic hardcore porn that is just close up penetration…because I like the human aspect and not the body part aspect of sex….


Posted in:SFW|Vita Sidorkina




Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

Rita Ora Bikini

My question to girls like Rita Ora, who sucked industry dick to get to where they are now is, do they keep a journal of the dicks they sucked and do they hold onto the STD’s they get as a sort of trophy, kinda like how murderers keep trophies like a pair of panties or a skull to fuck at a later date?

Each herpe scab it’s own tale of misadventure that got her wear she is today, or do the anti-virals and prep allow her to survive symptom free….

Or is she just too self involved and narcissistic to think that she fucked her way to the top of her career, she probably thinks she earned it based on talent, hard work and merit….most whores feel that way about their lives…the filling of the pussy by important people totally unrelated to the fact that it worked out….she did the fucking cuz she’s empowered….not to get ahead giving head…

Well here she is in a bikini because she likes bikinis, not because she likes that other people talk about her in a bikini and it helps her market herself…that’s a consequence not the purpose…right…

Rita Ora BikiniRita Ora Bikini


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Roosmarijn de Kok in Bra and Panties of the Day

Roosmarijn de Kok Bra Panties

Roosmarijn De Kok, what a name…

I know it’s so simplistic to throw up a post and fixate on a name or make fun of a name. This isn’t elementary school and there are always way more interesting and deeper rooted issues to point and laugh at…..HOWEVER…her last name is De Kok….and da cock is what she likely did to escape communist rule…the iron curtain if you will…in her native Netherlands that I guess isn’t communist at all….and that fact alone has me re-thinking my strategy on what to say about this Victoria’s Secret model with her tits out now that she’s Dutch not Russian….I should have known better when I saw her name was Roosmarijn…

So this straight from Holland, daughter of a Tulip farmer, who has followed her family footsteps and made a career with her two lips…like all models do…is not wearing her milkmaid outfit and her wooden clogs…she’s wearing some Victoria’s Secret racy lingerie with her nip color taken down some shades because they are still out there photoshopping their models to prevent being pornographers with their mail order catalog every dude in the 90s used to jack off to…


Posted in:Roosmarijn de Kok|SFW




Stella Maxwell Topless of the Day

Stella Maxwell Topless

So this is what lesbians in the Hollywood scene look like…

Stella Maxwell is some sexual predator who has managed to work her hipster weirdo model self into the mainstream scene. Before Victoria’s Secret she was some androgynous looking shaved head with shitty lopsided titties who did shoots with Terry Richardson…

Then she went to the drawing board, realized being hot, mainstream, promo model for an EVIL brand was a better strategy for her wants and needs…

So now she’s doing the CUBA GOODING JR where she’s getting top tier starlets to sit on her face and pee in her mouth to validate her existence…and her Top Tier Starlet is Kristen Stewart….

This is her promo modeling – tits out – like a sex worker who preys on the weak and shoves her vagina down their throats cuz once in, they are easy to manipulate puppets. So in a way, we gotta respect Stella Maxwell for infiltrating the hollywood lesbian scene with her tits and making it work for her….a Cara Delevigne tactic that I think is better executed cuz this one is much hotter…thus the better quality pussy she gets to eat….



Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Aubrey Plaza See Through of the Day

Aubrey Plaza See Through Bra

There is a meme going around that I saw this morning of Michael Cera and Aubrey Plaza having their pic taken with a group of brown fans…where Aubrey Plaza is ashamed because she is a racist or because she had sex with Michael Cera….

This is the meme…

I don’t know why it went viral…but now she’s out at an event in a see through…for the nerd fans who can’t get enough of the quirky nerd jokes this nerd icon thanks to being a nerd fucker so long as the nerd fuck she’s fucking is famous enough….



Posted in:Aubrey Plaza|SFW