I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Baldwin Bikini of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Wet Bikini

Oh god…Hailey Baldwin is ugly…

She’s still young, but getting older isn’t doing her any favors…

She’s still skinny, but she’s looking pretty doughy, we call that SLIM FAT….and I guess once you lock in a really rich husband…you start eating again…

I have always thought she had a bit of a dude look to her, I never found her downright ugly before, but that’s because I see beauty in everything, otherwise I’d never be able to cum in the hetero sex I’ve had…because the ladies I get with are pretty disgusting and you need to find something to fixate on to cum….

I have always understood why her career was based on third or fourth tier jobs her more successful friends would turn down.

I have always said that she looked like the Bieber, who took her virginity when she was underage and who she has now married…but maybe she’s jacking hr face up with injectons to look more like Bieber…she’s that kind of fan girl…

I just know that whatever this Jesus freak is doing, she’s not doing it as well as she should be doing it, because she’s gone for hot young rich kid scenester groupie…to married and boring…..but rich as fuck and married to a teen hearth throb she grew up dancing to…so I guess this is what “Making’ it looks like.

Hailey Baldwin Wet Bikini


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Halsey New Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Halsey New Tits White Bikini

Her name is Halsey. She’s some bullshit story of a club kid in the VIP room getting herself a record deal in an era where it doesn’t really matter whether you have any level of skill or talent or not. It’s flimsy, made on a lap top music that lacks any level of soul, but when you’re raised on porn, memes and videogames, bascially shitty content across the board, who needs quality or value, or anything meaningful…

Her music fucking sucks, she did the vocals on an EDM track, pretended she was poor, black and addicted to drugs, and has now got her first paycheck I guess, and is using it on face injections, liposuction, ass injections..TITTIES…you know so that she can fit into society the way she wants to. She’s already done this much scamming, lets pretends she’s hot to scam some more…


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is some fat chick, who I think is in fat face, you know pretending to be fat to get ahead as a model, because when she was skinny she was getting no where…so she committed to gaining wait, something that is not that complicated to pull off, you just have to sit and eat carbs all fucking day….the she released a viral video of her in her underwear in the train doing some speech about being a fat chick, body positivity all that bullshit rhetoric fat people tell you, even though we know fat people aren’t healthy…fat is a sign of UNHEALTHY…but if you position yourself in this politically correct world…next thing you know you’re an icon…or a leader…and in being that you get all the brand money looking to target fat people…or to meet the weight requirements instilled on campaigns by the Social Justice warriors…

Clearly, Iskra Lawrence knows being in her underwear is the only way she gets seen, noticed, talked about, so this fat flasher shit is about as authentic as she gets cuz she’s fat and likes people looking at her and her big tits..


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples

Lily Rose Depp, the sperm that Johnny Depp left in that bitch from France before he left the family for that prostitute opportunist Amber Heard…..has grown into a magical hipster creature with houses all over the world….so she can get to Europe, back to LA, stop off at the island in the Bahamas….living that fashion life, high end glamour life, playing it down by being cool scenester who hangs with local artists to seem legit, making that money on the social media or as an actor because people care about her thanks to her dad..paparazzi pay attention to these types of things….especially when they are walking around nipples out..

I doubt she’d be of interest to anyone, because she’s like everyone else, if she wasn’t Johnny Depp’s daughter, but that’s not her storyline, her reality, her narrative….she doesn’t need to deal wit that level of bullshit….life is good being a Depp, unless you’re Johnny Depp, and I’m sure this one still complains about everything because she doesn’t know any better and when you look like this, it’s tolerable…even cute….

I guess I’m saying, I’m a fan of Lily Rose Depp and would ask her for an autograph if I ever met her…across my chest…like I once did to a Canadian Speed skater in a bar when drunk…which I don’t think he found funny….and that I guess was kinda queer of me…..but at least when I do it with Lily Rose Depp…it’ll be less queer and that is what matters….


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW




Lucy Hale Tits of the Day

Lucy Hale Big Tits bikini

The best thing about travel content on social media is the tits…

It’s the one thing that I really think allowed Facebook to work. It gave us a venue or opportunity to see people we always wanted to see in bikinis…in Bikinis…it was like being invited to this exclusive club, since people make their shit public, allowing everyone you knew the first and last name of to be seen in a bikini pic…because no women, at least none that I know would go on vacation without taking at least one postable bikini pic…obviously the concept evolved to so many bikini pics everywhere…but for someone who remembers a life before social media….I remember not seeing everyone an anyone I knew the first and last name of in bikinis and really life was a less exciting place because of it….

This Lucy Hale is some bullshit who gets cast in a lot of bullshi because she’s famous and has followers…but I’m just here for the vacation tits…


Posted in:Lucy Hale|SFW




Miley Cyrus Braless of the Day

Miley Cyrus Braless Tits Black Dress

The only thing I know that is going on in the Cyrus House…is that the brother, who is not officially Billy Ray’s son, but was adopted by Billy Ray when he pulled Trish Cyrus out of her cocktail waitress job / stripper job she was working when she had Miley with him…forcing to take him and his money to take on her bullshit…and I guess like all good country Christians do…he did the right thing…cuz he could afford it…

Either way, the brother who has close to a million followers of his own, choked out his girlfriend and her trashy insta tits….

While Miley played the wholesome Miley she is now that she’s married and not on tour or on aggressive promotions….culturally appropriating the instagram weirdos to be like them, to be their idol…to show us all her pussy again…


I should make that shirt….



Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Alicia Davis Rugged Hipster Titty Photoshoot of the Day

this is a rough shoot of modele ALICIA DAVIS … just a little too raw and real…with a titty bruise from rough young person sex they learned in the pornos they are addicted to….unshowered looking, tits everywhere, unfit but skinny bodies, hot but in a crackhead kind of way…it’s a look…..a look that we can all collectively jerk off to

I don’t know anything about Alicia Davis, but I like that I can see her outter pussy lips cuz her panties aren’t quit big enough – it makes for a good time…this is what I consider a good time…my life uneventful…I don’t leave my shitty mould infested house…so this is how I get entertained…

Posted in:Uncategorized




Bambi Northwood-Blyth Titties of the Day

Bambi Northwood-Blyth blocked me on social media many years ago, back when she was the young hot girlfriend of some Australian fashion tycoon from some jeans company called Tsubi that all the hot bitches were wearing at the time…making him a lot of money, but when you think about it, he was probably rich to begin with…poor people don’t just start fashion brands that work…but who cares..

She was like 12 at the time, he was like 40, but being rich and successful always leads to LOVE with any and all aspiring models trying to sleep their way to the top…especially when you work in fashion…

She was constantly showing titties then, and she is showing some titties now, only no linger 12, she’s pushing 40, or her Eyebrows are…however they were bush back then…either way….tits.

Posted in:Bambi Northwood-Blyth




Demi Rose Mawby Escort Photoshoot of the Day

Demi Rose Mawby Escort Photoshoot

Demi Rose Mawby is out there producing some epic, well thought out, some may say innovative, original, artistic and incredible art…in the form of staged paparazzi pics to get herself into Daily Mail…which I guess is everyone’s goal..when they are a sex worker trying to get sold to Dubai where the pay days are high..

She’s a bootleg Kardashian from the UK, who basically does nothing but look like a doughy muppet, and I guess that alone is pretty fucking lucrative when you have all the followers…the key to life, existence, relevance, monetization is followers…

I am the only person who once had an audience who was unable to monetize those followers…

I did it for the love man…for the love.

Heree’s her thong of the day

Demi Rose Mawby Slutty Photoshoot Tulum

Demi Rose Mawby, the prostitute who started with the ghetto group of escorts Tazs Angels, here in TULUM doing a photoshoot for her new backpages listing I assume..



Posted in:Demi Rose|SFW




Couple Fucking in Public Under a Blanket and Other Videos of the Day

Elephant and Bikini Girl…

Armed Robber – Pulls Gun on Cop – Works Out Great for Him

Naked Woman VS CAR of the Day

Snake with Hands…Evolution

Hot Bride of the Day

pSycho Throws Kid off the Third Floor

Man Gets Head Butted

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos